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Field Marshal Blücher

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Posts posted by Field Marshal Blücher

  1. I'm trying to better understand how victory points can work and ideally should work in a good CMBN scenario. Some questions:

    1. How do veteran scenario designers go about setting VP points? Do you decide first that a given scenario is "worth" a total number of VPs (say 1000) and then apportion them (say 800 for various territory locations, 200 for certain friendly or enemy casualty parameters)? How many total VPs is it good to use?

    This REALLY depends on a number of different factors, although generally it is best to figure out the maximum number of points for each side and then divide that up as you see fit.

    2. How and when do "asymmetrical" victory conditions play a useful role? What's a good way to make the most of this feature?

    Generally speaking, asymmetrical victory conditions are useful in asymmetrical scenarios. ;) (Sounds facetious but is also semi-serious.) They're also useful in situations where you just think long and hard about what each side would historically be trying to achieve and you come up with different things based on the tactical/strategic situation.

    2. Is there any way to assign the enemy and friendly casualty percentage victory points in "Parameters" so that a given casualty level becomes a game-ending event? For example, if either the defending German side suffers > 60% casualties or the attacking US side suffers 30% casualties, the scenario ends and victory is determined by whatever side has the most VPs at that time? I'm looking for a way to make scenarios end when it would make sense historically, and not just automatically keep running until the final turn runs out and the players have fought to the last man.

    (When I look at the Parameters screen in Editor, I see that one can assign points for a side inflicting/suffering given percentages of casualties. But it seems that would only count toward a side's victory point total at the end of the scenario (when the clock runs out). And those Parameter points would just be added to whatever other points that side scored for territory, unit objectives, etc.)

    Nope, nothing can force the early end of a scenario except for a surrender or cease fire.

    3. If I can't make the casualty parameters trigger an immediate end of a scenario, can I make them trigger a scenario loss or victory when the scenario clock runs out? For example: In a 60-turn scenario, if the attacking US side suffers > 30% casualties, it would wipe out any other VPs the US achieved and thus would mean defeat when turn 60 ends. (If Parameter points could be set to a negative value --can they? -- then I guess they could have the effect of wiping out positive VPs earned by territory capture, etc.)

    Yep, it's quite easy--just give the opponents an "Enemy Casualties" parameter that has enormous points values attached to it. I did this in a number of CMSF scenarios, and it works here too. Say you have two terrain objectives worth 500 points total, and some other objectives worth 250. Just give the other side an "Enemy Casualties" parameter of 1500 points or something and it will basically force a loss.

  2. Nope, there's nothing like that per se. I find that a good way to fudge intersections is to put a tile of "Dirt Lot" under the paved road at the intersection. This also works with gravel/paved road intersections if you use a gravel tile under the paved road.

  3. Short answer: no.

    Long answer: campaigns only function with scenario, or .btt files. QB or baked scenario files won't work in campaigns. Since you can't randomly generate the enemy in a scenario file (or baked scenario files, for that matter), you can't randomly generate an enemy in a campaign.

  4. First, of all, I'm very glad you all are enjoying this campaign so much. It was a pleasure to design it and play it myself, and I'm so happy that all of you are having as good a time as I did. :)

    Second, there's been a lot of talk as to further campaigns. Since I've been meaning to post about my future plans, I'll lay them out here.

    Let me get this out of the way: Captain Evans' war isn't over yet. C/1/508 PIR have some work to do. However, I'd been playing so much with Airborne infantry that I wanted to step away from continuing the Devils' adventures for a little and work on some decidedly different projects.

    My next upcoming release (which should hopefully be available for playtesters in the next few weeks, and hopefully to the general public a week or two after that) is a larger-scale, combined arms campaign entitled Die Letzte Hoffnung, which tells the (again, historically inspired but changed up a bit to make it more fun) story of the 116. Panzerdivision in Operation Lüttich, the Mortain Counterattack, on 7 August. Your core forces are substantially larger, and are more on the order of a depleted battalion-size Kampfgruppe. Die Letzte Hoffnung features more shinies (Panthers, Nebelwerfers, and heavy artillery) than did Devils' Descent, which will hopefully compensate in the fun factor for the larger size of the scenarios. It alas has fewer choices (only one) than Devils' Descent, mainly because the route taken by 116. Panzerdivision and the type of actions it was involved in leave less room for variance at the company-battalion level. It will retain the narrative style of Devils' Descent, though, and should hopefully be quite a bit harder (although I'd still like to keep the difficulty well below ball-busting :D).

