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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by nachinus

  1. And to be very patient and exhaustive taking screenshots, I guess! Yours are extremely good!
  2. I've always thought that infantry is too vulnerable to any kind of weapon in this game, even at very long ranges. The relative lack of cover for infantry in ToW doesn't help much either (lack of rocks/rough terrain like in CM, no proper hedgerows...)
  3. Good, good! Too much empty space in that CMMods ToW section! A big kudos for those modders working hard to fill that site with ToW mods
  4. Why don't you try with www.Photobucket.com I registered there a looooong time ago, but I don't remember having to pass a russian exam.
  5. nachinus

    Out of map

    This is another proof of how this game badly needs surrender rules.
  6. Oooooh!! Matildas!! I love them! Good work, rofl.
  7. A big THANKS for your post, Madmatt. I always like to know what to expect, and since gaming industry is a business and marketing is above all the art of dosifying information, I can rarely know what to expect from developers and publishers. Fortunately, this is not the case with you.
  8. If you forget about AI and infatry behaviour, that is. Still, I like ToW a lot, more than CM series with the possible exception of CMSF, although I like them all. I would like that ToW had better and not-so-scripted AI, better scenario design that would not just make the game harder by making the player face absurd odds instead of challenging tactical AI, and paid more attention to infantry squad combat and behaviour, and not use them as a condiment to the main course that is AFV combat. But well, nobody's perfect. And I'm very excited about the patch and the addon because it seems that they will work on the issues that I worry about, so hopefully I will like the game a bit more in a few months
  9. nachinus


    I trust them, but still I would like some information about the progress of the patch. Currently we only get info from 1C thanks to Sneaksie.
  10. track, some months ago I was told in this forums that this new feature would only apply for new maps, they would not redo the old ones at least for the moment. I don't know if that has changed, though.
  11. Muy buenas las screenshots, sí señor
  12. Huzza!!!!!! I can't wait, mates!
  13. Doesn't seem so. At least it isn't menctioned in the patch notes.
  14. nachinus


    I second the petition for a torrent file!
  15. nachinus


    Damn, we need a release date!!
  16. I'm pretty happy with the current camera management method, I didn't have any problems to get used to it.
  17. In my experience, setting the game difficulty in medium and not in hard is the best way to avoid superhuman AI behaviour. I started to enjoy the game much more when I did it.
  18. -Infantry Squad tactical AI behaviour. Like squad MGs lying surpressive fire as the rest of the squad assaults, tactical movement using cover with squad mates covering the advance of the others, some coordination when attacking, and that kind of things. It would be great for the player experience so we don't have to micromanage to the absurd, and it would improve AI performance as well, because it currently uses infantry very very bad, like banzai charges. -More realism in armor vs infantry combat. Currently tanks have 360º degree visual capabilities, while in real life they had very limited visual angles. Also their MGs are way too effective, in RL tanks wasted tons of MG ammo because it was very hard to aim to small infantry targets with them, specially when moving. Tanks also smash soldiers wen passing close to them (even if they doesnt really touch them) and when passing over trenches. In RL, a dug in soldier in a solid trench may have survived just going prone as the tank passes over him. -Better scenario design. Not fighting against absurd odds in frustrating acts of futility. Better balanced and more dynamic and replayable.
  19. And some squad tactical behaviour would be welcome too. Like squad MGs lying surpressive fire as the rest of the squad assaults, tactical movement using cover with squad mates covering the advance of the others, some coordination when attacking, and that kind of things. It would be great for the player experience so we don't have to micromanage to the absurd, and it would improve AI performance as well, because it currently uses infantry very very bad, like banzai charges.
  20. Oooooh, excellent!!!! That's exactly what I was looking for!. Now a little more work in infantry behaviour and I'll tatoo a super-size 1C's logo on my chest!
  21. Its a color coded line showing partial and total LoF obstacles. When you click the 'fire' button, and move the mouse with the 'fire' icon, a line is drawn from your unit to where you put the mouse pointer, showing if there's a clear line of shight, partially blocked or totally blocked, and where the obstacles are. So you may see a green line until it reaches a group of trees, where it turns yellow meaning partial LoF block, and later turn black when it reaches a small slope that totally covers the target. I'ts really very user-friendly, like almost all Close Combat series interface. It also works in deployment phase, and you dont need to point to a enemy unit to show the LoF line, just put the mouse anywhere in the map and it will tell you if that unit has a good LoF to there. A precious tool when planning defensive positions. Another great feature of CC LoS/F tool is that also shows expected weapon effectiveness against that target with a color coded circle around the mouse pointer when you put it over an enemy unit, taking in account weapon accuracy and range, plus target´s cover and armor in the case of vehicles (Green= good chance to deal damage, Yellow= small chance to deal damage, Black= don't even bother). [ October 07, 2007, 11:06 AM: Message edited by: nachinus ]
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