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Apocalypse 31

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Posts posted by Apocalypse 31

  1. Bloodbath or what?

    Its the mission that takes place in a series of hedgelines with several objectives. also has two large buildings overlooking the entire battlefield.

    I tried to be somewhat conservative in my approach. Having my scouts develop the situation.

    This map turned into a bloodbath though. Lost a Stryker or two to ATGM's, then lost one or two more to mines.

    I put 4 Javelins into one of the buildings on the hill, but still took fire from it. What gives?

    I ended up losing 22 men of this. Pretty brutal mission.

  2. I usually save all of my 120mm mortars for the above mentioned special forces headquarters, its not as good a proper visit from the air-force, but its good enough.

    Lt Mike, I assume these are privates who have been very bad?


    Sorry guys. I was confusing the SF HQ with the first objective...I think the Airport control building.

    Yeah. That SF HQ is packed full of bad guys. I just continually call Apache support on it.

  3. Yes, but this is also a building occupied by the better part of a Syrian Special Forces company. :D

    Even easier!

    Just drop a few Mk.84's on it and have a some Privates scrounge through the rubble for body parts.

    No commander in his right mind would even send his Soldiers into that.

    In all seriousness though, yeah you guys are right.

  4. That one building would have been, at a minimum, a company mission in of itself. To breach, clear, cordon, and secure the urban area around the Airbase HQ would have easily needed a full infantry battalion.


    Economy of Force.

    My platoon, in Baghdad, had cleared 8 story buildings by itself, and much larger area's. Six stories isnt much. We had to clear these buildings ( http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/c/cd/High_residential_rising_buildings_in_Haifa_street.jpg ) on Haifa Street. THAT was a Troop level operation.

    But six stories isnt bad. Thats definitely a platoon level-op. It just takes a while.

    BTW. Thats my favorite mission. I play it over and over.

  5. My point is that all the people complaining about the US and Israel using banned weapons are not aware of the correct details. These weapons are not illegal, only specific usage, and even that doesn't apply to the US or Israel as they are not signatory to that convention.


    and technically the M2HB 50cal isnt authorized to be used on personnel but it is. Whomever makes these rules has obviously never been in a combat zone.

  6. The redlegs can correct me on this, but I believe that in WW II the CB assets were all grouped at the corps or army level and CB fire would be preplanned. On rare occasions, divisional arty might respond to a newly revealed enemy battery if it were within range, but usually they had other missions to perform, and it would take more time to set up than would be available in a CM game.


    I'm not FA, but I can tell you that counter battery can easily be done through crater analysis.

    In fact, I had to do crater analysis on a 60mm mortar during my time as a platoon leader in Iraq.

    Its pretty easy. All you need is a metal rod and a compass and you can generally tell where the round came from.

  7. I'd rather get the HK416, especially since the design is the same as the M4 and can support attachments with its piccatinny rail system.


    To be honest, I'd rather get the M468 or something of a 6.5 or 6.8 caliber.


  8. The slat cage isn't just the slat cage. From what I can see in photos its the cage, then a stand-off panel spaced out from the hull, then MEXAS tiles under that (ceramic plate backed by soft steel), then the main armor, then an interior spall liner.

    BUT, I understand the very first RPG to hit a Stryker penetrated it. January 30 2004 in Mosul. RPG detonated against the front cage. 90 minutes later the crew found the engine was overheating. The RPG jet had got between the ceramic tile joints, pierced the bow and cut engine coolant lines. The occupants weren't even aware of it!

    I know what a slat cage is :-)

    There are things, that I cannot discuss, that would really limit reactive armor from happening.

  9. Question for StrykerPSG and LT Mike-

    IIRC when the Army was first testing the Interim BCT they used LAV III with the 25mm cannon. But when the final choice for the vehicle was made the Styker obviously didnt have a turret. I thought that was rather strange, but what do I know? Just curious on your thoughts about this.


    I know that 3-2 SBCT (the first SBCT) actually used the FUCHS (Fox) vehicle for testing.

    StrykerPSG prob knows about that :-)


  10. So, for you Stryker guys, what is it about your big metal death traps that you like so much?

    Yup. I've met one in EVERY crowd.

    Fort Bragg?

    You guys are probably in HMMMV's. And you call the Stryker a death trap?

    Thats as far as I'll go with that argument. I've been there before with dudes in light units. Once they've been on the Stryker they've all come back to me and said ''well damn sir, you were right. Thats a great vehicle".

  11. About your NCO comment, Steve has often said that a major (fatal) flaw of Syrian command structure is their lack of NCOs. You've got draftee soldiers and officers with nothing in between. Career sargents are where most of the Army's warfighting "institutional memory" resides. :)

    You're absolutely right.

    I've worked with foreign officers before. The command structure in other armies (especially middle east) remains heavily based on their officers. The Officer will do the planning, and most of the work. NCO's just manage the Soldiers and report to the officers.

    It's a completely different mindset here in the American Army (thank god. anyone ever see an officer try to change a Stryker tire?).

    Officers plan it, NCO's run it, Soldiers do it.

  12. I was just playing the scenario Just Another Day (which was GREAT, btw!)

    One of my Strykers had gotten stuck in a ditch and became 'immobilized'.

    Now, Is there any way to pull another stryker up to him, hook up, and pull him out of that ditch? We do it in real life all the time, it takes somewhere around 5 minutes to do, and we dont lose any vehicles.

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