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Everything posted by Ryujin

  1. You can get your brush "fix" at the bottom of page one.
  2. Well, two good ones I can think of are "Hogs in the Sand" (USMC snipers), "Masters of Chaos" (US Army SF). Perhaps not the standard "CMSF books", but good reads off the traditional list. For a more tactical perspective, "Defense of Jisr Al Doreaa" handles modern counter insurgency tactics in a fictional Iraq scenario. A modern "Defense of Duffer's Drift".
  3. well for alpha channels you need to save as a 32bit .bmp for the alpha data to be included. Here's a alpha channel tutorial http://www.axialis.com/tutorials/tutorial-misc001.html If you want to remove and replace a unit symbol from the uniform .PSDs I included, then yes, just turn off or delete the layer with the patch, then make a new layer with the patch you want and line it up/re-size it. Should be pretty easy.
  4. They ended up being a bit big fro an email attachment (and maybe someone else might find em useful too). Many of these are "stamp" brushes, you don't paint with em, just click once to put down a pretty big image. You'll probably need to tweak the opacity, size, and etc to get the best effect. http://www.filefront.com/17154206/brushes.rar/
  5. Looking good, maybe add some more/thicker dust, especially around the tracks and the "bow"? There's some great photoshop brushes out there that making add dirt and mud splatter easy, let me know if you want me to pass any along. http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1411/1487234026_0db22d25ac_o.jpg Maybe not that dusty, but they do seem to collect some natural camouflage http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/07/USMarines_AAV_Iraq_apr_2004_116_hires.jpg.
  6. Looking good, note the alpha channel on the MOLLE was what was hiding that NBC bag on the leg. If you want the case on there with the proper texture, grab it off the stock army texture. You can draw on the alpha layer to set which parts are visible and which are transparent. I forget if it was black or white that is transparent, but if you select to have all layers visible (all the eyes "checked") the transparent bits will be red. You may find the clone stamp tool useful for painting multicam on the helmet while going around the detail, or you can use some of the above mentioned methods to erase the ACU and make a camo layer under it. That said, by far a good start.
  7. Because in theory the BLUFOR planes would be engaging from significant standoff ranges and not overflying the area. So any MANPADS being fired at them would not be in the area shown in CMSF anyway. While this may be a bit off for say a kiowa (I think they'd have to get in a bit closer), it's applied as a general rule in CMSF.
  8. The game does see mto consider it a vehicle, so will get some odd behavior. Also being reinforced concrete, I'm not sure a LASM will work unless it gets in the slit. Snipers work well (just don't not too far away, the rounds will arc too much and hit the roof most of the time). As you mentioned, plain old rifle/40mm fire at short range will also go into the slit too. Hand grenades don't seem to be as effective as I think they should be. Really unless you have something big enough to flatten it, it's just about putting accurate fire through the vision slit as there is no good way to assault it modeled in the game (charges/grenades don't seem effective, so you have to get out in front of the bunker to take it out with small arms or 40mm, which makes it tougher than it should be).
  9. I've got no plans for multicam personally.
  10. Yes if you mean erasing existing camo and using a new pattern, the method I posted method should work for erasing camo so long as it does not contain black. repeat steps 4 through 6 for each color in the camo pattern. Each time you do this method, it'll only erase one color.
  11. Actully, it's the other way around, I overlay the gear over the camo. This requires using photoshop. 1. Grab the USMC MOLLE gear (since it's solid tan, no camo) 2.make a new layer and fill it with your camo. 3. duplicate or move the MOLLE layer ontop of your camo, 4. Now select black as your foreground color and use the dropper tool to get the tan color of the MOLLE for your background color. 5. Select the "background eraser" tool (it's under the eraser in the tool bar. Click the "dropper and two boxes" box up top (you'll see it), then set limits to discontiguous (my spell check says that isn't a real word...), and then trn the tolerence to 30-40% and check the protect foreground color box. 6. erase away the tan quickly and easly. Now you have a layer with all the detail that you can overlay on your camo.
  12. @LongLeftFlank, did a test, it's probably your card being unable to handle that size of a texture. Even at the lowest settings on my card, I couldn't reproduce that issue. 2048x2048 is a bit demanding. Unfortunately that's just the nature of the mod.
