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Gérard Le Poer Trench

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Everything posted by Gérard Le Poer Trench

  1. Mine is downloading at 300 kb/s don't know what is troubling you guys. My connection is 25-30 MB per second
  2. I wouldn't say the French were pathethic. They had the most advanced tanks in the beginning of the war. The only reason why France lost so quickly was that everybody was thinking 30 years back. They never beleived in a motorised war and wanted to build trenches along the border.
  3. So if I change say the scripts for Italy joining the axis in joining the Allies they will join the allies?
  4. Will it be possible to play only against connections above for example 2 MB. Otherwise you will have all those **** connections and you are waiting for hours. And what are the requirements for online playing? My specs are: Graphical: 512 RAM: 5000 Proc: Pentium dual core (2 times 3600 MHZ) Connection: 30 MB/ps
  5. I thougt that in strategic command there will be an alied invasion. The allies are working together acording to the scripts.
  6. Much thanks I have pre-ordered at battlefront. Will the game be shipping next week or in two weeks or three?
  7. Otherwise I'll have to buy two games. But then I could pay a thousand euro's for this magnificent ultra briljant super GAME Another quetion. I pre-ordered via amazon but will it be possible for me to download the game on the site?
  8. I think the game is good to go and there isn't any enhanchement or other ..... required. Ow yes and Edwin P. can you explain what you're talking about??????????
  9. It maybe is on a late time but the major nation in the BENELUX is The Netherlands, not belgium. I would love to see a splitted Netherlands and Belgium. Remember the axis Blitzkrieg could have been stopped in the Netherlands behind the Rhine. The Dutch flag is a better flag than the Belgium flag.
  10. I really can't wait anymore I need this game!! when I have it I will play it 24 hours without sleeping.
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