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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by Gnasher

  1. Couple of things to look at:-

    Firstly do you have a lot of statics densely packed together? This can cause problems especially I've found if there is a large amount of overlap (Think walls/fences). Also I found that the same can be with trees (bushes under trees, look good & realistic but have caused me grief in the past!).

    How many units are you testing with? Try a test mission with a single tank & see if it loads... I've found that unit numbers can greatly affect stability even when within limits, I've yet to figure out the keylog on that sucker! So far it's been trial & error.

    If the above doesn't work post your log file from the root TOW folder, preferably after firing up the game & loading your map/mission as the 1st load.

    HTH & good luck

  2. I just hope that the missions provided aren't single solution puzzles, I like a good tactical battle over repeated save game, get killed, reload save yadda yadda. This I think was the biggest downer on ToW as the stock missions were too single solution & very hard to beat & had little to no replayability once you've cracked the puzzle. IMHO the solution to this is to have a large reserve force that the player can select units from & randomly selected opposition, so that when replaying the mission it isn't the same old every time. I tried to address this with my Bulldogs campaign with I hope some success.

  3. I felt like i had my face glued to the battlefield, couldn't zoom out far enough.

    You can set that in the settings, IIRC default setting is about 60%

    There may be a lot of detail but when the games in full flow there's no chance of appreciating it and it turns into a clickfest.

    Try either pause or reducing time to 50% as an antidote to clickfest.

  4. Well there doesn't appear to be a hold position button anymore & I haven't noticed any units rushing like leemings into a wall of enemy fire.

    The indirect fire option is very useful although now IMO we need an ammo replenshment unit, whether this is a dedicated unit or just a transport vehicle with ammo boxes loaded I don't know. I do know my 105s shot off a ton of shells suppressing the German 88s & pak40s so that I only had smoke left when it came to the village.

    The UI took me about 15mins to get used to, quite alot of differences there & I too miss the ability to select high, middle, low aiming points. Overall though I'd say there are many improvements & apart from the aiming can't think of any big negatives.

  5. Ok.. the controls are HOPELESS. This is one of the games I really want to like and play, but how can I when the controls are counter intuitive (to other RTS') and are all over the keyboard. I mean, cmon, the technical quality is nice, bit the controls are from the 90this. Please look into this as the controls of any game are fundamental to the enjoyment of said game. And please dont give me any crap about how we will get used to it. We already are used to how most games handles movement and control, why would this game need any special keys for that? (hint, it doesnt and it is just stupid)

    Ever think of going to Settings\Controls & setting your 'intuitive' key commands?

    Most moronic/troll post I've seen in a long time.............

  6. Bit of an update...

    I'm currently working on a St Mere Eglese mission which will be the 1st in the campaign. I've had loads of issues with this sucker, initially I broke the map & had to spend many, many hours debugging it. Now I've fixed the map & broken the mission! :(

    If I create a BG mission I can get the map to load ok, but if I try to run my mission on it bombs out, doesn't CTD as such because ToW is still running & I have to give it a 3 fingered salute & end the process, all very strange indeed.

    I think I'll just start again from scratch PITA though..................

  7. I've been thinking that MP is sadly lacking in games & number of players, so if I uploaded a bunch of new maps & MP missions would anybody be interested? The maps would basically be the Bulldogs & Eagles campaign maps with MP missions for them.

    Post in this thread if you are interested. ToW MP is a heap of fun IF you can find a server to play on. If there's a positive response I'll upload.


  8. I had done some of that from reading your reply in another thread, except for the adware part. I use Spybot, how's that?

    I set my virtual memory to 4ooo/4000, that's the tops allowed. Ran the game, still a bit jerky but a little better. Cameras run great on pause, it would be nice to see that when running.

    Would getting another .5 G Ram do anything?

    Yes it probably will! It will allow the windows kernel to have it's own memory & let ToW have the rest. I think that the problem you have is most likely that the machine is paging/swapping because memory is full & the system has to use disk based memory to make up the shortfall.


  9. How much RAM do you have? >= 2GB I hope! A massive GPU spec doesn't mean that much with this game, enough proper RAM is as / if not more important as it aint just pretty graphics more real time physics which aren't helped unless you've got enough raw processing grunt & plenty of memory.

    Sorry to rant but I've spent 20yrs proving that faster processors aint necessarily the panacea to all evils, in fact they can be just the opposite, you have to address the bottleneck, which doesn't sound like the GPU in this case.

  10. Blocked means that a unit is in the force pool without permissions which means that you can't add or remove from the force pool. You'd use it to force the player to keep a certain unit.

    The game's log file is called log & sits in the main TOW folder. TBH it doesn't give that many clues (well to me anyway unless it's really obvious like too many tree objects.). But hey I'm no java programming expert & wouldn't have the 1st clue how to code in java or .net although I'm reasonably technically savvy as I've worked in the IT industry for ~23yrs (Not Wintel I might add, Unix is my game.). Post it up anyway as Sneaksie usually is able to offer a gem of wisdom as to the cause.

    Also as I've mod patched the feck out of my copy it may be that I've included something that aint in your install, that was certainly an issue with B1, but as far as I'm aware I've removed all of those units, I could however be wrong as it's alot of work!

  11. Most of the missions have randomly generated opposing forces with ~ 250 possible variations. I did this because I didnt like the single solution stock missions & wanted to play a tactically rather than solve a puzzle. I had to spend several months play testing each mission.

    It may well be that it's given the max units, does it ctd repeatedly? Not being able to reproduce the ctd makes it very hard to diagnose the issue as it plays fine on my rig (2 dual core xeons 4GB RAM). Do you have a low end rig? Could be it's a memory issue?

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