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Posts posted by arado234

  1. Im playing a game of Op.Z(me Allies)against the Kman.We are both major rookies.He took China in Early 42 and was stompimg all over me but he ran out os steam.Its now early 44 and its freakin unbelievable what the Amis.Have.Ive got all my Carriers as jets.His arenot.My bombers have basiclly destroyed his commerce.Believe me this is through no real skill of mine but just the sheer numbers.The Russians are going to have a huge Army also and because he took China im thinking they will come sometime this year?When you look at this you have to really wonder what was Japan thinking.

  2. Scottsmm 2000mpps sounds about right in comparison.Blashy is right in that by 1941 America was out producing the Axis powers and this is while the Axis were still winning and werent being bombed or directly attacked.I have a very good book by John Ellis:World War Two,The Encyclopedia of facts and figures.Once it was certain Russia and England would survive the Axis had no hope.

  3. SeaMonkey,imho maybe some of the historical possibilites would cause to much of an overall effect on the game and would require huge changes.The biggest one I can think of is the very real possibity of Russia(or a large part of it)joining Germany if Hitler had the right mindset when he attacked.At the very least he could have caused a revolt and with Germany the only major influence it would have been very easy to establish a pro nazi govt,or even a full ally.I dont know if there would be any point in continuing the game.Some options would be good though.

    Finally I just want to say that if I offended anyone here with my comments and views on American foreign policy I absoultly meant no disrespect at all towards Americans.

  4. Scottsmm if I said the Saudis have no oil then yes that was wrong.I know they have lots.Actually we have one of the largest oil deposits in the world but believe me the

    tarsands are a MAJOR issue here because of the massive environmental problems they cause and the huge cost to extract the oil.

    I didnt realise the Amis. could get that many mpps.Yes that should do it.I was also refering to SC2(I know this for P.T.O.).I beleive they can get a max of around 400 mpps even with the Saudi convoy.Maybe a little more

    I cant remember if I made any comments about your blog on Nationalism and greed.I will have to go back and find it.I usually like to comment on that sort of thing unless someone has said what I agree with.

  5. DEVILS ADJUTANT as far as not caring whos toes get stepped on when fighting terrorism,the Oklahoma city bombing was one of the bigger terrorist attacks in America.Are you suggesting America attack themselfs since the guys that did it are American,I believe from the state of Utah.One more thing since most if not all the sept 11 attackers were either Saudis or from Egypt why werent those countries attacked instead of Iraq.Maybe because of oil.Like I said before,its not the average American its GREED, at the top.

  6. Scottsmm I do care what happens to anyone or any country thats being mistreated including America.I have some good friends that are Americans and I like visiting America.Canada isnt exactly innocent either.We were one of the few countries who let prettywell no jews in the country(I believe it was 100) after the Nazis started their persecution.America did alot more than we ever did.

    As far as Iran supporting terrorists that may be so but it was America who sold the chemical weapons to Saddam and then got upset when he used them.What did they think would happen when the guy your selling them to Idolised Hitler.Again im not blaming the average American im blaming greed at the top.

    I like your idea about Russia being able to flip flop in SC2 but if that were to be an option what would you think the Allies should get in return?Im thinking Americas industrial might jumps to historical levels?

  7. Scottsmm I dont hate and im not jealous of America.

    It maynot have mad sense to send oil to Spain for Germany but thats what happened.Ford and G.M.were hleping Germany with the production of trucks AFTER the attack on Poland and in Fords case up to mid 1941.Most Americans didnt know this so again im not blaming the average American im blaming the companies that did it and didnt care just as long as they were getting rich.America wasnt the only country either.A very good book on this subject is called:Alliance of Ememies.

    As far as being Germanys ally,by the mid late 1930s it was obvious what you were dealing with.

