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Posts posted by arado234

  1. Teutonkof if you start to add all this then what do the Allies get to counter this.Remember Americas true industrial might isnt even remotely represented in these games for obvious reasons.The same goes with oils true effect.I like your ideas but it always brings up the same question:When do you stop adding things and at what point does it become so cumbersome that the game looses its appeal,which is fairly easy to play and not taking to long to play.

  2. teutonkopf the Germans did send them some weapons but as far as France and Germany becoming friends FORGET IT.Hitler was still REALLY upset about Alsace-Lorainne and I cant see him ever becoming friends with France,but it is true in that we are in command and not Hitler.Some Brits.thought it a good idea and were actually planning to bomb the Russian oil fields in the Caucasus but that was(wisely)turned down.

  3. If you do this you are going to alter the game (imho)quite severly in favor of the Axis(supply, reduced partisans,etc).

    Yes this is exactly what Germany should have done but what historical event do we give the Allies?Ultra,more overall industrial might.Remember the Ukraine wanted to be independent,not necessarily join the Axis(only a possibility)but the two VERY important things I just listed not included in this game(for obvious reasons)did happen.Im all for adding more possibilites but its real tough to even it out.

  4. masterclaude how long did it take for you to type that,Wow.Very well thought out.

    Re-my source on oil.It came from John Ellis book:WW2The Encyclopedia of facts and figures.

    The quotes I gave were for Crude only.Even(like you say)if you include all synthetic and captured stocks the Axis(especially Japan)had no hope.The synthetics did help but it was never enough.Oil if included as an absolute would make it impossible for the Axis to even have a hope to win.What then would be the point of playing.

    Sc2 and SC P.T.O.(havent played the world game yet)are fun and are still real hard(Germany does have an easier time then Japan)for the Axis to win(as they should be).Imho maybe they could use some tweeking but overall they are great(the best ive ever played)at being real fun and not to complicated.I dont know if you masterclaude have ever played Squad Leader,but that was the closet ive ever come to playing a game with absolute realism.Another game I really enjoyed was Third Reich.

  5. aesopo it would be more historically accurate but it really would have a HUGE effect on the game.All the Allies have to do is just bomb all of Japans oil wells and Japan is done.They would be so restricted in movement that they would need to add sails to all their warships.

  6. For the Regular SC P.T.O.if the Allies dont make any serioius mistakes(like I did but still came pretty close to winning)Japan has no hope.American industrial might is just to massive(this doesnt even represent their true industrial might).

    All you have to do is Tech.out America(America can spend 1800mpps) and go pound Japan into submission.The Atomic bombs just make it even worse for them(as they should).

    One devestating thing to do is tech out and build all your American(even the Brits can help out alittle)heavy bombers and blowup all his oil wells and ports and the Japs.get prettywell no mpps and are done.Its a slow but sure doom for Japan.

  7. Thamor81,you ask alot of important questions,but the basic rule of thumb is NEVER stand and fight near the German border,and trade space for time.Pay VERY close attention to what the Axis are spending their tech.on and react accordingly.These things and others can only be learned through experience.

    Depending on weather you are playing P.D.E.or W.a.W.should determine how you spend your mpps on Russian tech.(with P.D.E.you have more time.).

  8. Maverik if you were to have oils true historical effect included in the game(s)then there really would be no point.The Axis would loose everytime.

    Here are the production figures for the two sides:

    Total Allied production:1Billion 43 million metric tons

    Total Axis production:67 Million metric tons

    Japan even after they had conquerd all that they did were always in a deficit of about 11 million barrels a year.So the fact that Japan is even allowed to move let alone use all her naval forces towards the end of the war in SC.P.T.O.is WAY off base,especially if the Allies have re-captured or bombed into submission all the oil fields Japan conquers.

    Germany was actually in a small surplus untill near the end.Problem with Germany is that she couldnt refine it all because her refinerys were being bombed.

    With Japan the Allies were simply sinking her oil tankers.Oil is no good to you if you cant get it to the refinerys and the refinerys have to be in working order and you have to have enough of them

  9. xwormwood since you are from Germany I can certainly see your point,but if you look up the history of the Swastika you may change your mind.

    I personally have no problem with it being there since it was worn on all the german armed forces.Like it or not.As far as sales in Germany go well then I can see your point.

    I notice the rising sun is on all the Japanese units.They were no better(and sometime worse)than the nazis in the way they treated people.

  10. AshesFall as far as tech goes if you are only allowed a max of three chits then you would have to change the chances of getting a tech hit?

    Imho if a player wants to research a certain tech.then why be restricted?Look what the Manhattan project cost.There was NO expense spared for that, so why should a country be limited to what they spend on any tech?I know its unhistorical but that's only because either the country couldn't afford it or didn't realise a certain techs potential.

    As far as teleporting planes across the world goes,this mostly benefits the Allies.Since the Allies true industrial might and other war winning measures aren't included then perhaps them being allowed to do this helps to offset those omissions?

  11. Rambo,what you say makes alot of sense but how far do you want to go as far as realism is concerned?If you go to far then the Axis will never win.You win so much because you are one of the best players there is.Imho to make a game winnable for either side then you have to omit certain things.Im not saying more couldnt be done but if you get to crazy how many people will want to buy it.Hubert has to look at that to.

  12. I usually develop Prod.tech. both for Russia and America(industrial tech.is always first and foremost).If its a long battle then it will start to make a difference in the end,but if you plan on winning a quick war then its not the best way to go.Remember its 5% per tech upgrade,so at level 5 its 25% cheaper and if you are building back units destroyed in combat then they are really cheap.Also combined with maxed out ind.tech then it can really have an effect.

  13. Wushuki imho prod.tech.isnt waste for America and Russia(depends if you are playing P.D.E.or W.a.W.because of the extra time).Trust me in a long drawnout conflict Prod.tech has a HUGE effect on the game.You can really build Russians and Americans fast with enhanced Prod.level.

    As far as wasting mpps on research,you have to decide what kind of war you are going to fight and try and gear your research towards it.Its also great if you can anticipate your enemys plans and gear some of your research to counter his.

  14. When you try and move through the Caucasus,supply is a REAL pain(even when you take Iran).With motor level one its fairly easy to stop the Germans(unless they commit huge amounts to that attack).

    If you really want to liven it up,after taking Egypt attack and take Turkey.This will GREATLY improve your overall supply,but be sure to bomb the Eastern most Turkish city so the Russians cant start operating units into Turkey.

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