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Everything posted by Cantona66

  1. 1938 Calm before the storm v1.8 is now uploaded into the repository ----------------------- Changes in v1.8 Changed German unit script for Luftflotte 5´s arrival in Norway from 1944 to 1940 Changed resources for Germany and USSR Changed triggers for some Belgian unit scripts Changed size of UK offensive script towards Bagdad Changed name on one German paratrooper unit in unit script Changed activation script for USSR reaction when Axis attack Yugoslavia, from 5-15% to 15-35% activation Fixed several faulty offensive scripts (wrong UK minor) Fixed one resource script for Germany Fixed weather of one tile in Spain Fixed strength script for Fall Gelb Fixed a garrison script for Amman (wrong friendly position) Fixed garrison script in Canada for Halifax and St.Johns (Wrong positions) Increased 2 German HQ´s strength from 5 to 10 in production queue Increased 1 German paratrooper´s strength from 5 to 10 Increased 1 German destroyers strength from 2 to 10 in unit script Increased German build limits with one army and 2 corps Increased Canadian build limits with 2 corps and 2 militia Increased French tanks reserach to level 1 at start Added activation script for USA to go to war if Axis comes near Ottawa or Halifax Added one militia to Ottawa Added garrison scripts for Ottawa, Kinshasa, Nairobi, Mombasa, Mandaka, Dakar, Am Timan, N`Djamena Added South African army to UK unit script in Kenya Added one UK army to unit script in Trans Jordan Added British African unit script for Nairobi Added UK offensive scripts to attack Addis Abeba and El Aauin Added Free French offensive scripts to attack El Aauin and Bata Added Free French unit scipt for Yaounde troops Added unit script for UK to get 2 cruisers in Red Sea
  2. Hello Crispy, thanks for the feedack and ideas, i will try to add them, actually there is already a USSR activation script in the event of axis attack on Yugo, but i will increase the percentage some, it is not possbile to have any specific dates in these scripts. I will go to work now and adjusting the game.
  3. 1938 Calm before the storm v1.7 ----------------------- Changes in v1.7 Adjusted strength of unit scripted German army (from 1 to 10) Changed strength, research and experience of some German units in scripts Added 1 paratrooper (Sea Lion) and 1 corps (Fall Schweden) to decison & unit scripts for Germany Changed strength to 2 Italian and one Italian East African unit scripts Changed name on some German units in unit scripts Added one German unit script (Panzer Lehr) Changed some USSR unit scripts Switched 2 German unit scripts from corps to special forces (Operation Marita and Ilona) Added French, Free French and Vichy French unit scripts in Africa Added unit script for British Africa in Mandaka Added unit script for UK in Freetown & Bissao Fixed 1 faulty French unit script Fixed spelling in decision script Added 2 decision scripts 88 & 89, regarding German colony reinforcement and pairing unit script Added decision script 90, Germany creates Deutsches West Afrika Korps in Spanish Sahara if Spain is 100% Axis Increased strength of 2 German armies in production queue Increased French Tank build limit to 4, and put it into production queue also Added Italian Alpini corps to production queue and newly added 185th Folgore paratroopers also Fixed supply scripts for Axis submarines attacking US coast Adjusted some strength scripts (Axis blitz) Fixed one faulty strength script Increased German rocket costs Changed combat target data for rockets Named Spanish Sahara port Dakhla, changed some road there and added town of Dakhla Fixed weather on one tile in Africa Added 2 British African units in Nigeria and 1 in Gold Coast and 1 US in Liberia Adjusted size of some pictures Added some pictures and links to them Chnaged Liberia from Neutral to USA Added 1 German dimplomacy chit towards Spain
  4. What do you think of my MOD so far, it would be great to get some more feedback?
  5. It is not vanilla SC2, it is SC2 PDE, maybe that is the porblem?
  6. Hello, you put the "1938 calm before the storm.cgn" and the directory "1938 calm before the storm" in the PDE Campaign directory, then it should be ok!
