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Everything posted by sburke

  1. I think the Ukrainians can tell him you get back your X number of POWs assuming..... and then whatever terms the Ukrainians set. Meanwhile the sanctions stay in place. Okay that was just my pissed off response at Russia. The reality is I don't think Putin could sell that as a strategic win. I'm not even sure he could withdrawal that northern column without it abandoning all its heavy weapons. Personally, I feel like Putin is that guy at the Vegas table who just couldn't stand to lose and went all in with a pair of twos.
  2. That's called the amateur hour in propaganda. Either that or Putin is really Max headroom.
  3. okay yeah that I get. Sign of the times with folks being so divided with kneejerk responses. I blame facebook and twitter. When I first saw that Putin had banned facebook I admit to being a little jealous...
  4. what the hell is cancel culture even? people have made choices about products they do or don't want to buy for various reasons for generations. Now it's a pejorative term as if there is something wrong with deciding cause A means something to me and I don't want to buy products that undermine it. Rosa Parks refusing to sit in the back started the Montgomery Bus Boycott. That was "cancel culture".
  5. I think Putin would love to have some response to the sanctions. Risking NATO invoking article 5 though is a bit much. To put the sanctions in perspective even if many feel it isn't enough This provided the groundwork for the response of the international community, which has been harsher than anything seen in modern diplomacy. It's harsher than any reaction to Soviet invasions of Hungary or Czechoslovakia or Afghanistan, harsher than the global response to the Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989, harsher than any sanctions or weapons embargo on South Africa or Iran or Burma. The only precedent for anything remotely like this is the global reaction to the last time a regional power endeavored to invade and occupy whole a neighboring state: when Iraq conquered Kuwait in 1990. Biden's Bold Gamble Might Just Save Ukraine | Opinion (msn.com)
  6. Coke has announced they are stopping production yesterday
  7. kraze you are depressing the sh1t out of me, but yeah I saw that news earlier. Wait till they find out they can't get coca cola.
  8. it did go through. I think you need to understand is you are hearing people's frustration with watching the Russians continue to target and murder innocent civilians. You'd have to be completely inhumane to not want it to stop especially if you know our military could halt it within hours... in a virtual world where there wasn't immediate follow-on impact that might actually be worse. Neither of those you mentioned are warmongers blindly following a gov't position and for all I know they may have both served previously.
  9. bummer. where the fk are all these people now?
  10. yep, run into that quote thing myself when editing and that's on PC...I guess that makes me even a little more technologically illiterate.
  11. yeah I think that maybe too many to arrest... So when does Putin give the order to start shooting Russians?
  12. I wouldn't be surprised. No food or fuel getting through. the guys at the front have got to be wondering what is going on behind them. Some amount of movement has to be happening for the casualties to be showing up in Belarus..unless those are the guys from the supply convoy. Damn this would be a fantastic time for a coup in Belarus.
  13. strange crop they have in Ukraine. Is that gonna be the new terrain mod?
  14. actual dialogue UKR guys: What do you want? RUS guys: We'd like to surrender UKR guys: Great. Please don't punch holes in your gas tank, we can use them still. Except for that truck back there. Looks like its tires are shot.
  15. Note I said "much of a plan". You have to admit as a plan it was just a bit lacking. The backup plan doesn't sound much better.
  16. Vietnam being the classic example where the NVA considered them high value prisoners and frequently had to rescue them from the locals. Their propaganda value was extremely high. Regarding the interview kraze, part of the difference with Belarus is those guys have had a week of news to KNOW what is going on. If Russians were all so bloodthirsty, why would Putin feel the need to censor the media? He is clearly afraid of something there and according to you it isn't that the Russians would turn on him. Not very logical thinking. I believe these guys. The performance of the Russian army can only be explained by the fact that they really didn't have much of a plan. Putin apparently felt they didn't really need one cause it was gonna be a walkover. Just drive into Kiev... On the other hand yeah I agree, at some point when you KNOW what you are doing, you have to show a conscience. The Russians have had enough time now to know they have been lied to and are accountable for the continued assaults on civilians.
  17. I doubt that will last much longer. If not I can see a major boycott of Coke products coming. I doubt sales in Russia will make up for that.
  18. I think that really depends on the amount of damage inflicted. I personally wouldn't want to test those standing right by a live plant.
  19. I wouldn't spend too much time on logic here. It is Putin's perspective and maybe to him it made sense..at one point. Now it is like the tar baby in Brer rabbit. He can't let go.
  20. I wouldn't be surprised to hear they'd gotten some via Iraq. Whether they can actually produce them is another thing.
  21. Volunteers cross Polish border into Ukraine to fight Russian forces (msn.com)
  22. and this I really appreciate Millions of Russians turn to BBC News - Media Centre
  23. MikeyD "no f'n way am I doing models for that poS."
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