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Posts posted by bodkin

  1. I prefer campaigns because of the more personal feel of following your troops through their trimuphs and tragedy towards victory. It's the closest thing CMSF will get to a Total War style immersive game experience until they do CMC style game for CMx2.

    Someone should really feed those poor dogs in the CMC forum a bone.

  2. 25 min of watching an empty screen later I win a "Total Victory" and examine the map to see every one of the AI's troops hunkered down in a corner. They never moved, fired, did anything.

    What were you playing? As Paper Tiger suggests it sounds like a dodgey QB, the QB's are still still not working that well, play a good scenario, don't base your judgement on the QB's.

  3. I'd be up for a PBEM battle with someone although I can only get dial-up where I live so I should avoid maps that create large save files. Although I'm not familiar with the whole process so I don't know how large the files are hopefully not as big as regular saves.

    If anyone wants a challenge against a CMSF PBEM virgin then let me know.

  4. Gaming is all about fun, and everyone has a different idea as to what that is. For me, at some point I get frustrated and would have much more fun if there were some way to get through and move on. It's a game, it's entertainment, it's not supposed to be frustrating and infuriating!

    Just speaking for myself, it devalues the game to a point - and I choose to do something else. There is a reason that some games (mostly the first person shooters) have cheat codes that can help out in a pinch. I don't like using them but in this case, if there were one I'd use it! What I want to do is edit the scenario to give me a bit more - just cheat a bit not totally wig out with a dozen F-18's or something.

    This reminds me of some of the newer flight simulators - you have to learn to really fly to do anything. I liked the old Red Baron game, you didn't have to learn to fly (but had to somewhat learn) and could have fun. I don't have the patience to learn to really be a General or commander or whatever you call it for CMSF.

    Yes gaming is all about fun, but the statement is relative, most people play Combat Mission for a tactical challenge not for nice graphics or effects. Most scenario designers have this in mind and therefore there will always be some way of winning the mission. It can be extremely frustrating at times (have you played the Hasrabit campaign yet) yet the victory at the end is the reward. Like anything the harder you have to try to achieve the goal the sweeter the victory is. Keep going Atago the game would be boring if you could just win it without sometimes having to go back and re-thinking your tactics.

  5. Constant save/reloads are probably not how the scenario designer would like people to get through this mission. But I learnt the hard way, I won it on my first attempt but took a few too many casualties which made the next mission 'Milk Run' pretty tough, but the following 'Debouch to Disaster' actually impossible.

    Luckily a defeat in 'Debouch to Disaster' wasn't enough to stop me having an overall victory in the campaign. I would have liked to have been able to play that map properly but, it looked really interesting.

  6. From the campaign briefing:

    This is going to be a long operation. The Syrians have a large, well equipped army, and are fighting with the home ground advantage. Take care of your forces, and they will take care of you.


    Fair enough but there were pretty tough missions before this one, it wasn't like I was using human wave tactics or anything. And that's a pretty ambiguous statement I don't know of any missions where you'd not try to take care with your forces.

  7. I'm up to the 'Debouch to Disaster' mission but I'm worried about the size of the force given to me.

    Because of the heavy losses I took in the last two missions 'Pooh' and 'Milk Run' I have only been given one M1A1, two AAV's and about 20 half dead men with no long range AT gear.

    After an hour into this I've now got about five men left with no hope of advancing unless I get some reinforcements ASAP.

    This looks like one of George's maps so I'm trusting that he won't leave me for dead in the desert.

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