    After Die Letzte Hoffnung comes out, I don't know what my next project will be. I'm considering either doing the extension of the Devils' adventures, or starting something different and semi-secret. Rest assured, though, I'll keep making campaigns as long as the CM series is running! :)


  5. I think the tutorial is very different from most actual defensive missions in that the default defensive positions are the best defensive positions; for most good defensive missions, that's not (or shouldn't be ;)) the case. IMO the deployment and the use of reserves and artillery is what makes defending interesting.

  6. Here is my follow up question though.

    It appears that each mortar team has 100 rounds if you look at the artillery call in screen. But each ammo carrier only has 50 rounds and the mortar team itself only has 10, where is the other 40? Is the 100 rounds aggregate for all four mortars in the platoon? I get sacked out every time I try to figure this calculus out. Any sane answers greatly appreciated.

    The artillery screen (I think) factors in ammo that's shared from other units.

  7. Hi all

    having problems with my Anti-tank guns.

    i noticed in demo they wouldnt move and when turning to face would slowly turn maybe 2 mins to revolve 180 deg.

    thought maybe in full game problem would be resolved but to my horror same bug.

    obviously cant hitch to vehicles either :mad:

    removed game and reinstalled but still same prob.

    any suggestions??

    Hi duckEfuzz,

    Did you undeploy the ATG? It takes a very, very long time to both undeploy and then to move them, but ATGs can be moved. You'll notice in the unit info box where it says, "Pack Up" and "Deploy" and then some times listed, which IIRC are usually pretty long. Did you wait that long and they still didn't move?


  8. Will the new patch invalidate older version game saves? IOW, can we continue our campaigns started in unpatched v1.0 with patched v1.01?

    Yes, but also yes, strangely enough! ;) Any saves that are made in the middle of a mission will not be playable in 1.01. However, if you are in the middle of a campaign, if you have a save that is made between missions, everything will work just fine. :)

  9. Well, I'll answer your questions to the best of my NDA-restricted abilities.

    Do we have a time frame?

    Unless Steve chimes in, I doubt I can say anything here.

    How has testing been going?

    Well. :D Anything more than that is probably another NDA violation.

    What features are you working on?

    Covered by NDA. If you really want to know you could try searching Steve's posts as he generally is the only one who releases pre-patch "patch notes." ;)

    Any new maps coming with patch?

    Not official maps. New content is either released on the Repository or in modules. The one exception I can recall is that they included upgraded versions of the M1A2 SEP and Bradleys in the 1.10 patch for CMSF, but I'm pretty sure that was a one-time thing.

  10. For some reason you can't change the assignment of reinforcement groups while the "Reinforcements" tab is open. Switch back to the "Purchase" (or whatever it's called, the one where you choose the units) screen and try again; it should work. :)

    Eh, I've only been making scenarios in CMx2 for three years, I've only made 6 campaigns, there's no reason I should know what that screen is called. :D

  11. Also, you can see in the bottom-left corner, with all of the soldier status indicators (e.g. Firing, Aiming, Cowering, etc.) "Casualty" indicators. These also disappear when they are buddy-aided but to be honest I prefer it the way it is; if I see no "Casualty" indicators down there then I know that I've buddy-aided all of the downed men in the unit.

  12. As you mention - NOT every unit needs to be included as a unit objective - leaving it free to leave the map with no penalty to either side.

    But that doesn't solve the issue. Take an example:

    Your force consists of a motorized PzGren company and its trucks. Now, you can assign unit objectives only to the Panzergrenadiere themselves, but that doesn't fix the issue; as a matter of fact, it exacerbates it, since it gives you a reason to exit the Panzergrenadiere rather than the trucks.

    In the future, I'm going to include exit objectives in all of my scens for any sides that don't have unit objectives assigned to them, where possible.

  13. I have read the posts on "panzerfausts" and on installing to version 1.30 in order to have access to the panzerfaust launchers.

    I have started my german campaign in 1.31. Will a saved campaign file from 1.31 work in 1.30?

    Thanks in advance for all replies.

    I doubt it. However, assuming that the save was made between missions, it will work in 1.32, and the panzerfausts should show up once 1.32 is loaded.

  14. To answer your main question, yes, Elite is working correctly. It displays the soldier icon, but the unit info panel always displays the unit information. I agree that having the unit info panel displaying the correct info breaks FOW, but there's nothing broken about your game. :) There's another thread about that whole issue elsewhere.

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