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Posts posted by arado234

  1. Imho the changes that W.a.W.added make the game ALOT more fun but in a different way.Tanks having two attacks(France cant)represents the orginizational skills of the country in question.It also makes tanks the killers they really were in Europe,although two attacks can also result in more losses.

    For Strat.bombers,this gives the Allies(they usually benefit more)the real chance of laying a beating on Germanys Ind.and forces the Germans to commit vast amounts of resources(like they did)to defend their cities from destruction.

    Imho the biggest single change in W.a.W.or P.D.E.(which is also highly recommended)is the way the operational movement of ground units happenes.You will soon discover the VITAL importance of railheads and strategic rail junctions which if targeted properly can really enhance a given strategy.

    I think the restricted operational movement of ground units was the single biggest improvment of W.a.W. & P.D.E.Thats why it makes sense to have both and see the difference.Some find it to restrictive,Imho its much more realistic.

  2. Comic63,I agree with you on the first one in that after a certian amount of time you should get a tech.hit depending on the amount investef.Believe me thus has been brought up before,although we all do have the same chance.

    Im not to sure the second one really matters to much and I think the low supply level is to represent the unpreparedness of the minor in question?

    As far as Italy declaring war on Greece goes,you can just turn that off in the scripts.

    I have also played Third Reich many times and other than the fact that armour cant exploit then for simplicity of play and fun then the SC series(imho)are GREAT games to play.

  3. As far as motorising H.Q.s go when the enemy is coming the Commander isnt just going to sit around they usually are gone long before the enemy arrives and they always have transport either with the retreating troops or their own.If you cant replace the H.Q. then they have to be able to get away just as fast as everyone else like they would in reality.

    The H.Q.icon represents more than just the commander.Its also a supply depot plus it would represent the staff needed to run the logistics of a H.Q.So just because the H.Q.is wiped out it wouldnt always mean the whole command structure was destroyed.Look what happened when Rommels car was shot up.He survived it and was ready to take another Command but we all know what happened.

    Rambos idea about having a random die roll in certian situations is a great one and would work well in that if an H.Q.is attacked and destroyed(depending on if its surrounded or not)then there should be a random die roll to see if the actual Commander escapes.

  4. #1-Yes the game is tilted towards the Allies(as it should be)but you can win as the Axis.You have to able to capitalize very quickly on the opp.given.Every game is different.

    #2-Axis cities(as far as I know)only drop because of either partisans, cut off from supply or the Russian winter.

    #3-If you take Riga then the Russsian modifier doesnt help you at all.

    #4-Im not to sure what you are asking but if you are on a city being bombed then the unit in question will suffer as they take more punishment and their entrenchment level is reduced.Supply(which will reduce overall effectiveness)is the main damage caused by bombers.The City itself will also start to loose its mpp base.

  5. The way armoured exploitation works was when you attacked an ememy unit with atleast 1 of your own armoured units and destroyed the enemy unit any armoured units in normal supply beside the attacking armour would all move to the breakthrough hex(bad word ha ha) occupied by the defender.At the end of the normal attack phase the exploiting armour would then get to move a total of two hexes each up to a grand total of 6.In other words each exploiting armour can only move two hexes by itself but can form a chain of up to six hexes which needs a minimum of three armoured units to accomplish.ZOC effectes exploitation.The exploiters can then attack at the end of the exploitation phase with any airfleet or Para. support.

    Against a novice player or the A.I.(which isnt to brilliant in THIRD REICH)you can sometimes destroy Russia in one turn with the right exploiting attack.Each turn represents 1 month.

  6. Rambo said it the right phrase:The Yanks cant loose.

    Trying to make the game more of a play balance would be fun but in order to do that you would have to reduce the Allies ability so much that it really wouldnt be even close to any historical accurracy.Im sure the modders can change it so you could do whatever you want.

    Imho this game already is tilted towards the Japs.If you started factoring in the REAL effect of oil and various other resources the game would be over even faster.Japan would have all these weapons of war but no way to use them because they wouldnt have any fuel to move them.Plus the Atomic bomb cant force a surrender(like in reality) and the Allies arenot allowed(for obvious reasons)to research it and build them even earlier.

  7. The Russian winter only would happen once but you just wouldnt know when.

    As far as costing mpps to move your planes out of Russia.If youve got L.R.air you can usually fly them out in late Nov.before your forced to operate them out.Even operating them out saves on their experience .If you have a unit at 2 stars and you take a real bad hit you will loose all experience(I know its not much) when you replace the losses.

  8. The winter was quite harsh in 1941 but imho if you know approx.when the Russian winter is going to hit then you can usually atleast move all your planes out of Russia to miss the effect.If there was noway of knowing then it would be a little more realistic?

  9. I understand the idea of outrunning supplys but what im saying is that if you allow motorized H.Q.s then there should be seperate supply dumps that can and would be outrun.The H.Q.s main responsability would be to lead the troops not to supply them.This way as the advance continued the supply factor would still be if effect as far as actual ability to move but the the units being lead that are out of supply range would atleast have some of their morale intact which would in some cases make the difference in taking an objective and holding it untill the actual supplys caught up.

  10. True about the command link but if your ground units are motorised level 2 then you can very quickly outrun your H.Q.s.Motorisation also gives the Commander a chance to escape when threated with encirclement.Because you can only operate H.Q.s out of trouble and thats only if they start their turn on a railroad hex their mobility is now already limited(not like regular SC2 where I can sort of see not having them motorized).All the enemy has to do is bomb the railhead behind the H.Q.and hes done while the units under his command can still escape.Doesnt make sense to me because there is noway the commanding officer would be left behind.I can see the supply dumps being cut off but not the actual commanders.It also sort of forces the Russians to leave their H.Q.s on railroad hexes(which in some case may not be the best spot)because they may have to escape quickly when in reality they would just drive away.

  11. I undestand the part about supplys being slow to follow the advance but the actual commanders(Rommel,Patton etc)were always up with the troops,regardless of the overall suplly situtaion.I guess what im trying to say is that we would need a seperate icon for commanders and another that indicates supply dumps.I know its more units but to me the commanders should be able to keep up with the troops for morale purposes only.

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