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Posts posted by bodkin

  1. This is something I came across in teaching myself how to build scenarios.

    I've done some tests on flat ground with only a rural stone wall seperating the units and it seems rpg's wont fire over low walls when the terrain is equal between opposing units and they are in ambush mode. Squads with an rpg guy may fire their Ak's but not the rpg itself. Only if set to active mode will an rpg team open fire. A dedicated two man RPG-7 unit will not ambush over a low wall in my testing.

    To me ambush should mean they can look over low walls occasionally and shoot at the enemy within their ambush range, but it seems rpg's don't do this only troops armed with AK's etc.

    In relation to rpg's in squads I think it's probably due to the squad placement, the rpg guy seems to be at the back of the formation and maybe lays low all the time and only the front guys get up to have a shot.

    This is either a small bug for scenario designers to keep in mind or it's just part of the game that I don't understand. Anyway it is a consideration when making a scenario if your trying to set up an rpg ambush over a low wall.

    [ March 13, 2008, 02:46 AM: Message edited by: bodkin ]

  2. Thanks for everyones replies, but I'm still vague on my original example. Paper Tiger has solved my problem but still if I wanted a unit to wait at a certain zone until a certain time and then try to reach another zone in a certain time I'm still confused.

    Say I wanted a unit to wait at their setup zone for 10mins on ambush before trying to get to their next zone (order 2) in 15mins on assault.

    If I have setup zone as 'exit after' 10mins and 'exit before' 15mins it seems the ai unit will go into assault mode from the start, how can this be done?

    Who's on first, what's on second, I don't know is on third...etc

  3. I'm creating a new scenario where I've setup the red side in certain positions to have there setup zone as ambush 75m. This worked fine until I decided to give them a second order to assault another section of the map in active mode after a certain time.

    Now they still stay in their setup positions but attack anything they spot at any range. The setup zones are configured to say exit after 45 mins and exit before 1:20 hours. But as I said instead of sitting in ambush until 45 minutes have gone past they seem to attack anything on the map.

    Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?

    Any help?

  4. I'm building a scenario where I want blue (human) to capture certain buildings without destroying them. As I understand it with the 'occupy' condition they could capture certain buildings even if they are destroyed in the process by still occupying the painted objective zone, although the building is rubble.

    Is there a way to make the red (ai) get points if the blue team destroy the building? I could paint another zone with the condition 'preserve' on top of the blue 'occupy' zone but I don't want to give the blue side extra points. I could give the red side the zone and set to destroy and give them points if the building is destroyed but will they get points if blue destroys it or only if red destroys it - which I don't want them to do.

    Hope this makes sense. :confused:

    Anyone with experience in this, or does 'occupy' mean you have to capture the building intact?


  5. I don't know if a Vietnam module would work in this sort of game. Jungle fighting would mean you'd have to play most of the game with the trees turned off which looks a bit average.

    Maybe Battlefront could include a feature like Madminutegames where the trees become transparent in a small radius around known troop locations.

  6. If you remember what the spotting was like in the earlier versions of CMSF, an enemy squad would be 100% identified in a building 500 metres away, with you knowing how many members in the squad and what weapons they were carrying. I'd rather CMSF err on the side of caution and take a bit longer to identify than ever go back to that.

  7. I need some help with my first scenario.

    I've painted red in the map editor the red setup zones. I've assigned each red unit an AI group, then in the AI section of the editor I've painted the yellow setup zones for each group, however when I go to see what the deployment is all the red units are bunched in one corner of the map!

    I need some advice.

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