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Toby Haynes

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Everything posted by Toby Haynes

  1. These are supplied with the game. You won't get sane results from the ldd command unless you include the lib directory in the list of directories ldd searches. So - switch to the directory where DropTeam's runClient.sh script is installed and enter: </font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd`/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} ldd bin/SpaceVikings</pre>
  2. It's not just you ThePhantom - I've been seeing the same sorts of issues, at least online. Server unstable etc. See the thread I've started on Tech Support.
  3. I pulled down 1.2.0 this morning and came home to play. I logged in Delta Pavonis on Archipelago and found I couldn't drop anything (sensors, tanks). Then the server dropped. Reconnected to find it starting SeaCliffs, deployed four or five jammers and then got stuck. Disconnected just as Jung joined then reconnected. Jung was still there but I couldn't send any broadcast (ALL) messages to him. Then the server recycled again. Is anyone else seeing this? For the record, I can play against bots fine in standalone - I pulled up TheDam (which isn't released yet!) and it was working fine. Nice tracer effects and ground hits.
  4. I should be able to make Sunday at 3pm on a fairly regular basis. (IcemanUSA - I have new found respect for your m4d Viperz Skillz. I tried some tank tossing the other day and only managed one tank bowling success out of about 15 attempts).
  5. Can't you use the existing Wheel COB files and PNG as a guide? I had a quick look at the IFVWheel and WoodlandIFVWheel files and they do display properly in blender. If you have a new type of wheel, I'd use the same trick that the DropTeam models use - just texture a fraction of the wheel and repeat that usage. If you want to unwrap the wheel model, define seams at the edges of the tread and use LSCM unwrap (Switch to UV/Image view, press "A" to select all, and then press "E" to perform LSCM or use UV->LCSM Unwrap from the menu bar.
  6. Mount a heavy machine gun on the back which requires infantry to control and this might be a winner (or at least insanely fun to drive ). Give it beach-buggy style suspension for some serious air-attitude. Or maybe not The idea of some sort of rear-mounted weapon system intruiges me though. Especially if it could be deployed in the field. Turret distribution? Ammo for infantry?
  7. It's a tricky map for the attackers if the defenders know what they are doing. As an attacker it is critical to specify and manage the dropzones using the tactical display. You do not want ANY bots dropping NW of the base - they will never make it up the slope. I have other tactics for this map but you'll have to play with or against me to find out what
  8. Guilty as charged (or at least I think that was me - it's a favourite tactic on the city map ) Great games! And I have a few more Clay markers on the door of my Apollo H Happy days. P.S. I know there are some Nexus6a markers on Clay's door too :mad:
  9. Looks like the fun just keeps on comin' Nice work!
  10. Eastern Standard Time is 5 hours behind the UK. I don't think the daylight savings time (DST) switch has occurred in the UK yet - I think that's next week. So 3PM EST is 8PM UK local time. 8PM UK DST is 7PM GMT. Yes - I phone the UK on a regular basis, so I have to get this right
  11. I've done a little reorganisation of the wish list page to create new Weapons and new Tactical map sections. I've also attempted to sweep up some of the points here that haven't yet been added there. Feel free to tidy up any mistakes I've made.
  12. So we have Steve, Clay, Grappler for the developers. I know Clay promised five so I must have missed a couple...
  13. Hey - I'm working on it I'll have another scenario out soon
  14. How far can we go with vehicle designs? Could we put articulated vehicles into the game? Say an Armoured Personnel Carrier of some description?
  15. Clay eluded to some Editor mode for the main game for people like me who are Linux-based (or Mac-based). I've attempted to run the Scenario Editor on Linux using Mono but it throws an Exception which looks to be some environmental problem. If there is a cross-platform option here, I'd be happy to test it, even if it's buggy, incomplete or poorly documented
  16. A way to place these items from the Gunner view would also be useful. Sometimes I don't have time to place a waypoint/marker in tactical view. I just want to press a key wherever I'm looking and have the waypoint/marker appear on the tacmap.
  17. Assuming you still want me after I sided with Clay last week, I'm in
  18. Looks good Iceman. Looks a lot more believable too. Just for reference, how high is this tank? It's either mighty low-profile or a lot wider than an Apollo, for example. Either way, I get the impression that dropping artillery on this tank would knock it out, but that horizontal shots would have difficulty penetrating the armour.
  19. Actually, I'd say that the numbers on the servers are generally up over the last two months, not down. Ignoring the Sunday match (when Delta Pavonis was full!), I've been able to get onto servers most weeknights to play against 6 or more people. That's a big improvement over the numbers in the summer, when I might be lucky to find a human player. I too like the engine. I also think it can be used to greater effect than we've seen so far (hence my map experiments) and that it could be improved further (hence the wish list). Dark - you might want to start a thread or wiki page about the game play issues that bug you. Maybe they aren't fixable. Maybe they are fixable but aren't wanted by the core developers, in which case I would suggest trying to create a mod with changes in armour, accuracies, etc.
  20. I should add that my advance up the western road was hampered by STONEWALL mashing my fuel system first with an EWV (which I eventually sent on it's way) and then with HEAT rounds from an Thor fired from a distance behind me. I was then further damaged by a 90mm turret that smashed up my left side - I'd not noticed it because it was sensor-jammed. Then, just as thought I was about to break into the base, I got slaughtered by an unseen enemy. Another turret amongst the rocks escaped my notice and critcally pierced the battery compartment. Nice defensive positioning for those turrets made a huge difference - they were not easily seen and they had a great view of the side of my tank as it rolled passed. Great fun.
  21. Great stuff. I got to play alongside the Creator which was instructive. I will remember those tactics when I'm playing for the Upstarts If I've learned anything today, it's getting the right tanks into position around 6 minutes before the end of play. On Sea Cliffs, we were a little slow to switch from heavy bombardment with numerous Mortars to the assault squad. That cost us the game - good use of EWV and the Galaxy meant we only had limited success with Artillery and we were still facing a significant force at the endgame. On the Swamp (Down on the Bayou) scenario, we managed to get established at the Objective and keep it. Grouping up each wave of tanks so that we never went it alone, and good comms meant that we could pin a player down with one tank and hit it from the side with another. On Black Canyon, we were victims of a masterstroke - a cutter drop fest at our base by the enemy just at the point we wiped the enemy base off the map. Nicely timed and no chance of a real response before the time ran out. Last map I played was Volcanic Deposits (I can't believe we actually played both my maps - woohoo!) and we managed to seize the objective in the dying moments but we were about 30 seconds too late to get the win. All in all, great stuff. Average player count was 9 human players, which made for intense, complex battles. Props to ThePhantom for murdering me multiple times in the Swamp, and to Jung for excellent strategies. And thanks to Clay for turning up to play with the Upstarts. We look forward to the Dev vs Upstarts match
  22. Sounds good to me! But I'm not sure we should allow Clay the advantage of a strong cup of coffee. That's definitely a banned substance for athletes. Good thing I'm a programmer by trade
  23. You might also like to look at this Wiki page http://dropteam.johalla.de/moin.cgi/When_to_play and this thread http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=48;t=000112
  24. Toby Haynes

