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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by Gnasher

  1. Jim,

    Here's how you do it in a nutshell:-

    Copy a clean map to "mymap". Google Earth is you friend for making maps. Get the resolution to make a 4km x 4km square fill the screen & take a screen shot. Paste that into a image editor & Cut the square out & past as new image. Resize image to 1024x1024 pixels & save as farmaintex.tga. Increase GE to 2km x 2km & repeat cut paste etc, resize to 2048x2048 pixels & save as maintex.tga. Then resize maintex to 512x512 pixels & save as minimap.tga.

    Open "mymap" in map editor & you're ready to start sculpting the landscape, adding roads, renders, buildings/statics & finally trees & bushes. I recommend doing it in that order from painful experience, do trees last!

  2. It would have been nice if there were some new functionality, static objects or additions vechicles & units. Light mortars, grenade launchers & bayonets come to mind most. But I digress..........

    We get 12 new maps but you don't say how many missions in each campaign?

  3. It may be worth your while to download the TOWextractor from CMODs. All map files (all data files too) are unaccessable in the game. You need the extractor But if you extract the map you want, you can rename the folder and play with it.

    In some ways redoing an existing map is easier especially if you want to access the water table.

    That's where you use the terrain plane tool set to the maximum size! :)

  4. One thing I should let people know is that B3 will be completely different in one important respect. That's that there are no deployment group forces i.e. only reserves. For those who wonder WTF I'm talking about :), that means that you get a bunch of points & then have to choose the units you want to take to battle from the units menu, you choose 100% of your force from what is available from previous battle & new from this one. I think this, combined with the random unit generation keeps the missions fresh in that you can play the missions multiple times & not get the same opposition every time in the same place. To my mind this makes you play more tactically which is where the game shines the most.

    BTW Petrus I can't make this mission crash except for some reason if I move people between units before starting the mission. Please post a log file so we can seen where your copy decides to crap out.



  5. Arisaka99 ,

    It's all WIP at the moment & the best answer I can give is it will be done when it's done! It's not unrealistic to expect a beta by Easter, we have ~6 new maps done with more on the way,all historically accurate in terms of location etc.

    I Think we're at the stage that there's enough done to tell people what we're doing, but we're along way from a beta yet. WIP reports will follow as we progress.

  6. f_eaglelogobam_2b5cb68.jpg

    Tartari & I have been collaborating on a new campaign for US Airbourne missions covering the 82nd & 101st Divisions from D-Day onwards. I have been covering the 101st whilst Tartari is doing the 82nd.

    I made an intro video for the campaign in IL2, too bad I didn't check that you can only have vids at the end of a campaign


    Some shots of the 101st maps:-

    Brecourt Manor / St Marie Du Mont map:-




  7. Yes this is entirely doable & it's relatively easy to make your own map textures. If it's a stock map you want to transfer you'll need to extract the files from the SFS archives using Dr Jones' tool or by making a small change in the map editor to the map (This will extract & write them locally.). All you need to do then is copy farmaintex.tga & maintex.tga to your new map folder & you're done.

    If you're making your own from say GoogleEarth then you need to know that farmaintex is 4x4km & should be 1024x1024 pixels, maintex is the centre hi res part & is 2x2km & should be 2048x2048 pixels.


  8. "I write this thread with the hope you incoporeted a systeme like line of sigth but for the chance to hit 'cause many of us have no idea of the different factor that give a Hit% at a certain distance and antoher Hit% at another distance or amutinition. Please take in cosideration this request that could be an option for very good player."

    - You have the Uber Patch installed, yes? If so as Falconander says this would be pointless over the green, red, & black lines currently implemented within the game.

  9. this is one of the reasons I tend to steer away from purchasing any 1C games....

    Hmmmm, the big other 1C game is IL2 Sturmovik which is absolutely massive in the MP department, so that doesn't seem a valid point. As ToW is based on IL2 technology it would seem that lack of good MP was an inititial design error by the ToW team as the engine appears to have the inherent capability to support this. After all nearly all single player games are either dead on hard drives or deleted after 3 months & being completed. So IMO the marketing axiom would seem that for continued playablity & popularity MP would be the place to concentrate efforts & build support slowly but surely.

    Happy New Year!!

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