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Posts posted by rocketman

  1. I've seen this, particularly with the US .30 medium MG; the tripod is quite low, and it seems that sometimes it sets up at a point where the LOS is blocked by the berm of the bocage. I haven't thus far found any good way to avoid this.

    This seems to be the case, the only MG unit that can fire and clear the berm, is the Heavy MG.

  2. I does seem like a "hit or miss" kind of a thing. In the scenario I'm playing I have two MG-teams along the same bocage line (no elevation difference) with just a few action points between them (deployed in the same fashion) - one has full LOF of the field beyond the bocage, and the other no LOF whatsoever. :confused: :confused: :confused:

  3. I'm having serious trouble setting up MG at bocage properly - they usually end up with no LOS. I've done searches and found nothing, but know that the issue has been discussed here before.

    I would much :) appriciate if someone can instruct me on the proper setup procedure (Deploy/Face etc.) or point me to another thread.

  4. If trying to take out a unit on the ground floor of a two level building, would/should you:

    1) Aim arty (point/81 mm) at house and hope for the shell to penetrate the roof and 2nd level, to get to the unit?

    2) Aim one action point in front of the house, hoping for shrapnel to penetrate the walls, to get to the unit?

  5. Firstly, many thanks for putting this together - it looks like it's going to be an amazing campaign (which is good news, because I've completed ALL the others, including the 3rd party ones).


    Any tips on how to get the infantry onto the beaches in the first scenario?

    My prep bombardment clearly wasn't good enough, and they just got annihilated use the "Quick" command.

    Should I go for a linear bombardment across the bluffs overlooking the beaches?

    And thereafter what's a 'good' way to get the infantry onto dry land?

    Sorry to ask what I should learn myself, but the whole beach landing thing is new to me. Perhaps it's simply the nature of beach landings...



    I playtested this scenario and got a major victory. Don't know if it has been changed since. But key, like Fredrock said, are accurate linear arty targets on key areas. Other than that, make ALL identified pillboxes and AT-guns your top priority, directly after each wave of tanks arrive. I also found that the center of the map was a good area to "funnel" your units through, after getting them on the beach. Your initial units will be cut to pieces, but that goes with the territory I guess....

  6. When I have tanks and assault a village I usually hit houses I suspect contain enemy units with a couple of preemptive HE shells to either kill, rattle or flush out the enemy.

    AI tanks though, never seem to do this, unless fired upon from a particular house (something you'll sure notice if you forget that covered arc...).

    I feel that this is a flaw in the TacAI or was it really so IRL that this wasn't the MO?

  7. as far as i know there is no scenario specially made for tank versus tank action but you can use the quickbattle function and set the forces of both sides to armor only. via the scenario editor you can look through the quickbattle maps and find a nice scenario that you like. alternatively you can just let the computer pick a random map.

    the only scenario i know of that has a large amount of tank vs tank action is "huzzar" ! but its a mixed forces scenario that also uses a lot of mechanized infantry and recon vehicles !

    I've only tried QB once and found the force selection by the AI a bit wonky (post patch). Maybe that was a one off, but it put me off QBs for a while. Maybe I'll give Huzzar a go, or both...the other one suggested in another post is bit heavy both for my laptop and myself :o

  8. Almost totally unrelated. But was playing the game the other day. Was watching a truck moving down the road at high speed. When it saw the enemy tank, it braked hard. it was fish tailing back and forth before coming to a stop. Now that is some realistic detailing.

    I constantly find little details that amaze me. For example how tanks rock back and forth a while after stopping.

  9. IMO the tank crews bail out far too quickly after being hit/knocked out. They are usually out in about 1 sec. Given the shock of being hit, seeing comrades perish, fire sometimes breaking out, and being in a confined space all adds to this being too fast. Does anyone know what it was like IRL?

  10. I watched the end scene of the movie yesterday (to get me into the CMBN mood) and noticed what looks like a german HMG on wheels, pushed by 4-6 men. It looks like it is very easy to move and packs a devastating punch. Is this a fictional weapon? If not, is it in CMBN? If not, why (within the time frame of the game)? I wouldn't mind giving it a go.

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