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Posts posted by mav1

  1. How come Romanians are armed with panzerfaust's when there is no option in the setup screen to arm them with panzerfaust's, only molotov's?

    Finland have panzerfaust's to chooce from but the Hungarian's don't. Did the Germans not supply Hungarians with panzerfaust's?

    Its a shame that Russians were not allowed to pick up panzerfaust's.

    Why was the early Russian 1940 RpG not included in the game? I read it wasn't very effective, but wasn't it better than a granade for damaging tank's.

  2. Since there's not much going on I thought I would ask eveyone what was there favorite battle and campaign in combat mission?. What makes a good campaign or battle for you?

    At the moment I have just finished playing a battle called a battle for minors for cmbb. I realy liked it because of the great Infantry battle at the begining and the tank battle at the end. It was a good battle of mixed Infantry and Tank forces. It was a good scrap, with limited time to capture the flags. Also it was a change from Soviet and Geman forces.

  3. Originally posted by Boo Radley:


    I've seen entire squads surrender when faced by overwhelming odds.

    Never seen it happen to me. The only time I have seen entire squads surrender is at the end of the battle when morale has collapsed for the entire enemy force that's left.
  4. There is no way of allowing troops to fire in an large target area, blindly hoping to hit a target or offering covering fire against known but unseen targets. For example you might know that a antitank rifleman is hiding in scattered trees. But you can't do sweeping arc covering fire to put him off from firing at your tanks. Its the same with guns and mortars, you might want to do a sweep of fire over an area insted of firing at one spot throughout the minute of the turn.

  5. Individual units in combat mission never surrender apart from the last crew member of a machinegun. Even when they are surrounded and totaly outnumbered they fight to the death. Are all troops in combat mission fanatical? I bet individual conscript Syrian unit's would surrender if given the chance, after getting battered by shells and heavy fire.

  6. I live in Yorkshire. You can run or sneak across the fields I was mentioning Peter, I will throw stones at you, I can say, I will be able to see you with ease and hit you with my stones.

    Iam not even talking huge distances, even ground with no cover for 50 meteres is going to be trouble. It's 200 meters from one end of my street to the next. If you want to run across the street, you got no cover unless you sneak across. You would make an easy target even attacked from 200m away.

    At Stalingrad you could'nt move in the street, it would mean instant death, why because at some places no cover existed.

  7. Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by mav1:

    Open ground should mean open ground. In real life you get areas of ground which offer no protection.

    This should be represented in the game.

    Where do you live, on a billiard table? Most of the world is neither perfectly flat nor totally uncluttered. The ground rises and falls, and for a man lying down, even an irregularity of a few inches reduces the probability of being hit. Add in the occasional stump or moderate-sized boulder and you begin to have some modest degree of cover. Not great, but not negligible either. If on top of that there is tall grass that makes it hard to see a lying or crouching man, hitting him with aimed fire becomes noticably problematical.

    Michael </font>

  8. Originally posted by MikeyD:

    Let's not forget CMx1 is abstract-abstracted-abstracted!

    Infantry in a still position means they've taken the opportunity to find proper cover - abstracted cover. We wouldn't assume they'd just be standing the the middle of a room waiting to be shot, would we? I understand being on a city street in CMx1 gives almost as much protection as being in scattered trees - all those abstracted fire plugs and granite front steps I guess. Abstracted means the designer picks a percentage of how likely X or Y will happen to a sqaud of men under a given circumstance. We get to extrapolate-out the imagined granite steps or the firing position behind the fire plug from the results.

    CMx2 promises 1:1 representation and a whole suite of placeable objects to hide behind, but I've got to imagine its stilll going to be highly abstracted. We're probably still going to see that grenade going off directly under the figure with no effect, or two opponents nose-to-nose blasting away unscathed. What we don't see on-screen are the assumptions, probabilities and percentages controlling the game engine.

    Abstraction explains a lot of what I mention, it just looks weired on a screen. Like when you get a direct hit with a mortar and it causes no casulties.

    But abstraction dosn't explain why it's harder to cause casulties on machinegun crew or while routing mortar and machinegun crew carry on carring their weapons.

    Even in a long firefight, casulties are very rare or none at ranges over 50 metres. It seems that morters and guns are just there to rout infantry and not inflict major casulties.

  9. Originally posted by Mace:

    Yeh but isn't the new CM going to be more focussed?

    ie the WW2 based CMx2 will be providing scenarios concentrating on a particular battle or campaign rather than providing scenarios for anywhere in Western Europe from 1944 on (as CMBO did).

