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Everything posted by Cantona66

  1. Hello SeaMonkey, yes why not, i am pure AI player but i would like to se them, mats-erik.wiktorsson@home.se
  2. Hello, when i DL i can not find any scrpts and stuff, only the CGN file, can not play
  3. Hello SeaMonkey, i can´t wait to try out PZAA, do you have a date when it will be available? Please please :-)
  4. Hello Honch, have been playing the mod some time now, here comes feedback: -very nice map, really like the chane to have some small scale operations in east africa. -maybe a bit too much movement, what do you think? to maybe reduce it a bit -divisions takes 5 month to get when you bought them, strange, i guess you forgot to change that -divisions cost 100 mpp, maybe they should be even cheaper since they are small units i will spend many hours playing this
  5. Yes, my point with these figures, as written earlier, is that the german army expanded very much from 1939 onwards, but here in the game almost all army units is already on the map (or in production queue).
  6. Hello thetwo, from Feldgrau, se link http://www.feldgrau.com/stats.html
  7. Tried to download the campaign, can´t find it at CMMods, can not find your earlier version either
  8. Hmm, i believe Germany needs some more units, they have capacity 10/5/10 for corps/army/division, almosts ame as Italy!, and they alreday have all corps and army 1939, they can only but 3 more divisions, but it multiplied in numbers from 1939 onwards. In Wehrmacht Service*, 1939: 4,722,000+ In Wehrmacht Service*, 1940: 6,600,000+ In Wehrmacht Service*, 1941: 8,154,000+ In Wehrmacht Service*, 1942: 9,580,000+ In Wehrmacht Service*, 1943: 11,280,000+ In Wehrmacht Service*, 1944: 12,070,000+ In Wehrmacht Service*, 1945: 9,701,000+ Regarding Waffen SS, my hope is that you add some scripts for voluntaries after the countries joins AXIS or are being defeated by AXIS (Dutch, Belgian, French, Italy, Scandinavia, Kaukasus, Rumania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Baltic and Vlassov army) France should also maybe have one more tank, since that actually outnumbered Germany on tanks 1940 I believe USSR should also have 1 more tank, they should have more than Germany. Very nice map indeed, can´t wait for the AI scripts.
  9. I have some more comments: Shore gus could be placed at Scapa flow(seems to have had some guns), Karlskrona (163,29 Swedens biggest naval base) and Boden (165,13 very big fortress) I also have some other suggestions: Make Scharnhorst and Gneisenau heavy battle groups (since they where battleships on 35000tons and not cruisers, maybe Bismarck and Trirpts should be boosted up with some experience to 12 in strength since they where the biggest battleships except the japanese. I also believe Hungary and Sweden should have the possibility to build one tank group, historically they had 500-800 tanks in ww2. ANd Bulgary had at it´s peak more soldiers than Hungary(450000 against 350000), that should be shown in the force pool. Will it be possible to later in the game build shore guns and place that at the atlantic wall for instance? Will you name all ports/towns that do not have any names yet? Hope you find these comments helpful
  10. One more proposal would be to add the french foreign legion (and the spanish)
  11. Hello again, i have done some more checking, there are towns/ports in Norway missing names, and maybe Trondheim should be moved upwards some tiles, since it actually is north of Sundsvall in Sweden, and there is a quite big road/railway connecting Trondheim/Sundsvall, in the middle of that road there is a Swedish town called Ostersund that had where fortified guarding against the germans 1940-45. Keep up the good work!
  12. I have downloaded the new map, is it really the latest one?, there is no Brazil, colombia or south of africa, the CGN file is also saved 13 august. Malta/Rhodes has 2 tiles though.
  13. I also had snow in june 1940, othervise very nice MOD so far
  14. Hello Honch, i am just wondering how your work is proceeding?, i am really looking forward to trying it out, the map looks great
  15. Sorry mock, now it should be the correct campaign saved.
  16. Hello again, i have made some updates to 1.11: -fixed some weather tiles -fixed one tile in Poland surrender script -changed reformation data & there are also lots of Third reichs VARIANT scripts that i have converted to European theater map. Have fun
  17. Hello, i have already found some small problems, but please try it out, it was very hard work to update all scripts with new x/y coordinates
  18. Hello, i have now added scripts to Thrawns european theater map that Alaric converted to PDE, i have used many of Honch scripts, and some of my own, i have tried to use historical oob as far as i know, please try it.
  19. Hello Alaric, i would like to make some own changes in you mod, but why is it not possible to do any research?, when playing the research button is faded out in grey and not pssoible to use.
  20. Will start playing the new mod right away, i have a proposal, should not the max chits assignable be reduced from 5 to maybe 2 since othervise you can have level 5 quite fast, i usually have level 4-5 tanks late 40/early 41 Great job Honch
  21. Hello again, now it works, after 3 downloads it worked
  22. Hello Honch, i noticed a v1.03 i CMMods, but i failed extracting it after download, is there any problems with it?
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