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Everything posted by Skinnedpuppy

  1. Add to this:- Walls do not seem to block line of sight in many situations Serious pathing problems for vehicles in some situations, they can drive 800m out of the way to get to a spot 100m away when there is visually enough room to manoeuvre, in many situations I have seen vehicles go through spaces I would not have believed possible but refuse to take a route that has plenty of space. The following are more suggestions than bugs:- Due to the speed of some of the units and the size of the maps several times I have advanced to an area only to have a platoon of Tanks apear as reinforcements right on top of them, essestially teleporting in. More of a scenario design problem I realise but a problem rarely encountered in cmx1, I guess the pace of the game is just faster. The Draw distance really could do with a slider so you can set it for performance vs. quality; it looks damn ugly at distance with current settings. I would also like to see an option so all orders are visible (like in CMX1), I never used this originally till some user suggested it and now it’s hard to go back to not using it. [ July 30, 2007, 08:17 AM: Message edited by: Skinnedpuppy ]
  2. Several times I have created breaches in walls using MGS or Bradleys and although infantry can pass through the breach vehicles cannot (not tried with tanks yet). Is this deliberate? I can understand why it would be, however graphically it looks like it should be possible, there needs to be a line of rubble at base of a destroyed wall so this makes more sense if indeed it is not a bug
  3. I think this represents the squad re-organising itself after moving and getting out of formation, I may be wrong though. Still I sympathise I've had them massacred in much the same way
  4. Thoroughly enjoying the game, this is what I’ve spotted sofar:- (1) Playing Quick Battles, overlaps the deployment zones such that the enemy can start within your deployment zone, this happened pretty much every time both HTH and against AI (2) I had a guy from a Syrian uncon RPG team walk through the air between two buildings rooftop to rooftop. (I really should have grabbed a screenshot of this!) (3) Crash to desktop, happens during single player at random during game , cannot accurately reproduce this, and in multiplayer as soon as the game starts. Add to the list and look forward to the patch
  5. I'll chirp in here. I've played CM since I downloaded the CMBO demo back in the day. I was instantly hooked and ordered the game, i've bought every sequel, pre-ordered CMSF and will probably buy every module and game setting that comes out in the future. Nothing I have played has rivalled the detail and re-playability of this game. I can still start up a game now and encounter a situation I havn't ever before, which considering how many hours i've put into this that is amazing. I've made scenarios of my own and tinked with the editor, played the excel based campagin system that that ws released and if CMC comes out i'd probably try that too. However I have never played a game against another human opponent, this's doesn't bother me i'd struggle to find time and I can well understand people who share my view. In my opinion to release a game without an AI opponent would be a mistake and you'd be targeting a pretty specific group of people. Anyhow just my opinion.
  6. Been a long time lurker since CMBO days eagerly awaiting CMSF, spotted this today on BBC. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/6729745.stm Maybe something for a future update.
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