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Field Marshal Blücher

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Posts posted by Field Marshal Blücher

  1. 1. do squads ever share ammo with other squads in the same platoon (and/or battalion)? If so, this is done like with the "medic" action where you just place them next to each other?

    Yes, and not quite. Ammo sharing is just that, sharing. It's not "ammo giving" or "ammo redistribution." What happens is that two squads from any formation that are close enough (I think they need to be within two action spots) will let the other team use their ammo for weapons that are dry. But they won't give them their ammo on a permanent basis--the moment you move the squads apart, the squad with no ammo left for certain weapons remains with no ammo left for those weapons.

    Let me give you an example. You have two US Army MG teams (from any unit, doesn't need to be the same unit) with M240Gs and M4s. Say one team runs out of 7.62mm ammo (and ONLY 7.62mm ammo, the guys with M4s have plenty of 5.56 available. Up until that point, no ammo sharing happens. When one team runs out of 7.62, if the other team is within two action spots, the other team will basically hand the empty team a magazine of 7.62 ammo, with which it will reload its weapon and continue firing. Since the guys with M4s still have ammo, no 5.56mm ammo is exchanged. If the previously empty MG team burns through that magazine, the other MG team will give them another magazine, and so on, until the second team also runs out of 7.62 or the teams move apart from each other.

    2. do squads ever share ammo with other squads in different platoons (and/or battalions)? If so, this is done like with the "medic" action where you just place them next to each other?

    Think I answered this above. ;)

    3. can squads enter and acquire weapons/ammo from vehicles in different platoons (and/or battalions)? Or only within their own platoon?

    Yes, they can acquire weapons and ammo from everyone.

    4. does the M107 have its own infinite ammo supply since there is no way of acquiring or monitoring .50 cal ammo?

    Nope! It, uh, runs out of ammo.

    5. when I split a squad into two units, why does the 5.56mm ammo indicator show an increase in ammo for one of the squads? Is this showing an actual number of rounds? Or a percentage of an "optimal" amount? I suppose it's because one team just went from 9 to 5 members, and the other went from 9 members to 4 (so they will have fewer rounds with them).

    The ammo indicator indicates how much ammo they have relative to some standard amount. You'll see that two-man teams in intense combat burn through their ammo bars much more quickly than 13-man Marine squads in light combat because it represents a proportion rather than an absolute value.

    6. does the second vertical bar from the left in the ammo monitoring area for the squad (lower left area of HUD, next to suppression/C2 indicator) mean all SAW/MG ammo or is it ONLY for 7.62mm ammo like for M240B? If it's only for 7.62mm (assuming U.S. of course), why do some squads start out with any of this ammo whatsoever? I'm talking about basic infantry squads which use the M249 and M4A1. If there is no MMG, why do they carry the ammo? Can they share it as I asked above?

    This I'm not sure about. REALLY glad the interface was changed for CMBN in this regard. :(

    7. I have read varying accounts of what munitions will cause friendly fire. I think basically anything can cause friendly suppression, but only some will cause damage. My understanding is that basically any vehicle-mounted guns will cause FF. Right? But for infantry, will 7.62mm cause FF? Will rifle grenades cause FF? Will M249 5.56mm?

    Only explosive ordnance causes FF. Rifle grenades MIGHT cause FF, but I haven't seen that happen. No 7.62 or 5.56mm will cause FF, but they will cause FS. ;)


    You're welcome! :)


  2. Hi,

    I downloaded the campaign from the repisotory. When I play the campaign and try to save my anti virus (antivir xp) software stops me from doing so.

    It shows: C:/.../tempfile o.tmp contains suspicious code HEUR/HTML.Malware.

    It only occurs with this campaign. Tried 2 other campaigns and different battles. In all of them I can save normally. But when I try to save during this campaign, it happens all the time.

    Um, I can't explain that. Just to double-check I downloaded it myself from the Repository, my Antivirus software scanned it specifically, and said it was fine. I swear there's not a virus in it! :)

    Try downloading it again, or maybe from cmmods.greenasjade.net?

  3. This looks really promising!

    ***SPOILER ALERT****

    Finished the first mission and was wondering why the enemy got 500 point bonus? Got only tactical victory because of those points...

    Hi beatmasta,

    In general, I use this tool in most if not all of my campaign missions these days. Basically, the Allies get a "Bonus" regardless of what actually happens. So don't worry about it! Basically it's there to say, "Look, you need to get substantially more than 500 points in order to be awarded a victory." Don't worry about precisely what level of victory you achieved, a tactical victory is as close to a total victory as is possible (I think).


    Also, it doesn't affect the campaign result. As long as you get a minor victory or higher in every battle, it doesn't matter what grade of victory you get in any battle. The only time a win or a loss counts, furthermore, is in the decision missions and in the battle to take Chérencé-le-Roussel. Other than that, victory or defeat does not make a difference as to the campaign branching, and what level of victory or defeat you achieved NEVER makes a difference.


  4. ***BUG REPORT***

    I just finished the first mission, then I had to made a decision, and I prefer to keep KG concentrate. I moved two units into victory zone 'keep KZ concentrated' and then cease fire. I got a defeat, but no new mission started, but I get the same choise-mission, I had to choose again between split or concentrate. :( I guess, I have to split my forces to continue the campaign, because no one else found this bug and I guess they chose to split.

    Hi bardosy,

    Double-check this--you SHOULD get another choice mission, but it shouldn't be exactly the same. It should let you choose which path to take. I will check things out on my end, but looking at the campaign script, there's nothing wrong so far.

