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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Cheese Panzer

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Everything posted by Cheese Panzer

  1. Er, actually, they can do it very easily. LST - Range about 10,000 miles on 50,000 gallons of diesel fuel. And could carry six LCVP on board to boot. We only built over a 1,000 of them. You should really do a little research before making such wild claims. And at 10 knots, New York-London or New York-Casablanca is only 14 days. </font>
  2. Try telling that to a Cartheginian. Oh, wait, you can't. They were all killed with swords. Geez, Rambo, get your head out of the Tom Clancey movies and try reading a history book.
  3. No, it's not a bug - moving bewteen enemy units is an action point penalty so any unit with enough APs, either before or after an attack, can move between enemy units.
  4. I don't mind the Axis minors being limited, but it does seem very strange that the Canadians cannot be ugraded.
  5. I wouldn't mind seeing the AI go for Spain or Scandinavia once in a while either.
  6. So should there be a strength point loss (interred aircraft), a political penalty (country in question moves towards the opponent) or both?
  7. I would think you would need to add a few scripts to make this work. Right now, the AI doesn't do any Lend Lease or Russian convoys - or at least my Uboats never found any. Russia needs some help from the West to survive.
  8. I don't know, what malfunction? Only you and Fartknocker appear to have this bizzare idea so I suspect some collusion. And odd how this appeared on a late Friday so the Moderators wouldn't be around to lock it up. He's freaking himself out - any therapist will tell you that the people who are most afraid of being called gay are the ones who already are but don't accept it. You don't like it? Yet you will happily accept unsubstantiated runors from a minor? Ok, here's one for you - Fartknock3r told ME that you lick dog anuses for breakfast and masturbate on a Adolf Hitler screen saver. You should thank me for pointing this out. And I've always considered myself a legume more than a fruit . . .
  9. Funny stuff, kid, your mother must be so proud of you. At this point I'm requesting that moderators remove this thread and ban "Fartknock3r" from the board for using profanity.
  10. I never tried it but I think you can rename Partisan units the same way you can rename other units.
  11. Bombers have a spotting range of 5 so any U-boat operating within 5 squares of the Bomber (you did put it in St. John's, right?) will be spotted and can be attacked right away. While not perfect, it does cover a long stretch of the Canada-UK and USA-UK covoy routes.
  12. A couple of things to consider: The Maginot Line was certainly a magnificent defensive work, but I think that even the French weren't convinced it was impregnable. A more important goal was reduction of French casualties - the terrible slaughter of WWI had left it's mark on France. I believe it was hoped that if a future German invasion was taking four or five times as many casualties as they were inflicting it would end the war much sooner. Then the Germans developed Blitzkrieg and the rest, as they say, is history. Also, the winter of 1939-1940 was the worst seen in France since the 1800's. Work on the Maginot line was delayed for months by bitterly cold temperatures that made digging almost impossible and would not allow concrete to set-up. French plans had called for the initial work on the rest of the Maginot line (Luxemburg, Belgium, and on to the coast) to have the preliminary work done by the early summer of 1940. So there's another "What If" for all you mod makers.
  13. Give me a break, Kuniworth told me the **** you were talking about, unless hes lying. But i dont think he has a reputation of lying on these forums. And about you? I heard you were wierd... Sorry! </font>
  14. I'd be happy to repsond to this - if I had any idea what you were talking about.
  15. Having been a reviewer, I need to point out that sometimes you don't get a choice - the game needs reviewng and if your genre specialist (assuming you HAVE a genre specialist) is already working on something else then you get the job and do the best you can. While I don't like the review any more than anyone else, it is clear that the reviewer (and thus his intended audience) has a different set of yardsticks for measuring a game than we do. I'm afraid we are going to have to get used it - let's face it, turn-based strategy is a niche market now so we are going to get compared unfavorably to the finger-twitchers and splatter-fests that saturate the current market. I suspect that once SC2 gets into the mainstream review sites and magazines we are going to get a lot assessments like this one - "deep gameplay and so-so music/graphics". Their loss.
  16. Thank you, jjr, for establishing your monumental ignorance and utter unwillingness to learn about naval matters. Now why don't you run along and let the rest of us finish our discussion?
  17. 1 major invasion = 3 million men = two years to plan and execute. Do the math.
  18. Alegeria is the back up capitol for Vichy as well, so you have to declare war on Vichy, then take Marsailles AND Algiers/Oran. Then they both fall and the country will be conquered.
  19. Yes it did. It also requires doctrine developement and training which don't suddenly happen because you have a bunch of neat equipment - just ask any Soviet client state from the past 40 years or so. The US spent most of the '30's doing amphibious operations against small countries around the Carribean (read up on Marine Colonel "Pete" Ellis sometime) and the lessons learned about conducting amphibious operations were vital to the successes of WWII. Putting a bunch of guys on a barge and calling them an amphibious capable assault force is about the same as stuffing a bunch of guys in an airplane and calling them paratroopers. It just ain't so.
  20. One city causing a surrender does seem a bit extreme . . . but how about two cities? This is pretty much what happened historically - in game terms the Allies had taken Messina and Tatranto when Italy surrendered. Similarily, what if the number of cities taken was a non-linear number, like the number of cities squared? So taking one city is a 1% chance, two would be a 4% chance, three 9%, and four would be 16%. I'm not sure if this can be done with scripts.
  21. Agreed - those mid-summer mud turns are really jarring. Mud turns really need to stop completely by late May.
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