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Everything posted by dispalor

  1. "I had a fool pool of units (not every possible ship, though)" A fool pool is, actually, a FULL pool. And, of course, I mean an EMTPTY Pool. Just ignore that sentence... please... Writing in english is still a problem for me. I'm just not able to see those mistakes ...
  2. Okay, for that nasty navy-problem point taken. Perhaps I'm too impatient Increasing rebuild costs may be intersting. Im both games I had simply tooo much ressources. Especially with the Allies. In the AxisAI-Game +1EXP Russian Defense did a good job, but was not able to counterattack. Kind of suicide to do so. I accumultated too much money and wanted to give GB some money back Without cutting suply-lines, just by waiting and replacing losses, the german attack in the east dried to dust and in 1943 I was able to destroy large parts of their force. 1944 attack on Germany began (THAT was hell of a job!). When the germans grew tired of the eastern front, there were no invasion in France or Italy. The Germans just stopped being a thread. Fruthermore they attacked in the beginning only in the south and in the mid, the north was ignored. And in spite of all the german allies with their forces, they weren't able to bring up that much troops to endanger me. Yes, the single german unit was a hard enemy, there were just too few of them (or too few working together). US had no problems at all. Building ships for the invasion and Airforce for Britain. Although Airforce and Navy are expensive, I had a fool pool of units (not every possible ship, though) and invaded late 1943 (the Russians had already begun their counterattack and I did not want the western allies to behave like cowards) So in 1943 I had everything I needed. The invasion itself was pretty easy. Some Britboys landed near the ports, and the biiig american army landed in the same turn. I never intended to put the US Army in Invasion Boats (sorry, dont know the correct term), I simply used transports. They are much faster. I believe there were too many ports or perhaps too many independed ports. Taking these is just a matter of being there, not of conquering them. Perhaps deleting some ports or putting them into neighbourhood of a city would help? The Britains had some problems after fall of France, too many good german Airforce Units. But as soon as the RAF was strong enough (and Germany was busy with Russia), Britain kicked some italian asses in Africa and invaded Italy. Too much ressources, too. Perhaps the Britains should rely some more on the US? The key is africa, I believe. With a strong german attack, Britains will have to strenghten the south. But I never saw more then a single german corps. So all three were able to do their work and those of others, too. Britains were able to free Africa and ITaly without the US, the US invaded very convenient France, without landing on the british Isle before and Russia were able to start the Counterattack in 1943 without help of any other friend. Of course they also spent ressources to diplomacy and research. Unit Pool was empty for US and GB in 1943, for Russia even earlier. Russia, of course, did not buy any Navy; GB and US ignored them after 1941 (too many losses). Of course difficulty was set to 100%. In the Allie-AI-Game with +0 EXP (I was frightened the game was way too easy. Next time with +1 EXP. Germany overrun France and would have been in the situation to invade Britan. Perhaps even with success. In a +1 EXp Game very unlikely. No engagement in Africa at all. Next step Moskau 1943. In the beginning I spent much money in research, after that in Airforce, then Tanks, then Infantry. No problem with ressources here. In 1942 I bought everything I needed, some Navy excluded. Italy conquered Africa and threw the British out. No problems here, too. Ressources were enough for a big army and the navy was enough to do its job. For research or diplomcy I simply had no money, even right before the game's end Italy was fighting for ressources. This game is not very interesting for you, my armies just swept over the land, conquering everything that wasn't fast enough to hide. With +1 EXP I would have had some problems with Russia, even in that easy game, conquering the last capital in those bloody mountains, took a force of 30 or more units and damn... I lost much a unit in that battle. If NOW GB and US would have tried an invasion ... that would have been funny. To end the war in RUssia is almost impossible. I believe that's your intention? I saw an US attempt to land in Africa. Very funny, it would have succeded, but coincidentally I rallied the german and italien navy there. That was a slaughter. That besides, US were lazy in that game (till 1943). Interesting... I did not see much US Forces in Britain. Airforce yes, but no ground units. Okay, I hope this helps a little.
  3. Two additional minor flaws: - Russians can put more than one dot in research for one of the research areas. Don't know if intended. - Stockholm and Stockholm Harbour are not connected. You have to sourround the whole bay to get to the harbour. For Infantry in winter that may be more than one turn. By the way... I have Version 1.06, but I can't change your mod without destroying at least the purchase script. At least Russia does not buy anything at all.
  4. I know it's not of much importance... but I'm thinking about the most reasonable city name. And yes, it's Essen. You know, Essen is only the most important city of the "Ruhrgebiet", that means "Area of the river 'Ruhr' ". There are plenty of cities and coal mines, the biggest production area in Germany and surly of highest importance to the Allies. Although the cities are a bit small, they produce like hell.