  13. @tdogg: I think the CMSF guys have PASGT helmets, the ArmA2 Arrowhead guys have ACHs. Can't be changed in CMSF. @LongLeftFlank: Hmmm... that's strange. Probably not your graphics card if my textures showed up fine. Maybe something with the software or the way you saved it? I haven't seen that before, so I'm not really sure. That said, wouldn't the 1/503 PIR wear the 173rd ABCT patch? Oh and put the patch on the left shoulder. The right would be a "combat patch" in many cases, patch of the unit the soldier first saw combat with. I think you can also put your current unit patch or no patch there, but there would always be a current unit patch on the left shoulder.
  14. Looking like some great CQB there! As far as uploading the police mod, yeah, it'll get on the BF repository soon enough, I forgot I didn't put it there.
  15. It is backwards, but that's ok. The flag worn on the right shoulder is often reverse, so that is looks like its blowing in the wind as you "charge forward".
  16. here's the 1AD patch uniforms http://www.filefront.com/17099113/1AD%20ACU.rar to use em, remove the 2ID folder, add in the 1AD folder, and leave all the ACU common alone as it's shared between the two.
  17. Thanks Akuma. @Iraqhell: I gave you the ACU uniforms already, so you have all those (except with all 2ID patches). They are randomized and it contained a bunch of textures, try it out ingame. I gave you the 2ID patches, do you want the 1AD patches?
  18. Here's the 2ID ACU http://www.filefront.com/17090575/ACU.rar
  19. which one? you might as well download the whole mod, the uniforms are 300+ mbs anyway.
  20. http://www.filefront.com/17086793/BradleyandAbrams.rar/ Here you go
  21. It is! Sorry, missed a file. Here's the OD green Bradley ERA texture. http://www.filefront.com/17075635/m2a3-era.bmp
  22. Here's the beta, a whole 1GB uncompressed(!). Download is mercifully around mere 500mb. Includes the uniform .psds, others were left out for space, but available upon request. http://www.filefront.com/17071587/HD-mod.rar/ Enjoy and feedback is appreciated, it's still very much work in progress. Also feel free to reuse and modify the textures in anyway.
  23. Rubbled walls don't block movement in my experience, even for vehicles. Make sure you made a wide enough hole in the wall if you're trying to drive through. However, I don't think you can enter a floor that had a roof fall in on it (you'll see rubble inside that level of the building, usually if it's multi story, any lower floors should be usable, if you don't see any rubble, the doors can't be blocked. On a slightly related note, will climbing through windows ever be added? Might be a bit tricky interface wise as you'd need a command to specify how to enter, but it would come in handy a lot (you'd just be much more vulnerable entering, with something like a slower version of the jump over wall animation coming through the window).
  24. http://www.filefront.com/17049681/RYU-Iraqi-Police.rar/ Police Mod Sorry, I don't think I'll be able to finish the damaged buildings, but here's some .psds with all manner of bullets holes, bigger holes, and RPG impact (with shrapnel "splash"). Easy to apply to bulidings, just a LOT of copy-pasting and such. http://www.filefront.com/17049767/bulletholes.rar
  25. For the most part the game is 1:1. The bullet's flight path is tracked from the muzzle to the target. If it hits a wall, tree, car, whatever, it'll be stopped in most cases. So putting objects between your troops and the enemy heps, even when they don't make great use of em. You can for example use a APC as a mobile piece of cover, park it sideways across a road and then move behind it. There is also some "abstracted cover", a chance a bullet will pass trough without doing damage, to reflect the game cannot model all the small cover and animate them using this. This is a somewhat subtle effect, but guys laying in rocky ground for example actually have some decent cover compared to laying in open sand. You'll also see this from time to time when guys cower down. As it is in CMSF, I think small arms will be stopped by trees (even sabot it seems), but I guess this is countered by the AI not using the depleted uranium trees for cover. What I miss is the AI do not using the corners of buildings properly. Especially considering the RPG danger (the number 1 source of casualties in urban fighting for me), putting a whole building between your troops and the enemy would be nice.
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