    UPDATE: I just tested it myself and everything's working fine. Double-check and if if you still get an error, perhaps re-download the file?

  5. Thinking about giving this a go, since Devil's Descent was great. However, would like to know something about the scope. It states batallion size, but roughly how many platoons are involved in the seperate scenarios? And how long are the scenarios? 30 min or 1 hour each makes a big difference.

    Hi rocketman,

    The scope is a fair bit larger than DD. (I know this isn't to the tastes of everyone. ;)) The smaller scenarios have about five to seven platoons, and there's one massive engagement towards the end that involves the entire Kampfgruppe + supporting units and heavy artillery that has at least thirteen platoons. (It's a depleted battalion!)

    The scenarios are mostly about 1 hr-1.5 hours. This is a pretty big jump from DD, but this is something to note in general: DLH is not a German version of DD. It uses many of the same concepts that I introduced in DD, but it is a substantially larger core force with substantially longer battles in substantially larger maps. It's also (I think! :D) at least perceptibly harder. Some people will like one campaign's scope more than the other. I tend to prefer the smaller, DD-scale, campaigns myself in general, but I also like some scenarios that are a little bigger while not too huge, and that's more what DLH is. So be warned! (And also be advised that I'm going to do more DD-scale campaigns in the future, so if that's your thing, don't lose hope! :))

  6. "Note 1: Die Letzte Hoffnung does not have nearly as much foul language in the narrative as Devils' Descent."

    There is no way any self-respecting wargamer would play this new shamefully PG campaign. Do you have no shame or moral compass, sir!

    Nope! I'm a total sellout. :D

    Truth be told, I just couldn't visualize the characters being as foul-mouthed as the ones in DD. The main character in DD was responsible for a lot of the swearing, whereas the main character in DLH is, shall we say, of a more refined bearing. ;)

    Welp, it's been more than nine hours since I made the initial Repository upload attempt, so I'm off to GaJ's site!

  7. Should be up on the Repository soon!

    Take command of a Kampfgruppe based on a motorized Panzergrenadier battalion from 116. Panzerdivision during the Mortain Counterattack (Operation Lüttich)! Enjoy a narrative campaign in the style of Devils' Descent while you try to break through the Allied lines to Chérencé-le-Roussel. The campaign lasts between five and seven missions depending on the choice(s) you make and your success or failure in one mission.

    Note 1: Die Letzte Hoffnung does not have nearly as much foul language in the narrative as Devils' Descent.

    Note 2 (which I neglected to mention on the Repository): This campaign is historically inspired but not historically accurate. The Kampfgruppe composition is somewhat unlikely, but was done this way for balance and fun purposes. Furthermore, in Die Letzte Hoffnung, the timetable is pushed back by several hours to coincide with the 2. Panzerdivision's attack to the south. This was done for several reasons, the most important of which is that without having done this, the entire campaign would have been fought in the middle of the night. Finally, a victory in this campaign is actually a better historical result than the Germans actually achieved.

    That's enough notes for me! Thanks to my playtesters, winkelried and Sublime! :) Please leave feedback at the repository or on these forums.

    Enjoy! :)


  8. -sigh-

    I offered to play it for you FM Blucher. so why doncha send it over huh?

    Ive played every CMBN campaign and the German one and Road to Montebourg twice. Ill burn thru that German campaign of yours in a day or two =) Devils Descent took me an afternoon...

    I'll send it over once I've made the changes the first playtester recommended. I'll try to finish those up over the next few days, and hopefully that'll be the final version. :)

  9. I have a German campaign that has been done for a bit but only finished by one of my playtesters, so I'm not quite feeling confident enough to release it yet. I also have been hit by a ton of bricks in RL and am TRYING to make the needed changes to it but find myself chronically short of time. So you WILL be getting a German campaign from me, but I can't give you an ETA. If I have time, it could be done by tomorrow, or if not, it could be out in a month or two. :(

    (I know, I should get off the forums and do what needs to be done to release it! ;))

  10. Why they do not planned France forces part of NATO and by side US forces in Afghanistan since 2001? Because "Leclerc" tank is better than "Abrams"!

    No, BFC as far as I know has a healthy appreciation for the French military and for the French contribution to Afghanistan. I think the reason they (like many others) were not included in the NATO module has more to do with the fact that "NATO" was chosen as a convenient name for a module that was only ever intended to include Germany, the Netherlands, and Canada. Obviously there were a number of powerful and interesting militaries that are part of NATO that were not included, but the NATO module was never intended to include all of NATO (which would be a massive undertaking!). :)

  11. Having trouble getting my head round this - if you Make Campaign on a battle it has to be in the Campaign Text, usually as Battle One.

    Actually, this is not the case. :) It doesn't have to be anywhere in the campaign text. In fact, I've never even tried hitting "Make Campaign" on an actual battle scenario before. ;)

    How can you have a 'separate battle that never gets fought' and still is used to Make Campaign? If you Make Campaign with a battle surely it becomes the first battle you fight? And, if not, how do you avoid it?

    Nope! :) The campaign starts with the first mission listed in the campaign .txt file, not the file you hit "Make Campaign" on.

    As for my original point - I am talking about Import Campaign Units. You can import them from any battle - so what happens if, in designing Battle Four of a Campaign, you Import Battle Three's units to be used for that (and subsequent) Battles rather than the original? Will the AI still calculate losses on it?

    No idea. That's why the campaign battle idea works so well--you just put ALL of the core forces (including those for Battles 1 AND 3, if they're separate units) in there, and then you can be sure that losses will be calculated appropriately. :)

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