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Posts posted by Gnasher

  1. great tip Oudy,

    I was in the process of doing this myself.

    has for the conversion of the houses, the job is already half done in ToW1, but that's true, they wont work like they do in ToW2.

    Does anyone know what additional work would be required to get these imported? I notice that there are already interior textures which makes me think that maybe building entry WAS planned but didn't make it to the final release of TOW1 for whatever reason & that it may be quite a 'straightforward tweak' (cfg file entry?) to get them running in the new engine as I couldn't see anything on buildings in the modelling guide.

  2. Yeah agree totally Nikki.

    It would be cool if combat engineer troopers could as you say lay a necklace of AT mines over a road or track & be able to detect enemy mine necklaces. I'm thinking that a single unit would be unable to carry more than 5 mines (AT or AP) Player's choice )).

    Also these guys should be able to use flamethrowers & demolition charges to destroy objects (ie bridges & buildings).

    This would be a 100% bonus to playability & add soo much to MP!

  3. Hi Arzok,

    I have no idea why it doesn't work. Unit count is 188 which is well within the limits. Also it was made using the battle generator which I would expect to have stable code (the same as the other missions in the pack), which I doubt is the cause...

    I did have a lot of trouble making this map though, it took a very long time to stop it from crashing in SP missions, even now it crashes on some of the SP missions I've made for no obvious / explicable reason, others its fine. I think it could be the object count along with proximity & pathfinding on this map causes the game problems, my diagnosis of causes of crashes from the log file have always been at best hit & miss affairs (unless it's really blindingly obvious (which it rarely is!).).

    Might I suggest deleting a tank from each army & testing whether this makes a difference?

  4. As only Arzok (Someone who has also made a campaign) seems to get what I was saying perhaps this picture will help explain:-


    This is only an example & you could make it much more complex if you have the time to code & test all of the available outcomes.

  5. All of these things can be scripted within the mission / campagn editor. Surrender / retreat triggers can quite easily be written along with code to define mission failure on a percentage loss of forces. To create something ala close combat style with missions going back & forth across maps could be recreated in the campaign editor. You would need to have created "mission won" (ie proceed to next map) & "mission lost" (ie go back a map or refight this map) missions. These can be made to look more convincing using the create deformations, StaticDamage , StaticFire , & DamageObject / DestroyObject commands in the init trigger to simulate a battlefield that has already been fought over, here's some code that I've used to good effect for this:-

    DamageObject ( GROUP , "Group_Destroyed" , 100 )

    Delay ( 3 )

    CreateDeformations ( RECT , "Eterville" , 900 )

    Delay ( 3 )

    StaticDamage ( RECT , "Eterville" , 60 , 60 , 100 )

    Delay ( 3 )

    StaticFire ( RECT , "Eterville" , 100 , 60 )

    ChangeFogOfWar ( DISABLE )

    Delay ( 5 )

    ActivateDispositionMode ( "begin" )

    In this group Group_Destroyed is a placement of burned out vehicles to simulate the debris from the previous battle. I used DamageObject for this (Don't know if this works in TOW2.) but you could use DestroyObject equally well with something like this:-

    DestroyObject ( GROUP , "Group_Destroyed" , HULL )

    Delay ( 3 )

    DestroyObject ( GROUP , "Group_Destroyed" , TURRET )

    Delay ( 3 )

    DestroyObject ( GROUP , "Group_Destroyed" , ENGINE )

    Delay ( 3 )

    DestroyObject ( GROUP , "Group_Destroyed" , TRACKS )

    Hope this helps, expect to see this sort of gameplay in the next Bulldogs release.

  6. Hi Arzok,

    I think you may be mistaken mate, to me the original looks correct, have a look at this code:-


    CreateGroupObject ( GROUP , @group_check , ARMY , @enemy_army , ALL , 100 , VISIBLE , NOT_EMPTY )

    SetWorkArmy ( ARMY , @enemy_army )

    SET @enemy_power = GetPower ( GROUP , @group_check )

    SetWorkArmy ( ARMY , @army )

    SET @alive_units = GetNUnits ( ARMY , @army , HUMAN , CREW )

    CreateGroupObject ( GROUP , @group_check , ARMY , @army , ALL , 100 , NOT_EMPTY )

    SET @power = GetPower ( GROUP , @group_check )

    MUL ( @alive_units , 100 )

    DIV ( @alive_units , @all_units )

    IF ( @alive_units < @army_rate AND @power < @enemy_power ) THEN



    Delay ( 10000 )



    CreateGroupObject ( GROUP , @group_artillery , ARMY , @army , ARTILLERY , 100 )

    CreateGroupObject ( GROUP , @group_hmg , ARMY , @army , HMG , 100 )

    CreateGroupObject ( GROUP , @group_vehicle , ARMY , @army , ALL , 100 , BROKEN_ENGINE )

    RunCommand ( GROUP , @group_artillery , OUT_CREW , ALL )

    RunCommand ( GROUP , @group_hmg , OUT_CREW , ALL )

    RunCommand ( GROUP , @group_vehicle , OUT_CREW , ALL )

    Delay ( 15000 )

    BodyMode ( ARMY , @army , FREE )

    RunCommand ( ARMY , @army , STORM , RECT , @rect )

    CreateGroupByRect ( GROUP , @group_destroy , ARMY , @army , ALL , 100 , RECT , @rect )

    ReinforcementDestroy ( GROUP , @group_destroy )

    SET @num = GetNUnits ( ARMY , @army , HUMAN , CREW )

    IF ( @num = 0 ) THEN




    Looks to me as if @power is current value for @Army whereas @enemy_power is the inital power calculated at mission start which is a generic requirement because this is repeatable code that can deal with multiple sceanrios based on the initial parameters set by the battle generator.

  7. Did the new mission fix your problem?

    I decided to add a new mission to B3, the new mission is a defend action at Eterville, I'm pretty pleased with the results, so here's some eye candy from the play test:-

    Shermans in ambush positions


    Artillery strike (Got em haha)


    Caught in the wheatfields


    Will upload full updated campaign when there's somewhere to host it......

  8. BTW by workaround I mean what it would take to remove the reliance on a single server & maybe have secondary servers so that MP games can always be matched. Since I bought ToW at release I've only been able to access MP <20 times ever! This, even though I regularly check to see if its up when I fire up the game, so we're talking about a 95% outage from where I am.

    Or are we looking at firewall issue? If so what's needed to set up geographic servers to eliminate this little pita?

    The MP games that I have managed to play have been a ton of fun that were some thought put into it could be one of the best MP games around. I'd really like to see the ability to trigger reinforcements & more MP game modes like capture zones for reinforcements & various supports etc. Give us the tools & let the community do the rest.

  9. Yeah OK grant you that, but there's a soldier with my name in all of my Bulldog missions (he killed a Tiger with a captured jerry panzerfaust this afternoon!).

    I just counted ~80 English surnames between A-D so that would make (without counting) about ~400 names. Unfortunately Winters, Toye, Guarnere or pretty much most of the Easy Company surnames aren't in the list. The solution must be in a SFS archive as a config file somewhere so therefore should either be able to add names or modable if there's some kind of limt to the number of names.

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