  7. 1938 Calm before the storm v1.6 Now v1.6 is uploaded, as usual it will take a few hours until it is ready to be downloaded ----------------------- Changes in v1.6 Fixed unit script for german Z plan, from type 2 to type 0 (To stop it from occuring more than one time). Added conditions for german units to arrive before failsafe date Changed USSR unit pool to 6 for artillery (-1) Moved German 5th Panzerarmee to appear in the production queue from may 43 to december 42 Added 2 transport minor scripts for sending reinforcements to UK from India and South Africa Added unit script for Oberkommando OberRhein and Himmler and matching picture Increased German force pool with one more tank army (to 8), artillery (to 3), fighter (to 7), attackbomber (to 4) Added 4th German Panzerarmee in the production queue for february 41 Added army and attackbomber to unit scripts for French trops to be activated at Am Timan Clarified the text in decision 86 (added Ost) Removed 1 corps from DAK when it is activated Added 1 unit script for 1 corps reinformement for DAK Added 1 unit script for Italy afrika reinforcement Added 1 Decision 87 script for Afrika reinforcement or Europe and matching unit scripts Added HQ Cruwell to Germans force pool Added 1 unit script for UK North Africa reinforcement connected to DAK reinforcement DE87 Added Offensive script for UK to attack Iraq Added UK unit script to reinforce Trans Jordan Added Fliegerführer Irak airfleet to Unit script for German Mittel Ost Korps
  8. 1938 Calm before the storm v1.5 Now v1.5 is uploaded, as uausl it will take a few hours until it is ready to be downloaded, and i have also added a few pics to Media 1 ----------------------- Changes in v1.5 Added town Caluula in Italian Somaliland Added roads in Africa Changed some terrain in Africa Added a river in Ethiopia/Somalia Corrected a tile ownership in Africa Gave name to port Douala in Cameroon Increased German build pool of armies with 1 Changed strength script linked towards Operation Barbarossa Switched name on the Splash bmp (Intro) Added one oilwell with Baku Added pop-up scripts for German occupation of major allied cities and matching pictures Changed Von Stulpnagel, Von Arnim and Von Weichs to von to get the script matched with the production queue Increased size of French West Africa, French North Africa and Lybia (Filled in blank spots on the map) Fixed surrender script for France (some tiles in Africa were forgotten) Changed French West Africa from Free France to Vichy France and event to become Free France 42-11-12 (After Operation Torch Historically) Added towns, rivers, terrain, rail to French West Africa Added Nairobi Army group Changed activation distance for some african militia Added Mobasa and Kinda UK corps scripts Fixed surrender script for Belgian Congo (1 tile was missing) Removed picture connected to Fall Anton decision (wrong one) Added missing links to 2 pictures
  9. 1938 Calm before the storm v1.4 ----------------------- Changes in v1.4 Added/Changed some text Moved Belgian Congo (and added cities, mines, terrain, river and militia) Changed some borders in Africa Increased territory of Spanish Rio Muni and a mine also Increased territory of Portugeese Angola and a mine also Added mines too India Removed dead arrows from map Added a mine to Tanzania Added more rail to Africa Added 2 militia to Belgians forcepool Added one carrier too Indias forcepool and named the Indian destroyer Fixed spelling and country of Belgium Kigali militia Following unit scripts added -Belgium Congo militia (Kinshasa) -Free Belgium (UK) Congo militia (Kinshasa) -Free Belgium (UK) Congo militia (Kisanga) Increased stength of 2 german armies in the production queue Adjusted german build limit on armies to 9 Added a decision script 86 to send german support to Italian East Africa or Iraq and pairing unit event changed name of one British africa unit script Changed some unit scripts to be valid only for Allied AI (not human) Changed text in pop up on 2 unit scripts Changed experience for some USSR Unit scripts Added 6th Army to unit script for Fall Blau Changed failsafe date for USSR Moscow units to appear to end of 1943 Changed text in 2 decision events Switched from army to militia in unit events for Amman, Suidan and Riyadh Lowered all triggers for VARIANT unit scripts to 1% Added 2 pop-up events Changed Von Arnimns name to von Arnim, othervise the script will not recognize him and the HQ rating will be wrong. Increased the strength of DMOK and DOAK units in the unit scripts The decison scripts that i changed in v1.2 to prevent outdated events turning up is now changed back again, since it did not work for not activated countries. Now it is as down below: ; Dummy condition position (always satisfied) #CONDITION_POSITION= 0,0 [0,0] [0,0] [0] [0] I rather have some outdated decisions turning up than missing real ones.
  10. Yes i got the message All Done!, do you want to submit another file? But anyway, now i have divided it up into 2 files called Media and Media 2. I guess it will take a few hours until they are in the repository.
  11. Hmm, yes there are some issues with this mod, but i have turned my attention to next one (1938 Calm before the storm), the Cyprus problem is one i believe i have solved for that one.
  12. I also believe there should be inetsersting to have some of the other games campaigns put into Global, but maybe not converting them to a global game with global map, i believe it would be enough in many cases to get the old ones upgraded to the new engine.
  13. How come it often times out when trying to download my file: Media to 1938 Calm before the storm See more info in the thread 1938 Calm before the storm in the MODs section ni the forum
  14. Very strange, it it very big but it is below the limit (75MB)
  15. Hello again my friends, i can see that quite a few people has downloaded my campaign, but very few has DL the media that belongs to it.
  16. Yes i agree that it´s confusing, as you see in the repository it is in PDE there. In v1.4 the arrows will be gone.
  17. Hello, i have no idea why it looks to be in the WAW section, it is in the MOD section but also shown in the WAW as it seems, something for Batteferont to explain. Regdring the arrows, that needs to be cleand up, i agree, not anything i have focused on yet.