    Franco was very much thinking of joining the German cause,except when Hitler sent Canaris(who was a huge anti-nazi) to talk with Franco on that very subject Canaris told Franco that if Spain joined Germany America would probably attack Spain.Franco believed it and never joined Hitler.Hitler went to talk with Franco and was major pissed and asked his generals if an attack on Spain was possible.He was told nobecause of the Battle of Britain and the attack on Russia.

    As far as us being the good guys,ill bet there were alot of Natives of the Americas that would have disagreed with you.I know thats going back along time but peolpe have been fighting and killing eachother as long as we have been on this earth.Just the weapons have improved

    Just ask Iran how they felt about lend-lease.They wanted no part of it but had no choice.

  8. scottsmm let us not forget that it was America who showed the Germans how to convert coal to oil after Hitler came to power.It was America who was selling oil to Spain when they knew full well that Spain would send it to Germany while Germany and England were at war.They also showed Germany how to modernise her industry.They also showed Germany how to raise octane levels in gasoline.Im not saying the Allies werent the ''good''guys but they also did some pretty bad things.Oh one more,Britain and Russia ''suggested''to Iran that they allow supplys to flow into Russia if they new what was good for them.Iran wanted NO part of WW2 but were forced into it.

  9. I think the idea of H.v.H.is for the novice to improve.If those upgrades were allowed then that may hide some of the mistakes the novice is bound to make.Ive always found that when playing a novice player I give them advice on what they should and shouldnt do during the game and always afterwards.Imho that is much better.When I hopefully get a chance to play you vets of the Pacific,I would hope you would help me along,because I really dont know to much about it.

  10. What could you do to the Islands to make them more valuable?Other than spotting,what would anyone want them for?

    Timskorn,as far as Japan being able to kick ass,they can for a while,but in the end they had no hope no matter what they did.Once the Allies survived the early attacks by the Axis overall it was curtians for the Axis no matter what they did.Even in this game America is still dummied down because if they werent it would even be more hopless for Japan.Im assuming the idea for Japan is to hang on longer than they did in reality?Which from what im reading is possible.That in itself makes sense.

  11. That was a possibilty but I think the big flaw with what you have proposed is that Stalin and Hilter actually work together.I can see when either one of those figured they had the upper hand they would just backstab the other.But yes I do know it was thought of.

    The other option(imho)which is much more plausable is after Engalnd is defeated,when Hitler goes into Russia he goes as a ''liberator''not a butcher.This would probably cause a revolt in Russia(like ww1)and since Germany was the major influence they would just help out the pro germans and if they won put in a pro Nazi govt.Then we would be in alot of trouble.The problem with this is Hitlers mindset.

  12. Not knowing alot about the Pacific battles(although im now becoming more interested),I do also think moving planes all over the map is gamey but I think the Allies need that because remember this game still doesnt represent the true Allied industrial might.The Amis.built 141 Carriers(this does include the smaller escorts)to Japans 16.As it is now I believe they can only build 12.The Atomic bomb is only a scripted event.What if it wasnt and the Allies could just go allout for it.Who knows what they would have in this game by 44.So in one way this game is still dummied down to give Japan a chance to''win''which is a good thing.I think Hubert and everyone else involved did a great job in desiging this game to show Japans futility but still leaving them some small hope in getting a ''victory''.

    It does make some sense though in giving the Islands some sort of political effect(maybe on overall morale).

  13. I dont know alot about the Pacific battles but I tend to agree with Rambo.In the book I have:World War II,The Encyclopedia of Facts and Figures;when you look at what the Allies(Amis)had(it is incredible) it is unreal to think that they would have real problem with supply even over such disatnces.Remember the Aleutains arenot that far from Japan(yes I am aware of the weather).

    Rambo are you saying politics had an effect on war strategy(lol).

  14. scottsmm I agree totally with you in that the game should have an option for Japan to win but if you do that then where do you take away from the Allies and how much?Do you then change the overall victory conditions because the Allies must have to be weakend somewhere substantially for Japan to have a chance to win outright.It would be a tough one but I think it would be a fun option.

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