  5. I was'nt here in the forum for a long time, do you speak of the addon? If yes, I'm pretty sure that will help. Whenever they publish it for german versions....2009 Problem with navy is less the AI itself. And if, the ships new speed compensates. I saw it in that game, when US tried to transport 20 Units without escort to France. One german sub detected the fleet, immediatly 3 others showed up. 6 transports were lost in that very short battle. Very good. The problem here is more general and problem of SC itself. Ground Units are also influenced by an AI EXP Bonus, but not as strong as Airforce or Navy. Let's say it this way: If your brand new Battleship attacks a german Cruiser, it may loose 4 points and the enemy 2. In the next turn you sink. End of story. You can always compensate with attacking single enemy ships with your full navy, but that's no fun, at least for me. I would like to have Hubert seperating the Bonus for Ships/Airforce/Land. I will try your mod next time with more research levels for antisub and gunnery (whatever the english terms are; that's the main reason why I hate myself for buying the german version). Idea would be to have a strong and dangerous german Navy in the beginning, but year after year, the Allies get ground on the sea and not alone because they build new ships. I will also change the first produced britsh war group from 1941 to 1940 to have a stronger RAF in the Battle of Britain. That should help. And THEN I play with +2 EXp Bonus ... What about Frankfurt instead of Cologne, Essen, Aachen or Dusseldorf? Or Mainz? Bonn? Ah, sooo many choices...
  6. Just played your Mod... It's great. Concepts are very nice. Slow front moving, although many units are destroyed. I had not that much fun with SC2 as with your mod. Remarks Game: Axis AI, start 1939 1) Because of underestamating the Germans I sent almost the whole british Army to Africa, leaving just one corps in London. That was obiously the trigger for Sea Lion, which had no real chance, because the French defended their homeland like crazy at that time and Germany had to split up their invasion force between GB and FR. In fact Sea Lion weakened the german western front, so that Paris was put down in mid 1941. 2) I played with +1 EXP for Axis, as you said. Although the infantry-play was cool, the result for Airforce and Navy was devastating. German Subs did a great job, I would have loved to hunt them with my Cruisers. But the Britains have almost none. Even with 3 Cruisers I would have been very careful, but with only one, its total nonsense even to try. Same with Battle for Britain. The Eastern Front started two turns after fall of France and that saved my ass. British would have never been able to stop the Luftwaffe. Perhaps a little boost for Britain would be nice. 1 or 2 Cruisers more and 1 Airforce OR 1 Combatgroup for Air Defense. The Navy Game was not much fun. I simply had no chance at all. When Italy and Germany surrendered, half of their Navies were still in Combat. At that time the whole allied Navy consisted of ONE ship. 4) Minor Flaws - The City in mid germany is called Dusseldorf. Dusseldorf is a very small town, not very important, even today. I would advise to rename that city. In the same tile you could find Essen (Mayor Production town) or Cologne (one of the biggest cities in Germany). If that does not convince you, perhaps this: Dusseldorf, so they say, make the worst beer of germany. Let's just ignore that city. - Why italian partisans? For balancing reasons okay, but historically italian partisans shoot the germans, not the allies But whatever... great mod. Really. I like the bigger map. And the AI is formidable. I will play that mod very often, so ... thanks.
  7. Wasn't my purpose, I apologize if you understood it this way. I have troubles with your government and american superheros, nothing more.
  8. Sorry again, but I don't understand where's the point in your posting. I'm almost exactly your opinion, because of that I wrote I hate america-bashing and that was not the first time in this forum. But Rambo starts to give me the creep. He is ignorant and insults people. I'm tired of hearing "WE do this and WE do that and how do YOU thank it?" Why do you wonder how it comes that someone answered? Yes, he is the archetype of the american "hero" Europe hates. Are all Americans like Rambo? I doubt it. Is a major part of all Americans like Rambo? I doubt it. Is a big minor part of all Americans like Rambo? I doubt it. Is a small minor part of all Americans like Rambo? I hope for the sake of all gods that not. *I* don't take him as a typical american. But a quite nice part of Europe does. This is dumb, but it's reality. And it can't be wrong to say so. Even I get angry about his bullcrap! ...although I try to ignore it... You lied to us? You? No. I don't know you. I don't know many americans at all. But represents of the american people lied to us. Many times before that war. They tried to force us into a war, that wasn't right. You? Okay, I take this word back. Pleased? I know that there are many differences in the political point of view between our parts of the world. We can discuss it, I believe that human kind is able to do so. Perhaps not even to convince, but to *understand* each other. But in reality its working often like poision. That's a pity, because how could we learn from each other in another way than speaking about it. But I can feel the posion in this forum, correct me if I'm wrong. I second your suggestion to let politics out of the game. It will not happen, but it's a good idea. That's why I avoid that other thread about political stuff like hell.