  18. Hello Ludi, i am the one that has done the modificaion of Honsh original mod and added these decison events, i used to get segmentation faults also some times when France and Yugoslavia surrendered, i thought i had found some of the faults, i was a croatian flag that was shown when Croatia was activated, but other that that i do not know why it happens and i have not had any segmentation faults when i answered yes.
  19. 1938 Calm before the storm v1.3 Ok sometimes it goes fast between the uploads, sorry for that but after some playtesting i made more changes mostly concerning Africa. No changes for media. ----------------------- Changes in v1.3 Removed one activation event for USSR (there where 2 for the same issue) Small changes in DE scripts Added one condition more for Germany to get the Z force in unit events Changed condition in Supply events: Axis Submarines strike at US Coastal Shipping Changed unit script for Indian forces arriving in Sudan (wrong destination) Added Mobasa in British Africa Added some land to British Africa Moved Tanga in British Africa Added and moved rail and road in British Africa Changed terrain in Africa Changed arrival date of UK East africa AF in unit scripts Added following unit scripts: -British african Camel corps in Somaliland -British african HQ Chater in Somaliland -British african HQ Dickinson in Mombasa -British african South African corps in Mombasa -British african African corps in Tanga -British african light cruiser KENYA at Mombasa -British african militia at Kampala -Belgium militia at Kigali -French Somaliland militia -Vichy French corps and HQ at Am Timan -29th German unterseebotflottille to be set up in Italy Fixed weather zone in Africa Small changes to British Africas and Anglo Egypt Sudanese force pool and production queue Changed name on German East Africa engineers Added UK light cruiser Cumberland on the map Added Italian East African Red Sea sub on the map Created new territory event, French Somaliland joins Free France Enjoy!
  20. Thankyou for the suggestion but for now i leave it active in the beginning of the game instead
  21. Hello Crispy, nw it is in the repository, it aparently takes some time for it to be official, i actually uploaded it twice since i did not see it in there after the first time, so now i will remowe one version.
  22. Hello again, thanks to Isnogud for some inspiring comments, it gave me some ideas i not had thougt about. It has not been playtested so please do, i hope all new things works, i do not believe next update will be this big! I am not sure if Germany is too strong now, lets see. There are some pictures in the media library in the 1938 .... file keep them there and copy all media files in the separate media library into 1938/media also (The media files is too big to get place in the compressed Media library) The media library is also updated now. ----------------------- Changes in v1.2 Added more activation scripts related to decision events Made spelling corrections in decision events Corrected Special forces SS Leibstandartes spelling (Isnogud) Added photos Adjusted size of photos Corrected a few names of pictures Added a few pictures to resource events Replaced 2 photos Changed some terrain in Africa Changed UK and Italy research some Created small german colony i East Africa (to get other scripts working) Added tech to a few USSR units Added pop up event, Germany and Turkey non aggression agreement Corrected one amphibous minor event regarding UK invading Norway Changed activation of Anglo Egypt Sudan to 70% Changed activation ofItalian East Africa to 100% Adjusted some decision scripts to prevent them turning up it they are outdated (not sure if it works, i set CONDITION_POSITION that the country to be attacked should have one unit in their capital and the unit should be allied (or neutral i some cases) and from the home country, not sure what happens if for example Switzerland that is neutral have been influenced to become allied, will the script not work then? (Isnogud) Added some mines and oil wells in Africa, and also gave names to some (Isnogud) Changed the Italian decision scripts from Fuherhauptqartier to Italian Headquarter and Mein Fuhrer to Il Duce Changed DE36 to move FSJ to North or East Africa (instead of Greece) and it´s pairing unit event Changed wording in DE64 Added decision script 83 if Germany shall create Deutsches Ost Afrika Korps and pairing unit scripts Added decision script 84 if Germany should send supporting engineers to East Afrika Changed German garrison corps in Norway to only be AI Removed one italian corps to be sent to Iraq in a event Removed one iraq corps in a variant event Added a decision script 82 to send german support to Italian East Africa or Iraq and pairing unit event Added a decision script 85 to send german support to Iraq and pairing unit event Added unit event to Anglo Egypt Sudan Added unit event to Amman Added unit event to Saudi Arabia Added more french partisans Removed german paratroopers from on decision event Added Italy Waffen SS event Added one militia event at N´Djamena, Malaki and Nairobi Made some changes to Anglo Egypt Sudan and British Africas force pools and production queue Changed unit event for Luftflotte5 to be valid not only for AI but also human player Added one corps in the force pool for Syria, Saudi Arabia, Italian East Africa and Trans Jordan Increased Italian East Africa HQ, one corps and artillery strength to 6 (from 2)
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