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Field Marshal Blücher

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Posts posted by Field Marshal Blücher

  1. Hello Blucher! as a Beta Tester you may be privy as to why are we not seeing the Fallschirmjäger as a patch, or added into the Common wealth module?

    I find it odd as they fought all throughout the Normandy Campaign and in defense thereof later. It would be nice to include them as they played pivitol parts in the Normandy campaign.

    Im sure this has been discussed but I still am at odds. It definetly will not stop me from purchasing the common wealth but... its just odd. It is difficlut to make halfway realistic scenerios in regards to the Peninsula Normandy area. Carentan, Normandy, Brest. afterwich they were primarily Luftwaffe Div with honoray title of Fallschirmjager.... as para operations were pretty much out the window by that time.. mid 1944 ish.

    Hi Ghostrider,

    I am only allowed to provide information that BFC has already released publicly, which includes what forces will be included in the Commonwealth module (and which ones, by their omission from this list, will not ;)). I'm not sure if BFC has publicly released their plans for Fallschirmjäger, so I'm afraid that in order to be safe, I can't comment on that, unfortunately.

    Sorry to disappoint, but rules are rules. ;)


  2. Are you absolutely sure? You might look into some combination of Alt+letter (U for instance).


    Or, if you (like me) find yourself typing stuff in German fairly often, there's a way to (in Windows at least) switch between keyboard configurations. So if I want to type an umlaut or a ß, I just hit Alt+Shift and it will switch to a German keyboard, and then I just hit it again to change it back to English. :)

  3. The US side will have the full amount of units, since it is a standalone battle without any history. I just had a quick look and the campaign uses "Core Units" for both sides (these units are the ones carried over from battle to battle).

    So for the missions you get when using the Scenario Organisor, both sides will have 100% of all units (Core and standard, scenario only). It is hard to guess if this imbalances any given single scenario or not. Maybe just give it a try ..

    Hi guys,

    As long as you do exit some of your own units to represent your losses, it shouldn't unbalance the last mission. It might be a bit too easy if you do it with the Germans at full strength.

    On the other hand, the Allied units in this battle are not units that appeared in any earlier scenario so they will be at full strength regardless. Do NOT remove any Allied units from the last scen, DO remove some German units from the last scen.


  4. One observation about the game system. During Campaigns I occasionally Cease Fire to see the effect of the arty barrage (no looking at the map of course) and to see if my tactics were being effective re causing casualties. So, a few times I let the next Battle start. I was surprised to find that the starting forces in follow-on battles were slightly different every time I looked. Eg: Sometimes there were 2 FO's instead of one. Sometimes there were 3 tanks instead of 2. The number of guys in squads was slightly different etc.

    While I know nothing about this campaign (looking forward to playing it when I get time), my guess is that the designer has put replacements into it. The way that replacements work is that there is x% chance that each unit will be refitted to full readiness. This will largely account for different starting forces between missions, because it rolls the dice each time you end the mission.

  5. That's another good point.

    Altho' one should protect FO's, on the occasions that one loses a critical unit like that, the entire campaign can be in jeopardy... Sometime a battle or two later. And who wants to replay battles just to get one's FO back.

    Suggest either 2, or a FO reinforcement, or different battles use different segments of the same formation each with their own FO.

    What would be a HUGE improvement to this campaign (which AFAIK is not currently allowed by the campaign editor) would be to designate the chances of one particular unit's being repaired or replaced. This would ease the current bogging issues as well as keep important units like FOs alive. Unfortunately, this isn't possible in the current campaign editor.

    I can either assume that people will lose FOs and give them more throughout the campaign (which could be unbalancing if people don't lose FOs), or assume that they won't lose FOs (which can screw people if they DO lose them). :(

  6. For any of you that haven't checked this out, even if you aren't interested in playing in Italy right now, DL sdp's stuff and marvel at the beauty of the work he's put in...there is some top notch texture work going on and the buildings he did are just incredible...really great texture work with realistic looking stone to mention one highlight

    MJKerner did a Herman Goering mod to compliment sdp's work and there are some really fine textures in that as well...the German tank crews in particular with the oil stains on their hats and jackets look really sweet...some fantastic helmet work for the infantry as well as the uniforms. MJ has told me he just started to delve into modding, coming from a miniatures painting background...and if this is the kind of work he puts out on his first full fledged texturing attempt we are gonna see some incredible things from him in the future.

