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Posts posted by jtsjc1

  1. 15 hours ago, Brille said:

    I feel you there.

    And it is sad because the old CMx1 games Had this one covered.

    First you saw visually when it was foggy and not just read it in the "conditions" tab and second the target line had much more facets in colors.

    Now you have either a grey line (Not all troopers can see that target), a blue line (all can see it) or a pink/violett line (No LOS/LOF). So roughly it only tells you If you can fire there or not, not how good they could actually see.

    In the old games you started from bright blue to very dark blue till almost violett which would change rapidly the worse the LOS got.

    So If you had foggy weather the Line would start with bright blue for the first few meters and would get less and less bright the further you would go from the troopers position.

    And it was not just determined by weather or sunlight. Vegetation would worsen the LOS tool too.

    This way you somewhat could estimate on how bad the visuals to a point were roughly. Sure in these games you definetely had a max LOS/LOF in fog and night battles opposed to the new system where you could see even further when your troops see muzzleflashes. But I would wish that this features would return to the CMx2 games.


    I play night battles/battles with low visibility very rarely and I have to get accustomed to it everytime again. This was a lot easier to just hop in in the older Games in my opinion.

    I completely agree about the target line. The colors in CMx1 were very helpful in showing LOS. I wish they'd bring it back.

  2. I've always felt that CM captures the chaos on the battlefield better than any game I ever played. Because of the turn system there's always something going on out of sight and you'll hear an explosion or gunfire and go to replay to see what you missed. Just watch some of the AAR videos on youtube and look at the amount of firing going on in all different directions simultaneously and its amazing. Especially in urban environments the bullets, grenades shells etc flying around is nuts. There are improvements that can be made but I'll continue to play and purchase more games like Downfall.

  3. 1 hour ago, Warhead_100 said:

    Finger in the air suggestion, but I was always struck how the actions described in Kamen Nevenkins' 'Take Budapest' (Take Budapest!: The Struggle for Hungary, Autumn 1944 - Kamen Nevenkin - Google Books) - the first Soviet attempt to take the city on the run - could form the basis of some good CMRT scenarios/ campaigns (if executed by someone with more talent and time than me....🙂). Two (increasingly depleted) Soviet Mechanised Corps pushing forward against German counterattacks by Panzer Divisions with a few dozen AFV's a piece, and the whole thing compressed into a week or so.

    Anything East Front would be appreciated!

    Great book!

  4. I would think a Korean War module would be an easy project for BF to make. Alot of the equipment was WW2 inventory and the late war weapons and vehicles that didn't see action could be done. We already have late WW2 American infantry we need Korean and Chicom soldiers while the maps would probably take the most time. Also the war was short so there wasn't much change of forces and equipment like WW2. Just my opinion of course I'm not a programmer.

  5. I have CMBN installed, updated to the latest version and have all the add-ons. On startup it says I'm missing Normandy 220 brz file. I really don't want to do a complete reinstall can someone send it to me or tell me where to find it so I can put it in my game directory. I have all the CM titles and this id the only one with this message about missing files. CMBN has all the patches up to current one.

  6. https://www.helion.co.uk/military-history-books/tank-battles-in-east-prussia-and-poland-1944-1945-vilkavishkis-gumbinnen-nemmersdorf-elbing-wormditt-frauenburg-kielce-lisow.php


    I know this book covers actions in this same area. I got it a few months ago but haven't read it. There are mixed reviews due to the fact it uses Russian sources. Does anyone have a good or bad review of it? Thanks in advance. I have a couple of the books George mentioned and the 3 volume From The Realm Of A Dying Sun books.

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