  9. Weird. I always thought the contrary. Weird. I always thought the contrary. Funny thing is, many Euros think the same way about Americans. We told you, that we did not believe your weird stories about Iraq. We believed that you lied to us. - We were right. We told you, that your plan was crap. That you can't go in there and make a simple "hit and democrate". We believed, that you were going to make a terrible mistake for iraq and for yourself. - We were right. I don't want to do america-bashing. But because of you, dear friend, I have a hard time trying so. You are the type of American Europeans love to bashing on. ... Another topic: Girls, you may critizize Germany because of many things, I really don't take it as offense. But the Hasselhoff-thing was really mean. That was not nice. Not very christian. Not very... human. Truth is, Hasselhoff is liked by many Germans. Truth is, many Germans are older women. Truth is, nobody cares for the tastes of older women. Please let's keep it that way.
  10. Of course I hear songs like "Die Fahne hoch" and speeches of Adolf Hitler... Just joking. Music would be nice, but please only then, if music and the game sounds are seperated. I dont want to decide to have no sound at all or ALL sounds...
  11. Oh, that's interesting. de Gaulle was there too? And when did they arrive in France? When the invasion was already done? It's a shame, but I don't know anything about the french after 1940.
  12. Hm, 5 answers and nothing ontopic. That's a pity. @Blashy: 100% in this case (modded). They were free french units already under british control, France was free and occupied again, they surrendered all altough on the british main isle. I find this interesting. This may not happen.
  13. It's funny to have the symbol of Jeanne of Arc, if you are forced to stay in England...
  14. The two most underestimated Generals in history were General weather and General Epidemic. Those two decided more battles and wars than any other General by far. Hm... perhaps General Hunger...
  15. and enemy units. Don't know if in the standardgame, but there can be additional movementcosts if enemies near.
  16. Im playtesting my own map, kind of big Europe and I managed to get half a dozen french ships and a dozen french corpses to the britain mainland before Paris fell (it's a huuuge map). In this modded game Germans NEED to have stationary troops, else partisans rise everywhere. All France was occupied... all France... but one single village... called Paris. By simple coincidence. The Germans moved their troops and forgot to put a little corpse into it again. A partisan rose and occupied paris. France was free again. For two seconds. The Germans bate this partisan into little pieces and France was occupied another time. But after that... every single french free unit was destroyed. Almost 20 free units just deserted. So, if you have the CHANCE to get Paris, only do that if you are very, very sure to keep it. But to be serious... what happened there? The Free Units went to GB and became British Minors (with that little french sign on their base) I thought. But as a matter of fact they seem to stay french. If that's right perhaps HC could make them with an event french again after the US or GB took Paris, because they are french, not british. But if that's true... how to protect free units from actions like this?
  17. Not to forget interception for Parachute Trooper. They come with transport planes, so it would be rational to have the ability to damage them before landing.
  18. If you like modded games, you can do it with the editor. You just need to take one kind of tiles out of the game, let's say desert or swamps. Change the graphics, change the movement costs and defense boni and put it back into the game in russia. Good idea, though.
  19. Ah, that's not good. I'm dreaming about Swiss and they naturally have only few ports... very few... I think this would be a nice new element. Just in your example you would be forced to set a port in Romania and that is okay, if you *want* to place it, but perhaps you don't. Then Swiss, Hungary and so on. There must be a way to do it without ports. Perhaps a simple city to city?
  20. Thanks for your answers. The formulars are really in the manual (page 21, german manual) and I simply did not find them. Is it right, that you can mathematically determine your loss? In that formular I did not found a reference to a random number. About the subs that is very annoying. I would love to be silent till that nice aircraftcarrier is coming and then sinking it on the ground... It's a pity...
  21. Yes, I'm missing a kind of hunt-and-hide with submarines. It's a loss not being able to play that way. If you're going on to test this, please write your analysis about the tweaking possibities. I would be interestend in reading them.
  22. If that's true it's not a good thing. At least the war prep. should raise. Don't forget we actually sink one or two of your ships, if I remember right. But I don't know for sure what was the people's reaction in the States.
  23. 30, Germany, Cologne (that very city evil HC replaced by puny Frankfurt from SC1 to SC2)
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