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Posts posted by iplaygames2

  1. I'm all for some type of system where your pilots don't die...100fatigue perhaps, or maybe you lose the last skill you purchased? Your most expensive skill? I'm not sure how to "fix" it, but perma-death seems a bit harsh when the goal is to build your guys up to Ace status.

  2. Are there some issues with the DiF server today? All day long, my connection has been spotty at best. 3 times so far tonight I've been in mid-mission and lost connection to the host.

    I don't think I'm the only one having troubles, as everything else 'net based is running fine.

    What's going on? :confused:

  3. Thanks Brian. ;)

    Also, for some reason, my auto-update doesn't seem to be working. Sixx was kind enough to email me the files I needed, but was just wondering if you knew why the auto-update wasn't working for me?

    Not behind any other firewalls, and DiF is cleared to pass the windows default firewall.

  4. I have a request...and it's come from multiple user errors on my part. redface.gif When you're creating a mission for one of your pilots, make him fly in his highest level plane, by default!!

    I am bringing up 4 british pilots now, and my top 2 obviously have the best planes...every now and then I have to go and fly a mission with one of my bottom dwellers. After the fatigue heals, I take out one of my aces, and their plane defaults to the lower level planes I've been flying.

    Nothing like expecting to go into battle in a +2 damage plane, and you wind up in a -1 mod!!!

    Argh! :mad:

  5. Originally posted by Stalin's Organist:

    but again te eAI gets some variability here and sometimes can be better than the escort.

    Got that right. I just unlocked the hurricane2 fighter and did an escort, all 4 enemy fighters were worth more than me.. :(

    I lost that mission. :(

  6. Good question, Paul. I know in the early planes (assuming you don't have Zoom Climb) you have to sacrifice 1 card to climb, so whatever altitude you are at when you run out of cards is your peak. Aircraft below you can still climb TO you, assuming they have the card(s) needed to get there. Once there, their wingman may still be able to draw cards and attack you, even if they cannot.

    If an enemy is tailing you, he can follow you without penalty if he has a "Stay With Him!" modifier. Otherwise, he has to sacrifice as usual. I don't think damaged/undamaged makes any difference on this point, either.

  7. Thanks, bart! I finally got some online pilots created and can track them on the leaders page. Not faring so well in the Battle of Britain, so I'm going to keep it to the single missions for now. smile.gif

    Tough to start over after I was flying Corsairs, but it's neat to fly British planes now. Still irks me about the graphic glitch where I can't see any stats on the Buffalo I plane dogfights.. oh well, I guess I'll be up in a new plane soon enough. ;)

  8. Originally posted by Paul:

    I have a question on Airframe under Aircraft Statistics. I know that airframe means how much damage a plane can take. But, what I don't understand is the numbers under O.K. and Dam. For example for F4F Wildcat it lists as 0-2 under O.K. and 3-5 under Dam.

    OOO OOO I can answer that one! I feel like a grizzled vet.. smile.gif

    Paul, the Airframe ranges you mention (0-2 OK and 3-5 damaged) represent the aircraft values for those 2 columns. So, the Wildcat has 0-2 points of airframe in the 'OK' or green column (where it's performance and horsepower are maximized).

    After it absorbs those 0-2 points of damage, it "flips" into the 'damaged' column where it can take another 3-5 points. When an aircraft is 'flipped', it's stats take a hit, and the performance and horsepower are reduced.

    If that same wildcat gets hit another 3-5 points, it will be destroyed.

  9. Originally posted by Sixxkiller:

    Well the AI can be fun but nothing compares to fighting humans online. smile.gif Also you do not have to play others online, you can just fight the bots. The good thing is you can always see how you are doing compared to other pilots from the website.

    Really? How do you fight the AI online? Can I do a campaign without fighting a human? I may be goofy but I can't figure out how to do that...
  10. Well, call me old fashioned, but I think I have more fun playing versus the AI. At least until I get really comfortable with the game...and this is one of those games that has so many underlying aspects to pay attention to; I don't know when I'll EVER take my game online! smile.gif

    So Stalin, you think escorts are the way to go, huh? I'll have to give it a shot. I actually did pretty good intercepting on my last mission out...seems like when I escort I get crappy bombers that can't take care of themselves at all!

  11. My pilots are all in the 3-400 xp range, with one of them around 450. Just wondering which type of engagement (dogfight, escort, intercept) you guys find to give the best rewards, xp-wise?

    I'm just no good escorting, always lose at least 1 bomber. I seem to do alright intercepting, depends on the other allied element (if they are decent, I do good!).

    What do the vets think?

  12. Couple of more newbie questions.

    What exactly is horsepower and what does it affect?

    Do different planes have different "sweet" altitudes? i.e. do you get more cards in different planes at different heights? If so, how do you know which ones give the bonus?

    Thanks again!

  13. When I'm up against the AI now, every time it seems both their leader and wingie has a 'Draw Extra Card' x4 in their skills. Do you guys buy that skill in those quantities? I don't, and it seems I'm getting toasted in alot of these dogfights lately.

    Just wondering...if I bought 4 draw new cards, my xp would begin to go negative, I think! :eek:

  14. Let's see...eagle eyes, no haven't been saving for that. I've been saving for Marksman, though. I figure dthe +1 burst could garner me some extra kills.

    Also, one of my pilots has both aggressive/evasive, so he gets an extra card as long as he's not neutral. That helps. smile.gif

    What about wingie skills? I've got the one where you drop the enemy leader performance by 1...does that mean he draws 1 less card? Still not quite sure how performance/horsepower work.

    Finally, the wingie skill to make the enemy leader discard 1 card. Would that be more useful versus a human opponent? It seems like when the AI really beats me, they have every single card just fall perfectly in their hands....not sure if making him discard 1 "randomly" would be worth it.

    Any thoughts?

  15. No it doesn't affect the xp gained by pilots...but it's just frustrating to not be able to "see" it, ya know?

    I got really lucky earlier, and the ratio of axis/allied points was like 2:1 I think. I shot down both enemy planes and garnered huge xp. I tell you, that IMS2:destroyed and Ace Pilot combo is just NICE!!! :D

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