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Everything posted by Honch

  1. Yes, regular partisans appear in Serbian territory as per usual and then there are attacks on Axis troops in Croatian and Montenegran territory via strength scripts. After 1943, if a Yugo partisan acaptures Belgrade (liberating Yugoslavia) then HQ Tito appears!
  2. Both the Salo Republic and Croatia are already in there in addition to the Puppet State of Montenegro. The Croatian and Montengro scripts were a little messed up but have been corrected for the next version that is almost done. Finland may "surrender" by armistice if Allied units approach Helsinki. Bulgaria, Romania, Persia, Iraq and Italy will all "surrender" outright as Allied units reach certain trigger tiles.
  3. Version 2 is almost ready. It includes the following: 1. Adjustments to Operation Weserubung scripts to make it more difficult for Norwegian units to be immediately reinforced. 2. Added German Paratroop landings in the Netherlands and Belgian refugee supply scripts. 3. Added Germany to Italy and UK to France convoys. 4. Added a decision for the German player to bring Vichy France onto their side. 5. Added alot of place names and locations of interest. 6. Increased the range of all naval units, strategic bombers and airborne units. 7. Adjusted mobilization scripts to warn the German player when they over-garrison the USSR border areas. 8. Added French garrison scripts for the Italian border. 9. Added the historical French fortifications along the Italian border. 10. Added historical landings for the Allied AI in Norway. 11. Added German and Italian annexations of French territory. 12. Corrected the Vichy attack on Gibralter script to happen only once. Will be uploaded this weekend.
  4. OK, the MOD is uploaded. There was originally two uploaded. I have deleted the incorrect 12 MB one. You also need to download the MEDIA file as indicated.
  5. Several minor nations, Poland and the USSR have cavalry in their special forces unit slot. All scripts have been updated including the unit scripts. Several "armies" still arrive by unit script but as they are actually corps size they will arrive as corps. The first version will be up this weekend. I will add other versions as adjustments are made. I also want to add Dakar onto the map, add a possible early armistice with the USSR decision and several other ideas.
  6. I have finally completed my Corpos based 1939 Fall Weiss MOD for the WW1 engine. It will be posted over this weekend. 1. Armies replaced by their constituent corps and division structures. 2. Expanded naval OOB including many more of the heavy capital ships. 3. All army group commanders included. 4. New nations at start include Slovakia, Venezuela and British Empire. 5. New nations that can appear during the game Free France, Free Greece, Free Poland, Croatia, Montenegro and the Ukraine Reichkommisariat with all of their historical and what-if units. 6. Poland expanded to include Gdynia. 7. New overland convoys routes from Turkey and Romania to Germany. 8. A new overland convoy route for German-USSR trade. 9. New sea convoys from British Empire to UK, Venezuela to USA, Finland to Germany and Iraq to France. 10. New decisions based on Mers-El-Kebir, the creation of new Axis satelites, poison gas on Sealion invaders, an expanded invasion of Norway, Eben Emael etc. 11. Early surrenders of Bulgaria, Romania and Finland under certain conditions. The game has been playtested until 1941 but may need some balancing. Its called 1939 Expanded Fall Weiss and will be on the repositary by Sunday. Feedback is always helpful. 10.
  7. There is no way to model a Norwegian reaction to a nearby unit "raiding" a convoy line. The only thing that can be done is to have a reaction for naval units within a certain number of tiles of a Norwegian resource tile, whether they are "raiding" or not. The engine would have to be changed to allow the mobilization script to only trigger if a nearby unit is in raiding mode.
  8. To my fellow MODDers. Has anyone created a flag bitmap for Slovakia? I am not great at doing the flags.
  9. I have finally converted my old Honch MOD to the new Global Engine. It is uploading right now to the repository. A refresher on what it is all about: The scale is about 150% of the original Fall Weiss scale and includes most of Africa and the South American coastline. New nations on map include the Netherlands, Abyssinia, British East Africa, British West Africa, French West Africa, French Equatorial Africa, French Madagascar, French Djibuti, Palestine, Slovakia, Venezuela, Brazil and Liberia. New nations off map include South Africa, India, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and British Far East. New nations that can be created during play are Ukraine Reichkommisariat, Free Poland, Netherlands, Greece, Belgium and France and Croatia. Anti-tank units are Garrison/Militia units. Anti-air units are Coastal/Rail Guns. Special Forces are divisions. Rockets are Special Weapons (currently only US A-Bomb) Decision scripts include all of the usual plus Graf Zeppelin, Poison Gas, Ukraine Reichkommisariat, British SAS, territory transfers to Spain, German Airborne units and more. Other event scripts deal with the possibilities of the Japanese using Madagascar as a sub base, V-1, V-2 and V-3 attacks, Waffen SS, Ost Battalions, Romanian and Bulgarian Allied units, Arab Nationalist Army, German Volkstrumm, Hitler Youth and Reserve Army, USSR STAVKA reserves and NKVD combat operations etc. Due to the size of the MOD, no workable AI is present. It is currently a human versus human MOD. Please download, play-test and advise on anything that is unbalanced or if any scripts fire at the wrong times. Enjoy!
