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Everything posted by Dark_au

  1. Cataclysm Awaits. Scientists believe these twin suns are close to the end of their long lives. The planet has only survived for so long because of its large size and distance from the primaries. Its atmosphere is thin with high clouds of Methane Chrystals.
  2. Editing Raw files is easy.. PNG i have no idea of the format. TGA is possible. I thought you were meaning data types not picture types. Data is easier than image based stuff, the problem with that is the co-relation between height and colour usually doesn't give an easily linear scale.
  3. what do you want to import?. I can do you anything from 16 bit to srtm
  4. Oi aren't you on windows Tanki? If so whats wrong with the quickfrac utility?. It does smoothing, shadowing, shading.
  5. well you can start by just copy and pasting from other scenarios. Don't worry about trees and proceedural objects.
  6. Gday, When it comes to DT scenarios I love doing the map work. The placing of buildings and setting up game types etc I don't find so stimulating. Is there any guys out there who want to cooperate on some scenarios.. I'll do the bits I like and will tailor them to the scenario. I can even come up with ideas but don't really want to do the rest.
  7. Gday, What are the limitations on the proceedural objects. I notice that its simply a call to an objects name. Does that mean we could put in AAturrets as proceedural objects or Mines! ?. Would it be possible to make say a randomly cratered battlefield by supplying the proceedural objects list with different callibre HE rounds and having them scattered by the system ( to make fresh battle scars and smoking holes).
  8. I'm a bit hazy about what the infantry will be in game. Will it be say a squad that can be given orders or Vehicle dismounts?. Will they be crewable?. Will there be Power Armour?.
  9. sure but there needs to be a way to tell the bots not to drop yet it that case.
  10. ahhhhh isn that what the Facility number is for... OK
  11. Gday, I think there are a couple of fundamental flaws in the Base tactic as used in the game. Firstly why do you need a unit on the ground to call for artillery?. Surely the best way to prep a dropzone is with a heavy bombardment of arty followed by an emp strike just before the landing. Then drop a force to secure the dropzone while any local defences are impaired. Secondly why drop your "good" units first. First wave is expendible like pawns in chess. This is what recon and scout units are for. The first thing that should drop in is light fast units to get in and further cause chaos whilst heavier elements come in behind. The bots all drop in the good equipment straight away. and there isn't a way to stop them it seems.
  12. I've got an Updated version of this. Partly cos I just discovered that the .raw file is bieng produced upside down. Oooops... don't think it mentioned orientation in the docs. Also added shadowing and a readout of the cursor position at current spacing(for positioning items in the scenario). I'll email it to Clay and ask him to update the file.
  13. Gday, Well I've made my first mission... Its shamelessly ripped off from raid but it is using my own heightmap, terrain shadows etc (yeah I got shadowing to work in the Quickfrac utility). All I need now is some victims and a server to test it on..... Any volunteers?. If anyone wants to try it Singleplayer drop me an email and I'll send you a copy.
  14. Great Post Yurch, I was talking to Toby Haynes earlier in game and suggested something that would work with what you are saying. What about allowing a Point air defence mode for Ion armed units?. Slave the unit to AD and it just sits there hitting shells and dropships and ignoring ground targets (if a bot is in it) or removes control of the gun if a human is in it. You could easily limit this by giving them a much lower "target overload" value than for the Towers.
  15. Would it be possible at some point to get a non drop way of deploying new units?. What I imagine would be an area of the edge of the map which you can set as a corridor and newly deployed units start at that edge. It would be a good way to imply one side having air superiority ( and would be more usefull for present day type mods).
  16. This is the only server not running CTF maps. Could we please have some of the other maps in its cycle. There are several more from the campaign and the single player list which aren't CTF.
  17. Got to keep the map scales though. What would be best about this engine is that you would be able to see the enemy far outside of your effective shot range. This would mean you'd have to out manaeouver him.
  18. WOW.... Hell yes.... First thing i said when I played drop team was this would be a great basis for a ww2 mod. Especially the way the grass looks it would be excellent for a Kursk battle.
  19. erm... maybe a thick question but WTF is a schema and what do i do with it.
  20. Dark_au

    Upload areas

    Believe me I haven't dumped vast resourses into it. Its based on a couple of heightmap generators I've written before but i've changed some bits to make it produce .raw files for Dropteam. One reason I prefer to do these sort of things myself is that then I know how they work and can tweak them. Its taken me only a few hours to get it (nearly) finished... apart from actual cast shadows. not really sure how to do those efficiently. I've got some ideas but they seem quite long-winded.
  21. Dark_au

    Upload areas

    Gday, Is there any intention of opening up a download area for end user content?. With the info about scenario building released there will hopefully be more scenarios and addons available soon. Also I've written a quick fractal landscape generator for drop team which I'm willing to share but have no where to upload it. I've got it working doing basic ground shading for the big terrain texture file ( no shadows as such yet until I can work out how to do these). It may be an alternative to terragen for those too poor or too tight to buy the full version of it. After reading the scenario creation doc I'm tempted to put together a quick GUI scenario "assembler / editor" if anyone is interested in assisting please let me know.
  22. ooops and another:- is there a way to set the direction, colour and intensity of light so we can match vehicle shadows with the terrain?.
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