    Hence an extensive unit list of every AFV that was used in the Western Front is probably not required (and probably wont be modelled).

    But does that make it a good idea?
  10. While playing the game I have noticed a few things.

    Infantry hardly get any casulties or none while fighting in a still postion even in a very long fire fight of say 20 turn's or more at between 50 and 200 metres. Only while there are moving or routing do they suffer a lot of casulties. Is this the case in real warfare?

    I had a scenaio where an enemy machine gunner in a trench managed to keep on firing while been attacked by 3 machineguns and 3 mortars. Is this realistic?

    A morter crew managed to inflict 15 casulties in 2 seconds on my troops while been outnumber by three units and suffering no casulties themselves. Is this realistic?

    The mortars in the game hardly inflict any casulties on troops even when getting a direct hit.

    Machinegun crew are much harder to kill then other troops. There should be no difference.

    Machinegun and mortar crew still carry there equipment while routed. If your routing you would drop your heavy machinegun and morter and make a run for it. It's funny watching machinegun and mortar crew routing, running away very slowly.

    Open ground should mean open ground. In real life you get areas of ground which offer no protection.

    This should be represented in the game.

    Russian self propelled tank's and Is-2's try to hide when they spot German Tanks (this is also the case for early war soviet tanks and Turan II's.

  11. Would'nt it be easy to set up the campaign as a set of interlocking battles. You could have a grid where you can create a set of battles next to each other like one big map.

    You would create and set up each battle of the map as you do now. The difference being you can play one turn for each battle map and then move to the next battle map. Being an interlocking map you can move troops from the edge of one map to the next so that they appear in the other battle map in the next turn.

    Also it act's like an operation map where unit's get resupplied, adandoned vehicles reused and enemy vehicles captured and possibly used by it's new owner.

    The beatiful thing about this system is that the campaign map can be big as you want it to be, since only one battle map can be played at a time.

    Aso each battle becomes part of a huge campign with the chance of creating huge lines of advance in some battle maps, while other battle maps are quiet.

    When all the turns are complete you can add your reinforcement's into any battle map you want. While not been able to move the troop that are all ready there. (option can be provided for those who want to move these troops after every battle game end).

    The problem with an interlocking battle map campaign is that one battle map can be over loaded by units, almost slowing the computer to a stop. So an option need's to be provided to specify the total amount of unit's that can appear in each battle map depending on the power of your computer. But the benefit is that you can create huge campaign's.

    You could create the whole of Syria if you wanted to, with hundreds of thousands of troops involved. :D

    [ July 10, 2006, 07:59 AM: Message edited by: mav1 ]

  12. Speaking of operations, I had immobalised a stug near my front line. When the next battle came the germans got back the stug and used it against me. How did they git it back! The area near the stug was under my control. The crew didn't have the option to begain repairs on the stug while in view of my troops. The stug should have been abandend and the crew captured not repaired and used again for the next battle. The germand had supply set at high but common sense says the tank was lost to my soviet troops.

    It would it good for repairable catured vehicles in operations to be used by the enemy troops. This is for ww2 game rather than shock force but the syrians could use captured abandoned truck's.

    The big problem with operation's was that troops and afv's would appear out of nowhere in front of your line. There's no continuation of battle to the next. it's like you played one battle and there was another battle in which you didn't take part in and then you took over the next battle. It would have been far better in troops where not movable between battles. Also that reforcement's should not be moveable and left at the edge of the battle. So that you can't just put them in the front line of the battle. Without any consequneces of the action that would have taken place before the reached the front line.

    [ July 10, 2006, 06:23 AM: Message edited by: mav1 ]

  13. I had 10 soviet Infanty units surround a early stug and it took 10 minutes for them to immobilise it. That stug was easy meat for my Infantry, it had no mg for self protection and there was on german infantry to support it. It would have been easy for the infantry to stroll up to it and blow up the track's and damage the gun with grenades.

    With all the Infantry I had it would of took only 2 or 3 minutes to do the job not 10 minutes. Theres no trouble for infanty to stick a grenade in the barrel of the gun but they never do this.

    But the stug would have certainly have driven off when the attack started. Instead it just satayed there, I know it was defending a flag but any dummy would know it would be in trouble if it stayed there with no protection against the infantry.

    On another note, the early sovit anti tank granade is not represented in the game. I know it wasn't effective but it's still more useful than a granade.