  10. Restricted DOWs: Put a toggle in the editor to allow or not allow DOWs upon it by certain alignments. For example, a UK DOW on Venezuela, I don't think so. Save APs: Please stop punishing me for accidentally clicking away from a unit after movement but before combat!!!!! Restrict air operation: Make fighetrs and tac air transportable and put a limit on their operation range. Hexes: Just kidding..... Buildable roads and railroads: Allow railroads and roads to be built like forts are. (Allow strat air to destroy railroads) Rail, roads and forts can be built in any friendly tile with an engineer or engineer improved unit for MPPs. Garrison troops: Change anti-tank units to garrison units. Limited APs and attack values. Coastal guns: Give forts the ability to attack naval units in range.
  11. I'm back and want to list the features that the game needs: Overland convoy routes: Persia to USSR (representing USA to USSR) Vichy to Germany Germany to Italy Romania to Germany Turkey to Germany Enemy land and air units can interdict. Expanded oil feature: Make oil more valuable. If you don't have control of oil resources you're mechanized units don't move as far. At sea supply: A right click can re-supply distant ships at an MPP cost and with a chance of failure based on distance from closest port and number of enemy ships nearby. Flip-flops: Let nations go back and forth between belligerence, mobilization and alignment depending on game events etc. This covers armistices, Italy and Romania flipping sides etc. Friendly transit and supply: Allow friendly units to cross territory and use rail and supply if a certain mobilization is reached. For example, Turkey reaches 50% Axis allowing Axis units to cross its territory, use its rail and use its cities and ports for supply. Advanced Special Weaopns unit: Via the editor allow the special weapons unit to have nation specific explosion.bmp and sounds. Allow customizable strategic attacks. For example, an atomic bomb special weapon permanently destroys a resource. Unit upgrades: Add artillery, AA, engineers and tactical commanders. Engineers add APs and tactical commanders add APs or combat features depending on the commander, Guderian, Patton, Student etc.
  12. More advanced and probably requiring extra engine programming: USSR surrender: Upon Axis occupation of Leningrad, Moscow and Kiev, USSR offers an armistice. Stalin is deposed, Zhukov assumes power. All territory behind the Volga is transferred to a new minor nation with capital in Kuybishev. New units are added to the map to replace the old ones. Moscow is returned to this nation as part of the deal and any Axis units East of the Volga return West. The nation is 50% Allied but events will trigger a re-entry into the war.
  13. Ukraine: Once the Axis take Odessa, Kiev and Rostov they have the option of creating the Reich Kommisariat Ukraine. All Ukraine territory (except Crimea) is transferred to a new nation. General Vlassov HQ, a half strength army and fighter appear in Kiev. Odessa and Rostov both get half strength corps. It would cost the Acis MPPs to set it up but then negates all partisans on Ukraine territory. SAS: For an inital MPP outlay, UK can activate SAS and then each turn there is a small chance of supply attacks on French, Belgian, Spanish (if active) and Norwegian ports occupid by Axis. Poison Gas: UK can use this on invading troops with negative reactions by USA, USSR and Sweden. Germany can respond with negative reactions by USSR an USA. German Airborne: For an initial MPP outlay in late 1939 Germany can "outfit" Karl Student's airborne and glider borne infantry battalions. Upon war with Norway and occupaton of Oslo, half strength corps appear in Narvik and Trondheim as well as matching supply attacks. Upon war with Benelux there are strength attacks on troops to represent attacks on Eben Emael and seizure of Dutch arfields and bridges. Upon Sealion one or two half strength corps appear behind UK lines.
