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Posts posted by arado234

  1. Hear that K-man you cant nuke me as bad as I nuked you,not that it will matter.

    I dont know what would have happened if you attacked Russia.I wonder if they get a bunch of transfers or not?I would think if it was in 1942 then Russia shouldnt get anything because in reality they didnt have much to send.When you did attack them you mowed down about 15 of my guys but I had so many it didnt matter to much.

    I would think with Japans limited resources that her best bet would be to pick an objective and go allout and if successful then just dig in and get ready.

    I like the idea of MEGA-NUKING.KABOOOOOM

  2. Kman played better than I did(he took China in 1942 and maybe he didnt do the right things to expolit that but he went hard after India but I was able to hold him,maybe he should have attacked Russia,I dont know).I just had so much stuff(its unbelieveable how much the Allies get)that all I had to do was just go at him like a bull in a china shop.

    If he had better tech.results it would have helped for sure but considering the Allies can put about 100 ships into play I really dont see alot of hope for japan.

    Changing the victory conditions to historical is Imho a mistake because the atomic bomb cant do what it did historically(cause Japan to surrender)so the Allies should get the extra time to defeat Japan.

    I like the idea of A-bombs dropping on both turns.Just lays a bigger beating on Japan.Ksw is now going to get to do the samething to me.

  3. Scottsmm he has no hope.The only chance he has now is if the weather grims out when you attack Japan.You sound like you did the samething I did.Build ALL your Ami.ships plus planes,tech them out and blow him to bits.Wait untill you start dropping atomic bombs.

    I found it kind of funny that the computer actually asks if you want to use the atomic bomb.My response is BRUTE FORCE and BLOODY IGNORANCE.

  4. Dont know if its a good idea to make it easier for Japan to ''win''.As it is now the Atomic bomb doesnt force an immediate surrender.The Allies figured that if they had to invade Japan and actually fight for it that it WOULD take untill 1946.One of the big reasons why they didnt attack Japan was because of the Atom bomb.

    Imho I dont think its a good idea to change this game at all.As it is now it still favors Japan once you factor in the non-effect of the Atomic bomb and that the Allies industrial might isnt set to historical levels and oil isnt a big factor because if it was then Japan would be in even more trouble.They had no hope therefore they shouldnt really be given any hope.I would think that if anyone can hold on untill the end date with Japan then that in itself is a major accomplishment.

  5. Alot of what has been brought up here about Planes being able to kill a unit etc are in reality not possible but since this game isnt based totaly on reality then having some unhistorical abilities maybe isnt such a bad thing(both sides have the same atvantage).As it is now Allied industrial might is no where near what is was in reality because if it was then this game would be prettywell pointless.The fact that France and England in 1940 can launch a full scale invasion when the had virtually no invasion barges is unhistorical.Invading at all shouldnt be allowed techincally when you consider its possible to invade with many Armies which could add up to close to a million men.NO ONE had the invasion barges to do that. How far to we want to go in making things more realistic?

  6. Mithel while it is true that an air unit maxed out can cause some serious damage but since this game is a balancing act between''realism''and abstract(the closet ''realism''

    game ive ever played is squad leader and there is no way you could do that to any strategic WW2 game)then planes being able to''wipeout''a unit(imho)isnt that big a deal.Remember we all have the same atvantages and disatvantages.

    A unit being impotent then becoming god like with tech.upgrades does make some sense.Just think how god like a bunch of king tigers would have been in the French campaign.It is possible for that to happen(but highly unlikely).if you send in a bunch of maxed out tech.planes or tanks against an enemy who doesnt have any tech.in that or anyother dept.then you would have god like ability against them.Imagine me262s in 1940 against England.

  7. SeaMonkey you do raise an interesting point.If two people are of approx.the same ability

    (I think KSW has played a better game than I)then its prettywell a forgone conclusion what will happen.Historically this is accurate BUT would there be a way to somehow give Japan a chance WITHOUT going to far off the historical mode?The outer islands,maybe but all I did when I took Siapan and that other island needes for the Atomic Bomb was just bring ALL my Amis.ships and blast them to dust.He had even fortified them and it still didnt matter.

    Right now we are just waiting to see what will happen when the Atomic bombs start.Next game KSW will be the Amis.and im sure he will lay a worse beating on me because he will know more of the Japanese weakness than whats obvious since he has already been them.

  8. Scottsmm,Timskorn in my battle against KSW(him Japan),he took China in 1942(I forgot to guard one city and he para.onto it).I know we are both new at this game but it hasnt mattered at all.He has had some bad luck on tech,but like you scottsmm I held my Amis back untill I built absolutley ALL my ships and planes and we had a huge naval battle and now Japan is done.I havent taken it yet but ive landed on Japan and I think I will win.Maybe you veterns know some moves he should have done but its incredible how much stuff the Americans have.I forgot to mention my planes and ships are completely maxed out in the tech.dept.

  9. Ive always felt the Americans did the right thing by dropping the Atomic bomb no matter what Japan was up to.The Japanese started it and they got it.You have to think how many lives would have been lost if the Allies had attacked Japan.Also,how do you think U.S.govt at the time would have been viewed if the public found out that there was a weapon available that would end the war almost instantly without any Allied loss of life and wasnt used?

  10. Scottsmm I think it would be worth it for Germany to attempt if she had any real chance of getting it before the Allies did.From what ive read on the subject there was practiclly no hope for Germany because of what I mentioned earlier.

    dhucul as far as the Brits.developing chemical weapons,both sides had them but they were never used(im aware of the Nazis use on the jews and others) for obvious reasons.If chemical weapons are added to the game then(imho)it would make it very unhistorical.Germany had a chemical weapon ability I believe similar to sarin gas and they didnt use it.I know the Allies tried with Anthrax.If you havent done already you should check into what the Japanese tried.Look up their experiments they did at the city of Mukden(I think thats how you spell it).If anyone was going to use them it would have been Japan.

  11. Colin the game isnt pro Japan as far as them having a real chance to win but it is as far as what the Allies(Amis.)really had and could produce.It also doesnt allow for the real effect the Atomic bomb had and by 1945 Japans oil reserves were so low(even us Canadians were producing more)that if in this game the Japanese navy and airfleets are still intact but Japan has lost prettywell all her possessions then there is noway she should be able to use all that equipment because she had no fuel for it all. As it is now the Japanese can do all they want and if all they have left is just Japan they can still move and use all the planes and ships still left.That alone is a huge unhistorical ability of the Japanese.

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