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Apocalypse 31

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Posts posted by Apocalypse 31

  1. This is a game breaker for me:

    I'm running a fairly decent computer, but for some reason this game is just choppy. Any map larger than a platoon size get weird on me...choppy and sometimes even laggy. I know this game isnt graphically intense, which is fine with me (this is not a gripe) but as of now, it is no longer enjoyable playing this because of how bad the frame rates are.

    Can anyone help out?

    Any advice with speeding up the game?

    I'm running the following:

    Dell XPS, 3ghz processor

    3gig RAM

    1gig nVidia GeForce GTX 280

    Thank you

  2. For me there are plenty of "bad guys" in CM:SF already...U.S. Forces and the British. I have really enjoyed playing Red vs. Blue.

    Look at the way Blue forces have behaved around the world over the last 200 years. A Blue force was the only one to have ever actually used nuclear weapons, and they were dropped on two very large civilian populations.

    One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter, and as we all know, the masses are conditioned by propoganda regarding these two terms.

    WOW! A real e-surgent!

    Me thinks you've been hitting the peace pipe too hard.

    Probably never met a service member or stepped foot in a dangerous part of the world...Thats fine. I've scooped out plenty of civilian bodies from the Tigris river that your beloved 'freedom fighters' killed for working with the Americans to help improve their country.

  3. All,

    I have a big issue. Just got home from Iraq and was looking foward to playing a little CM:SF and expansions but a little problem just came foward.

    I had an old old laptop that I once played SF on. It is now gone. I didnt know the unlicense procedures so I have no way of playing SF on my desktop computer.

    Is there any way around this? Can I get my license reset or something?

    Thanks. Would like to keep playing this game.

    Ok - It turns out that its just my MARINES bundle for some reason. Totally odd.

  4. Discussing SOI on an open forum? Granted you not asking about hopset compartments or KEK or TEK, but still...

    Just sayin'

    You must be an S6 type. Are you a COMSEC manager or something? HUUUAH

    You can look my Squadron's name up on google. Its has nothing to do with SOI.

  5. PSG's being perimantly with the vehicle is common.

    Most of the time the platoon leader will get off the Stryker and lead the dismounted element with his squad or section leaders while the PSG stays on his Stryker and manage the vehicle movement.

    That isnt always the case, but I've seen it alot.

    My PSG never stayed on the Stryker, but I knew some that did.

  6. There are alot of good ideas floating around in here, and LEGIT concerns with the future of CM.

    I think Close Combat did a great job with managing units:

    Here's what you have - if you lose it, it's gone forever and you have to figure out how to fight without it.

    This also applied for the enemy. Which was the GREAT thing. Fight hard, and win and destroy the enemy.

    I felt that the original CMSF Campaign lacked that. As Elmar said, you worked hard to preserve units and fight smart only to find your next level in the commanders seat of a totally different unit in a different fight and different area. Also. No matter how many enemy units I destroyed it never put me closer to wiping them out. It was just the next mission with new units and a new enemy.

    I'm not complaining here, just hoping that we get it right in the next release.

  7. Anyone ever play Soldiers: Heroes of WW2 or Men of War?

    There's one feature that I'd love to see in CMSF.

    The ability to fully control a vehicle. I'm not saying anything is wrong with the current setup or AI response, but sometimes I'd rather just move a vehicle or traverse it's turret by myself. Another great aspect of this feature is that you can 'free aim' a vehicle yourself. I've had some issues where I see an enemy in a certain position, but the vehicle wont target him. I'd rather just do a commanders override and take control myself.

    Any thoughts?

  8. I've done 12 hour clearing operations in Baghdad when it was 127 degrees out. Wearing about 80lbs of body armor and equipment will make you feel like death. We drank lots of water and tried to ensure we were drinking a least 1oz of gatoraid for every 3 oz of water. I had Soldiers straight up pass out while on patrol. It was brutal.

    We used to joke around and pour out water bottles on our Stryker hatches and literally watch the water evaporate.

    I have not been to Afghanistan, yet. I've done some mountain climbing in preparation (we ended up coming back to Iraq, instead) and I can tell you that it is brutal. We trained with small climbs, mostly 3000-5000 ft climbs, but while I was doing it I couldnt imagine fighting an enemy.

  9. I would like to see the map editor with OBJECTIVES that end games.

    For example..If your forces take OBJ x, then the game is over.

    also - the terrain editing boggles me. I havent really read into it, but it seems veyr hard to make minor adjustments. How about a brush (similiar to textures) that can adjust height.

    I'm saddened to see that the random map generator will go away. I've used those maps as a basis for several of my own custom creations. Something to get me off the ground, so to speak. Does this mean random battles will go away? I hope not, I've gone through the scenarios and most missions. I'm running out of material!

  10. I will always love Blitzkrieg and Close Combat. Those are great games, classic games that will always dominate war-gaming.

    But I've been spoiled with CM:SF. The amount of detail in the movement, units, and combat is just unmatched by no other game out there. Most games fail at the 3-d environment (see Blitzkrieg 2)

    We need CM:N now!

  11. Streets of Hama has me hooked now. damnit. those T90's just dont want to die. And for the love of god I cant get my men to use the damn Javelins!

    Personally I enjoy any scenario with US fighting unconventional forces in an urban setting.

    I pulled my hair out with Paradise Road. Wow. Great scenario.

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