  14. OK, I am now back and will be undertaking adaption of my HONCH MOD to the "true" corps level map created by ALARIC, THRAWN and such. I will include all of the extra cities and towns, historical OOB and event scripts and intersting place names etc. I will release the PvP MOD when the event scripts are done and then will get working on the AI scripts.
  15. Does the map in this MOD use up all of the available space?
  16. Thanks for all of the feedback guys. I will be away in the UK on holiday until mid-July now and will put some thought into the recommendations. I may take a stab at MODDING my campaign using the expanded Thrawn map as I have a grip now on the AI scripting. I just finished a full game as Axis at beginner level. It was fantastic! Usual fall of Poland, Netherlands, Denmark and Belgium. France fell in May 1940. I sealioned UK in summer 1940 and it was a dogfight until early 1941. Churchill put poison gas on the beachheads and called out the home guard. It devestated the initial attack and killed Von Runstedt! I managed to barely reinforce the invasion armies after letting North Africa completely fall to the British. Spain and Sweden were horrified at the gas attack. Spain joined me and I used them to garrison the UK as I transferred to the East. Italy DOWd Greece and as usual it took German intervention to take it. Didn't have a chance to take Crete though when the USSR started to make rumblings. They DOWd me in May 1941. By end of 1941 I had taken Leningrad and Moscow and was advancing on Rostov and Gorky but winter hammered me and it took the entire Finnish army to keep the partisans down south of Leningrad. The Russians actually drove the Rumanians back to Odessa and I had to send Rommel and units to take Voronezh and stop their advance. That caused the fall of Gorky to stall and I never was able to take Rostov and the Caucasus until the USSR surrendered. In summer 1942 I was at the Urals but stalled before Stalingrad as reinforcements were tough to transfer in as the Poles continually sabatoged the rail lines through Poland. The US DOWd me in late 1942 and started bombing poor Italy from Libya. They made a naval foray into the North Sea but my few German and Spanish units pushed them back with loss. In November 1943 I swept through the Urals and that pretty much did it for the Russians. In February 1943 I took Stalingrad and USSR surrendered. There were still significant pockets of resistance at that point including Rostov and the Caucasus and the far north. My subs saw a HUGE US transport fleet in the Atlantic in spring 1943 but they were very slow and I put a Spanish unit in Ireland and Iceland. I swept through Iran, Iraq and took Alexandria in June 1943. The US fleet was in range of Ireland but that was it, VICTORY! Changes I did notice that I needed to make...More USSR partisans and over a wider area, more aggressive AI if UK falls. If they had put troops ashore in Sicily, Portugal or Greece in 1942 I would have had a very tough time.
  17. I added the Poison Gas Decision script and tried it out. It ROCKS! I added a German sub to the production queue. I also significantly increased the Urals industry for the USSR but reduced their initial industrial output. Posting version 6 now.
  18. The De Gaulle and Free French scripts are fixed. I beleive that that the Soviet and Yugoslav partisan scripts are working now and I have adjusted research and unit costs upwards by 10-20% to account for the higher MPP levels. I will post tonight.
  19. Question for all players of my MOD: I recently read a book about Operation Sealion. Churchill had apparently approved a plan to use poison gas on German troops when they landed in England. The UK (as most other major nations) had large stockpiles of gas that were never used. In the case of a Sealion I was going to set up a decision event. "Our generals recommend use of poison gas on the invading German troops. We expect most nations to condemn the attacks but are quite confidant that the invasion forces will suffer such dramatic casualties that they will be soundly defeated. Do you wish to use poison gas?" In the case of a NO, status quo, in the case of a YES, the German units in the UK take a heavy strength hit, the USA and USSR condemn the attacks and their readiness drops 20-25%, Spain and Sweden join the Axis. What do you think? I think that it would give a neat ahistorical option.
  20. Funny you should say that, I actually played last night and Germany had jets by late 1941. Due to all of the extra MPPs floating around I am going to adjust the research costs. There also seems to be a problem with the De Gaulle and Free French units. I am working on that. There is also an issue with Russian and Yugoslav partisans not appearing, working on that. Let me know any other issues.
  21. Try Yahoo maps. Thats where I get my stuff from. Also, you may want to invest in a Military Atlas of the Korean War or something like that. Check Amazon.com.
  22. Version 5 will be up later. Adjusted the build limits to make use of Axis minor and Italian manpower critical for Germany. Added Polish partisans and Warsaw uprising Added Vlassov defection script. Corrected atomic bomb scripts.
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