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Posts posted by arado234

  1. Scottsmm wouldnt it be possible(I know this would take ALOT of research)to base the quest for the A-Bomb on the areas the Axis conquered because of the specialty raw materials they would need that werent available(in other words the Axis couldnt even begin to start their attempt untill they had secured all the necessary raw materials needed from the conquered nations)?.You would also have to look into what the overall cost of the whole attempt would be.Base the amount of mpps needed to be spent on it.

    Actually the more I think about it the more complicated this would be to include for the Axis.What about the scientists that ''worked''on the project but actually delayed it because they didnt want Hitler to get the Atomic bomb. Then you have ultra which helped tell the Allies where the testing would have been done and where and when the Germans were shipping heavy water from Norway.Ok my mistake.To complicated to attempt.

  2. Since bringing the outter islands into play would mostly benefit Japan and belive it or not this game is tilted in Japans favor,what would be given to the Allies to offset this?As the game is now, other than the Allies ability to operate planes very quickly the game is in Japans favor,which just goes to show that when all is said and done Hubert has done a great job at making the game playable,giving Japan a slight hope to hang on and get some sort of victory and last but not least showing the overall futility of what Japan tried.

  3. Baron the game being set so you dont have to worry about ship supply to much or that you can operate planes across the Pacific mostly benefits the Allies,especially the Amis.Remember this game still doesnt represent the real power of American industrial might,plus the fact the Americans cant research the Atomic bomb.The Atomic when it does start to drop doesnst have the same effect it did in reality.Their is also no magic and to a lesser degree ,no Ultra.Possibly thses unhistoric things that are allowed may be there to offset the other historical realities not in the game?

  4. You have to think that if one of many attemps on Hitlers life had been a success then I guess it would then depend on how the war was progressing and what both sides wanted.You have to think that if Hitler was killed it would prove to the Allies that Germany was atleast somewhat open to a realistic peace agreement.

    This has nothing to do with Hawaii but then neither do alot of these last posts.The subject somehow got onto Germany.

  5. Barricade welcome to the group.I assure you that you will enjoy them all.If I were you I would first get SC2 with W.a.W.and play them both.P.B.E.M. games are great.They both offer very different modes on how you should play.Hubert and the rest have done an excellent job on making the games both very fun and open to many different strategys and their support is second to none.SC P.T.O.I cant say to much about because ive only played it once and from what ive found is that its more historically accurate in the sense that Japan had no hope.This game portrays that but it does give the Japanese player an opportunity to re-write history by hanging on longer than reality.Im sure the other pacific players will be able to help you there.No doubt you will have lots of fun though and there are lots of willing opponents for a P.B.E.M.Again,welcome to the group.

  6. I know the Axis had some opportunities presented to them that they major screwed up but for the most part(as far as Germany goes)it was the fault of Hitler.The one imho real opportunity he messed up big time was the very possibility of getting all of Western Russia to join him in the great crusade against Stalin or at minimum get another revolt started and install a pro-Nazi govt.With Japan the very idea of attacking America shows how crazy they were.They never should have attacked America and should have done their utmost to keep America happy.

    The Axis also never worked together as a team.They just shared a common enemy.No joint overall plan like we had.

    The ideas you guys bring up about a possible Axis negotiated settlement I cant see ever happening beacuse everyone knew you couldnt trust Hitler.So how could you negotiate with him?

  7. Scottsmm by winter 1941 the Axis WERE done.They had no hope to win or to get ANY type of peace.How could the Allies make peace with a backstabber like Hitler,when they knew for sure any peace deals arent worth the paper they were written on?If you look at the Allied production figures the Axis were so hoplessly out gunned(even in 1941 when they were still ''winning'') it was actually just stupidity to keep fighting.Once the critical period of the slight chance of England(1940) and Russia being defeated had passed(by the end of 1941)goodbye Axis.

    SeaMonkey do you really think it would have made that much of a difference if the Japanese DOW had arrived when it was supposed to?They still would have pounded the Amis.at Pearl.As far as this whole bit about declaring war before you attack goes,imho if you plan on wiping out the othersides forces why would you warn them.Just start clobbering them.The idea is to win and keep your losses to a minimum when you attack.If the Japanese were so worried about the Americans reaction to an undeclared attack did they really think a warning just before it happened would make that much of a difference?If they did,boy are they stupid.People dont like being attacked and they tend to want revenge.The Allies knew through Ultra and Magic the the Axis weakness. and that in the end the Axis were doomed.

  8. Diraska You can set how you want England to surrender before the game starts by just going to adavnced settings and look under the surrender scrpits.Just set it so the English capital only moves to Manchester and no further.

