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Posts posted by iplaygames2

  1. Well here's the thing. For SP anyway...if you don't like a pause key, DONT USE IT. If you do like it (and I do), then by all means make use of it.

    In multiplay, why not discuss the use of such a thing in the lobby (assuming there is a lobby) before joining a game?

    Better yet, to the devs, how about you make a pause button toggle for multiplayer games? So it's either on, for anyone to use, or it's off for everyone.

    Problem solved.

  2. Originally posted by Prince of Eckmühl:

    That way, players can reload the game if anything goes wrong and won't ever lose. At that point, the only thing missing from the package would be the inclusion of a butt-plug which would allow them to hold their stool until Thanksgiving.

    Spoken like a true king of clickfest titles.
  3. Originally posted by Redwolf:

    Do you have a 2.66 GHz Pentium-4 with 800 MHz FSB (front-side bus)? If not, if you have the older model of P4 you can most likely forget about upgrading the processor, and your current one is just not fast enough.

    I have no idea, but after running aida32, this is what it says.


    Operating System Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition

    OS Service Pack Service Pack 2

    Internet Explorer 6.0.2900.2180

    Computer Name ADAM (Adam and Erika's computer in the basement!)

    User Name AdamY

    Logon Domain ADAM


    CPU Type Intel Pentium 4HT, 2600 MHz (3.25 x 800)

    Motherboard Name Intel Bay Field D865GBF (6 PCI, 1 AGP, 4 DIMM, Audio, Video, LAN)

    Motherboard Chipset Intel Springdale-G i865G

    System Memory 1024 MB (DDR SDRAM)

    BIOS Type AMI (06/24/03)

    Communication Port Communications Port (COM1)

    Communication Port Printer Port (LPT1)


    Video Adapter NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4200 (128 MB)

    3D Accelerator nVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4200

    So, does that make my request for info any easier to help with? I feel so out of touch with technology nowadays. Pretty sad because just 2 years ago I used to build PCs for a paycheck. :(

  4. I've got a 2.6gig processor but am running a Geforce 4 Ti4200. I want to upgrade it with another AGP card due to my mobo, and am looking at around $200US to spend.

    I've asked around, but am curious if any of you are tech savvy enough to provide good suggestions. I am NOT... at least not anymore!

  5. Thanks a bunch ColJ. I appreciate all the info from a person with, obviously, more knowledge than myself. smile.gif I guess that's what internet forums are for..... ;)

    I am rather surprised that I grabbed the demo of company of heroes (multi) and can play it with decent framerate. I have high hopes for current gen games after I upgrade my vid card! ;)

  6. What's the 7800GS+ go for? I would think a 512 card would be a little bit out of my $200 price range... ;)

    My card now has 4 pixel pipes..yikes.

    I've got a 400w supply, not too sure what kind it is. What's a typical "good" supply manufacturer?

  7. I really don't mean to sound like a ninny, but isn't this going a bit overboard? I mean, I could see if a tank or artillery piece was a bit lacking in detail, but to complain about the lack of a bolt handle on a rifle?

    I would think most people would be more worried about AI, pathfinding, LOS issues, realistic terrain, etc, before worrying about how a rifle is rendered. Maybe I'm wrong.

  8. Well, that's a big difference in turn based strategy gaming versus real time strategy gaming.

    That said, I intend to make FULL use of the pause button for ToW...My old brain and hands just can't keep up with most RTS games today. smile.gif

  9. Thanks, GrAL. I appreciate the info, and I am running a D865GBF Intel mobo, so yes, it's an AGP board.

    X800XL, huh? I've heard that the X1600XT was good, never heard anything about the 800XL.

    I'm also getting word that the GeForce 7600GS is a good card. It's about $160US.

    Still, I've never used an ATI card before, and I guess I'm too dumb or cautious to do any overclocking. Cooling is an issue here, because the space that my PC is in is really tight. I've got all the fans I can fit in the box right now and it still gets warm. From what I know, overclocking just increases the heat on a card, right?

    Thanks again for your response! ;)

  10. I'm in the process of upgrading my PC. What kinds of video cards will ToW be optimized for? I've been using an Nvidia card for most of my gaming life, but I hear from friends and colleagues that ATI is superior for gaming.

    I'm basically looking to upgrade my video card, and maybe get some more memory. My CPU will be the last thing to get upgraded.

    Currently have a P4 2.6GhZ processor, 1GBDDR400 RAM, and a GeForce4Ti4200 (128MB) vid card.

    Haven't put anything new in this rig for a year and a half or so. I'm just itching to get the box open and put in some new goodies, but I'm on a budget, too. smile.gif

    Any tips appreciated! :cool:

  11. 1.)I know its been discussed alot, but why have the ability to destroy buildings, and yet not be able to place troops in them...!
    I think troops can enter destroyed buildings. One of the devs posted that information....somewhere... at least I think so..
  12. Originally posted by gunnersman:

    Oh, and iplaygames2, have you been to the blog?

    Yea, gunner, but thanks for linking that. I have seen that blog, a few times. ;) I just like to see official posts from the devs, on the main game page. I'm sure I'm not the only one that gets a bit excited to log into the main site and see a new update.. :D

    OK, so I'll keep my peace til September 18th then. Ya got 6 days. Count 'em, SIX!! :cool:

  13. Well I sure hope my asking what the spec requirements for the game are is what set off this debate of newb/noob vs vet or loyal fan.

    I've purchased every CM game since CMBO, and I also own DiF. If you've been around a while, you know what those acronyms are. If now, search around a bit.

    Oh, I also think my English is pretty good. ;)

  14. Well okay then, how about this? When you create a pilot (or 1x per pilots career, anyway) you have the option to have him on the "ladder". If he's on the ladder, that's where teh whole percentage loss upon death comes into play.

    If he's not a ladder pilot, then make him invincible. Sure, it takes away the realism of the game, but if there's no way for him to be tracked on a ladder system, what does it hurt?

    I can see Pauls point; the only reason I play online is so I can see my guys totals for kills/missions/etc at a glance on the Leaderboard/'my pilots' option. I don't ever plan on cracking the top 20 or so ladder pilots, and that's fine.

  15. Just wondering if there's any place that lists the min/recommended specs for this masterpiece? I haven't been able to find a list, and the game looks fantastic. I'm sure I'm a bit behind the curve, technologically, and I'd like to get some new hardware to meet the challenge presented here. ;)

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