  14. Originally posted by Dogface:

    Ya but what does it have to do with CM:sf ??

    AS the post for the forum for shock force states, if you want to make a comment on the future cmX2 title in nw europe you can do it on the shock force forum> Since most of the things done in shock force will be relevant for nw europe. There will be some modification's for NW europe but most of the work will be already done in shock force. As the post states if you want to make remarks about what you want to see in cmx2 titles not just shock force, but NW europe as well do it now in the shock force forum, as there will be little time for modifiction's afterwards.

    I was rash in doing this list, but the developers could be making up their minds on what afv's to include.

    The point of this list is to say that you can include all the afv's used in Mw europe even though the graphic's are going to be more complex.

    A lot of the vehicles are replicas with changes in armnament (for the graphical image) such as the pzIV, STug's, pvIII, Sd kfz 251 and Panthers.

    The developers have a unique oppotunity to include all the afv's used in ww2, as no game I know of has ever achieved this. They came close in cmbb but they slacked of in cmaf, where they left of a lot of italian afv's uded by the Italians and Germans plus a number of British armoured cars. They won't include all the afv's, but I think this is an opportuny missed as a greater effort would achieve this. It would't bother me if this would delay the game for six months. As I would play this game for years with the satisfaction that all the afv's were included. But I know the rest of you would not want wait this long, some want the game now.

    This also applies to shock force, all the afv's will not be included that are used by the allies and the syrians. Even though there are less models to create than in a ww2 game. For me this would be a great oppunity missed. I doubt any one would agree with me on this. It must be just me since am a completist at heart, always thinking, what a same that was'nt included in the game

  15. I have made a list of German Afv's in NW europe. Let me know if I have missed something out or added something that dosn't belong in the list.

    Panzer 1 Ausf C

    Panzer II Ausf A,B,C,F


    Marder II


    Marder III 7.62

    Marder III Early

    Marder III Late

    38T Grille 33

    38T Grille 33/1

    Flak 38T

    Aufklarer 38T


    Hetzer Flamm

    Hetzer SIG

    Panzer III G,H,J short,J short Late

    Panzer III J Long Early, J Long Late

    Panzer III L, M, M Late, N, N Late

    Stug F, F Late, F/8, G Early, G Early Middle

    Stug G Middle, G Late Middle, G Late

    Stug 10.5 Early, Middle, Late

    Panzer IV F2, G Early, G Middle, G Late, H, J

    Brummbar Early, Midlle, Late

    Stug IV Early, Late

    Jagd IV Early, Late

    Jagd IV/70 V

    Jagd IV/70 A






    Panther D Early, Late

    Panther A Early, Late

    Panther G Early, Late

    Jagdpanther Early, Middle, Late

    Tiger Early, Middle, Late

    Sturmmoser Tiger

    King Tiger Porsche Turrent

    King Tiger Henshel Turrent


    Sd Kfz 250 1,7,8,9,10.11

    Sd Kfz 251 1,2,9,10,16,17,21,22,23

    Sd Kfz 251/17 Lufftwaffe Version

    Maultier Flak

    SWS Flak

    SD Kfz 10/4 Early, Late

    SD Kfz 7/1 Early, Late

    Sd Kfz 6/2

    Sd Kfz 7/2 Earlt, Late

    Sd Kfz 221 Late

    Sd Kfz 222 Early, Late

    Sd Kfz 223 Early, Late

    Sd Kfz 231 Early, Late

    Sd Kfz 232 Early, Late

    Sd Kfz 233

    Sd Kfz 263

    Sd Kfz 234/1,2,3,4

    Lorraine 7.5

    Lorraine 10.5

    Lorraine 15

    Char B-1

    Char B-1 Bis

    Char B-1 Flamm

    Char 10.5

    Hotchkiss H-35,38.39

    Hotchkiss 7.5

    Hotchkiss 10.5

    Renault R-35,40

    Renault 4.7

    Renault 8cm Mortar

    FCM 36 10.5

    FCM 36 7.5

    Renault UE MG

    Renault UE 3.7cm

    Kegress HT

    Somua HT

    Somua HT 7.5

    Panhard P-178

    Panhard P-178 Radio

    Panhard P-178 5cm

    Matilda 5.0

    Mark IV 10.5

    Bren 3.7

    Bren 2cm Flak

    Bren Panzerjager

    Van Doorne AC

    [ July 07, 2006, 05:26 AM: Message edited by: mav1 ]

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