    Both sdp and MJkerner are talented guys, and this mod, with all the effort and work that's went into it deserves to be taken for a spin. If you are tired of bocage and want a change of scenery until the Brits arrive, or you just want to oogle some top notch art...get all the stuff for this mod, make a dedicated Italy folder to throw in your Z folder, and give these guys the praise and recognition they deserve...doesn't cost a dime to thank and give people a pat on the back, or leave some messages if a mod is on the Repos and a rating. All us modders do this for free and our only payment is feedback from the players who enjoy our stuff...these two guys are definitely among our best.

    Thanks fellahs!


    I have to echo this. His mod inspired me to make a campaign set in Italy, and the visuals are absolutely stunning.

  7. Short answer: you can't.

    Long answer: Campaigns consist of multiple single scenarios, strung together by the campaign file format. In order to put campaign maps into QB map format, you would need to have access to the original single scenarios from which the campaign was made. In most cases, only the designer has access to those. If you want, you can ask the campaign designer for the files; I think most campaign designers have been generally willing to give them out. :)

  8. Towers are like trenches, foxholes and bocage. They're slaves to the underlying action square grid which the whole game runs on. There's a minimum size inhabitable building footprint. Catherdal tower, last time I checked, was the same footprint as a smallest square building (though it looks bigger). Any smaller and some of your squad will be hanging around out of doors because everybody can't fit in together. :)

    I agree with this. However, I'd like to see a shorter one more suitable for smaller churches that you can still fit some dudes up into. :)

  9. CMBN does have that important feature just not in the detail YankeeDog is describing...you set the chance of repair to a percentage, along with other things like rest and resupply. Reread what he asked, it's not the same as not having any repair.


    Exactly. You can repair vehicles between missions, but it doesn't distinguish between a tank that got its turret blown off (figuratively) and a tank that threw a track.

  10. Can a campaign designer set different repair/replacement rates for vehicles that have received only minor damage (such as immobilization from terrain, which would presumably only represent a thrown or broken track or similar) vs. vehicles that have actually sustained more serious damage, like an AP round into the transmission? The short term tactical effects of a thrown track and a wrecked transmission are basically the same. But there are huge differences in how long it would usually take to repair a tank with these types of damage to fully mobile status.

    As far as I know, no.

  11. I'm playing a campaign. You mean to tell me I've lost these tanks for the duration? Just as if I've lost them to enemy fire like some noob who recklessly bandies them about?

    Now I've gone from slightly miffed to just plain pissed.

    I hope that what you're saying is not true. It will spoil what was looking like a great campaign. If those tanks aren't there next round, I'll just pull the plug. That is, if I even make it to the next round without 'em in this one.

    It depends on the campaign. Some campaigns do replace immobilized or destroyed vehicles, some don't.

  12. Hm. Either I have exceptionally good luck, or you have exceptionally bad luck. Or perhaps a bit of both...

    I sent all of my tanks in that scenario in a wide left hook cross-country, and didn't have a single one immobilize. I think one or two may have bogged briefly at one point or another, but they were all still 100% mobile at the end of the battle, despite multiple field and bocage crossings.

    I've actually rarely had trouble with immobilizations at all. It's happened to me a few times here and there, but only very rarely. Just lucky I guess...

    I have to agree here. Erwin in particular seems to have terrible luck. Even in the exact same scenarios, his tanks seem way more likely to bog and immobilize than mine. Not that that provides any comfort to him, I'm sure. :(

  13. I'm 51, and will be 52 later this week but I have no problems playing in RT. This seems to be an issue that some folks feel very passionately about. Playing in RT is not about reflexes or twitching. I only PAUSE the game when I receive reinforcements, am calling in an artilllery or air strike or when I have accomplished my mission on one side of the battlefield and move over to get a second group going. You can certainly abuse RT and pause the game every few seconds to micro-manage every detail but that's basically playing WEGO where you determine the length of the turn.

    I would like to play WEGO but it just takes too damned long to play anything after you have grown accustomed to the pace of a RT mission. I can play an hour-long mission in less than an hour and a half in most cases. That's more fun than replaying for me at least.

    Ditto for me. Except I'm 23. :D

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