    Wish List

    I've put a wish list up in the DropTeam wiki. The idea here is to get the players to identify areas which would benefit from improvement, suggest new ideas, units, AI, graphical and audio improvements, etc. There is also a column where you can add your name/moniker so that the developers can see how many people are interested in each potential feature. http://dropteam.johalla.de/moin.cgi/Wish_List This is not in any way binding on the developers of DropTeam - it is however hoped that it may help the developers prioritise future work
  25. Okay - time to tinker if you feel like exploring your X configuration. If you don't know how to recover if you mess up your xorg.conf file, don't read any further. Try looking in the /etc/X11 directory. I think RHEL uses Xorg so the file you need to BACKUP FIRST and then edit is xorg.conf As root user: cp xorg.conf xorg.conf.backup Then load up xorg.conf in your favourite editor. Look for the section which starts with: Section "Screen" Inside this you should have a line which specifies the default colour depth for the X server - this should be either 24 (for NVIDIA cards) or 32 (for ATI cards). From my own NVidia system, the Section "Screen" part looks like this: Section "Screen" Identifier "Default Screen" Device "NVIDIA Corporation NVIDIA Default Card" Monitor "IBM C72 Monitor" DefaultDepth 24 SubSection "Display" Depth 24 Modes "1152x864" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480" EndSubSection EndSection It's that Modes line that specifies the list of modes that are available. So I have four screen resolutions available - 1152x864, 1024x768, 800x600 and 640x480 in 24bit colour. If you are missing the 800x600 modes, you should add it in the same form as above. Save it. Then you just need to log out and log back to refresh your X server. Remember, if you mess up your Xorg configuration, you'll be stuck at a text terminal. You can just copy the backup over the xorg.conf file and type init 3; sleep 20 ; init 5 to kick the system down to runlevel 3 (text) and back to runlevel 5 (graphics) 20 seconds later.
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