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Field Marshal Blücher

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Everything posted by Field Marshal Blücher

  1. I'm with Barleyman. Of course, if there's no vodka, I'll make do with antifreeze . . .
  2. Alas, they're not going to tell us until it's out. Until then, refresh like there's no tomorrow!
  3. CM:SF isn't CMBB set in modern-day Syria. If you look at what BFC has said about their philosophy about designing new games, they never intend to have the same variety of units that you had in previous CM games. Instead, they decided to do smaller conflicts, with smaller TO&E, really, really well. Who knows? That may be why I only play CMSF and not CMx1.
  4. It's not out yet . . . I'm assuming it'll be out when Marines comes out. EDIT: Wow, slug88 beat me in the time it took me to type that.
  5. If Marines actually do say things like, "That there wench be buxom" I'm definitely joining up.
  6. I'm still guessing that Javs are going to kill T-90s pretty easily. They're [T-90s] probably going to better vs. Abrams tanks and other U.S. AFVs though.
  7. Can you play the mission OK as a stand-alone scenario?
  8. If you're not using the scenario editor, there's no way to be sure of having one.
  9. An HBCT recon platoon with air support gets in a tough fight over a patch of dirt. Something to tide you over until we get LAVs! Get it at CMMODs!
  10. Seriously, Huntarr. If you did all this yourself, it deserves to be published. Good job, man.
  11. Welcome, Ratguts! I can assure you that much posterior will indeed be booted shortly! OORAH!
  12. This scenario will be fairly easy on Veteran, because the Apache delay is not quite as much. That said, you seem to have been much luckier with your Apaches than many of the other posters here. Congratulations on a good win! SPOILER In my testing experience on this scenario, it either goes REALLY well or REALLY poorly. I had some playtests where I lost 19 KIA or WIA, and others where I only had 3 casualties. On Elite, I consider 3 casualties total to be a pretty good result.
  13. Well, the CM engine would IMO be inappropriate for pre-twentieth century games. BFC is working on HistWar: Les Grognards which is set in the Napeoleonic Wars . . .
  14. Me too. I'm just too busy laughing my posterior off (either that, or saying "AWESOME" over and over again) to respond.
  15. v1.1 is up, the map size has been increased by several hundred meters in each direction. AI and objectives have been changed to reflect this. Enjoy!
  16. I think medlinke is thinking that you guys are only working on one game/module at a time, which from what Steve and others have said, seems not to be the case. I, of course, have no actual idea of a timeline though.
  17. dan/california, I've been playtesting this on Elite. I'll try to extend the map this evening if I have time.
  18. Wow, Guinessman, that's some seriously bad luck. Try it again, that might give you better results. I've had Apaches miss the map, but in my last playtest before release they killed a tank and two BMPs with Hellfires and a third BMP with their chaingun (which it did chop up quite nicely).
  19. I play RT because I don't think the AI is at the point where I can trust them to do the right thing for a whole minute (which can be a pretty long time in a battle). This may change with the TacAI updates in 1.10, but I think I'll keep playing RT because it seems the most bug-free, un-annoying way to play. BTW, I think it is realistic to be pausing frequently, because as I noted in my earlier post, you're doing the squad and platoon commanders' work as well as the company/battalion commanders'.
  20. If you're just getting digital, there's no point in pre-ordering . . . you just buy the digital download version the day the game comes out, it's the same price, and you get it just as quickly.
  21. Hahaha, you'll find lots of other people complaining that the game was designed to be played in RT! I just use pause. A lot. Which I don't think is unrealistic, given that I'm doing all of the squad and platoon leaders' work in addition to the company/battalion commanders'. I found this to be a big problem at first, but once I got into it I rarely have problems with running out of time any more.
  22. Glad you all are enjoying it! I think a fix to make Apaches a little more useful is going to be in 1.10, which should make them a little less frustrating to use.
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