    As far as the Russian go,yes they can get lucky with their tech.Zukkov I was fooled by that Russian invasion of Rumania move playing SC1.I actually fell for it in a SC2 P.B.E.M.game thinking there is noway he will try that.I was wrong.I still sometimes take the chance and not bother to guard that Capital.

  9. As far as this game being onesided,IT SHOULD BE.Japan was a complete idiot to even attempt what she did.Although by making some MAJOR changes(I think it would be a good option)you could set it up that the AXIS(Not just Japan)could possibly win.There were some HUGE political options open to Germany,that would have for sure had a major effect on the war.Even then it still would have been a massive battle.Remember these games dont include Ultra or Majic.In the case of Ultra,from all the books ive read(7 or 8)it shortend the war by about 2 years.Thats alot of lives saved.

  10. Scottsmm do you think the Amis.still would have gone with the Germany first if Japan had taken Hawaii?Imho it may have caused a reversal of plans to deal with the immediate threat.People would have been pretty scared,especially if Japan was able to pull that off.

    Ludi does make a good point about logisctics.Japan was already in an oil deficit in 1941(not a good way to run a war).She used abut 22 million barrels but only produced about 11.She had about 49 million total barrels left.I guess it would have been possible to send the forces available to attempt the invasion,but it may have come at the cost of other operations.

  11. Diraska did you have set so that England surrenders after you take out the home Island or did the Capital move to either Africa or Canada?As far as Russia goes(im assuming you are playing the A.I.)if your ground army didnt suffer to many losses in both numbers and experience and depending on what level you have the A.I.set at you should still be able to wipe out Russia.I guarantee you once you figure out the right moves to do you will win against the A.I.

    As far as Russia declaring war,in reality you would think that once Stalin saw Germany commit the bulk of her forces against England he would attack while he had the upper hand,knowing fullwell that he would be next.Better to attack while the enemy has his main force tied up somewhere else.

  12. Thats true SeaMonkey because this would give the atvantage to the Japanese by them basing their airfleets around the home islands.The problem with this game is that you cant mass all your planes at once for an attack.If the Amis have 14 Carriers off of Japan they cant launch all the planes from the 14 Carriers at the same time.This would represent a massive air strike.I do realise by having this option you now have to be able to counter with all your planes at once.It seems this is the only way other than allowing easy operational movement of airfleets.The reason I say this is because the game im playing against KSW(he is Japan)he uses is L.R.bombers at no heavy bomber tech. and unescorted to attack my Carriers(which I had several in proper defence mode and all my Carriers are equiped with jets)and my Carrier planes cause prettywell no damage(they cant mass attack the bomber force).To me this doesnt seem right.The only way it seems I can defend them from land based air is by me having my land based fighters in range also.Being able to quickly operate planes quickly to the supporting land bases then makes sense.

  13. Because America,in this case just''suggested''like we did to Iran that it would be in their best interest to join the good guys(lol).I think the reason why the world doesnt react in this game is because(correct me if im wrong)but America has to be at war to do this,so there really isnt a whole lot that can happen by this point.Maybe have some of the minor countries complain and lean towards the Axis?Other than that,I dont know what could be done.Everyone else is allowed to attack prettywell who they want so I guess whynot America.

  14. I think the problem with trans.airfleets is a carrier can only carry a fraction of what these airfleets are supposed to represent.I would think you would then need to have it that carriers would have to either work in teams to trans.the whole airfleet,or perhaps a much simpler way would be that the airflleet being trans.would have a delay before it actually becomes fully operational(this would represent the delay in getting all the planes and their support needed to run an airfleet).

  15. I think that upgrading and improving functions of this game is a great idea but imho if we go to far then we start to loose one of the attractive aspects of this and all the other SC series:Simplicity and ETREMELY fun to play WITHOUT getting to complicated.If you start tweeking supply(and im not necessarily against it)what other problem will that create that may also need adjusting?It could go on and on. I think the game as it is(maybe some adjusting will improve it)shows the overall futility of Japans dreams and that to me is the core of the game.The fun of the game is trying to re-write history.Just my 2 cents worth.

  16. What you say makes sense,but if I may add that each side should have to designate how many fighters they choose to use to escort a particular attack.If the Allies send over a bomber group with just 1 escort and the Germans send all they have(all 6)then one german fighter would prettymuch cancel the Ami.out and the rest wipeout the bomber.That would make alot more sense,but the problem would be how to program it and how would you designate what fighters to mass against what attack if the enemy sent over multiple attacks(hope that makes sense).

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