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Everything posted by Mr.Dozer

  1. yeah i fortified the new german border of germany and USSR space with the max fort. While italian forifing france. I find it cool to be able to have them so soon but i think we will be reducing Russian one and making the engineers come in say a year later because I think they are in to early.
  2. I was thinking tech should be reduced and diplo doubled. That way diplo will be costly and less problems with exploit getting Spain Turkey Sweden in on germany side. With lower tech britian can get some industry in. Sub tech would be more inclines. Tank tech more since i find i get cought in infintry weapons and and diplo. That way there can be tons of upgrading of units. Actually up german air tech to see a jet for once.
  3. i have a moded version were the germans recieve one, italy one, USSR starts with 2 a bit much maybe. Britian and USA start with a paratrooper.
  4. i guess so im not sure since i was just looking on Wilkipedia and found that. Was to late to go into better detail.
  5. yeah I think Canada should have more. I mean the minors in this game suck in comparison to sc1 were minors were fillers but you could use them on the Front. Now they just sit back and watch. I think minors should be cheaper or something because I want my Canadians in. I believe they were responsible for 1 of the 5 beaches (juno). Also yes I know their werent Tons but there was 1.1 million.
  6. thats a tricky one. Some will say the axis are the ones with the advantage which is kinda true but if you beef the soviet and USA production of the 2 techs and UK holds on it can be tough for the axis to just win. I think its all in how you play it. Both will do things and the cause and the affect will be one of the 2 sides someone will win.
  7. thats a tricky one. Some will say the axis are the ones with the advantage which is kinda true but if you beef the soviet and USA production of the 2 techs and UK holds on it can be tough for the axis to just win. I think its all in how you play it. Both will do things and the cause and the affect will be one of the 2 sides someone will win.
  8. I will have to try this for sure. Umm france never fell in 1939 but 1940.
  9. It would be mostly fall Weiss. Some play other scenarios that are deemed balanced but the fall weiss is the standard.
  10. It would be mostly fall Weiss. Some play other scenarios that are deemed balanced but the fall weiss is the standard.
  11. yes i did as you will know from a response to you in minor mayhem. I to am canadian. Also I heard about it there but forgot it then was doing some ww2 reading and they talked about it and was like i remember the allies had that is COS.
  12. yeah i played it a year ago once because i didnt know how to save in the dos emulator and had some problems understanding unit strenght and stuff lol. Also I didnt know how to use ships which first scared me about sc1 and got me to this game. Was looking around and saw how similar it was and was pleased shipping was easy so i got it.
  13. yeah that would be cool, what about adding and extra side like Clash of Steel were USSR was its own side.
  14. wow thats some cool info. I have to agree he should be a 10. Not that Zhukov was not as good just that when he asked for stuff he got it while manstien had to deal with bad odds, and lack of stuff,and did a great job at it.
  15. I was wondering what people thought about operating cost. I think it would be cheaper to send a unit from one side of germany to the other instead of sending him from berlin to Moscow. Shouldnt you have to chose were you want to operate then show the cost, just and idea?
  16. I was thinking about having spies in the game but what to use them for. Then one idea came to me, you can no longer see opponents income. What about if you spent money on getting spies you could reveal their income or a percentage. Would help let players know if their saving up. Off course you could count what your opponent has. The other idea was what about spies that reveal areas like choosing one hex and its surrounding one. Even revealing just an area like france, or Norway.
  17. when i mention those i hope i was clear as they are groups not control all. Because some countries have more than others like just spain, while scandinavia I think would be better as all. I think it would be possible just have the funds go to a spot so when you go into build you can see them just not on the magor income screen.
  18. I was wondering if this game would insert the mulberry so you can make a port were you want for allied landing and supply. Could use that its like an HQ and gets supply from other ports so that way you cant just put the port were ever you want.
  19. I was wondering about editing a game were you could play as the minor countries but still be neutral. Even picking a certain area like the scandinavia minors, spain, turkey, Balkan minor (german ones more so), Canada. So you just play these and have fun seeing if you help or not even going back to neutral if you can. Also the minors will need better income either through the cities get double then normal or something. I think it would be fun to play as spain and conquer portugal and look at attacking vichy.
  20. I wouldnt mind playing you to learn some new stuff to add to my game playing ability.
  21. I was playing a game were i moved my para over land and decided that next turn i was going to prepare it to drop into romania and land in odessa, but decided that the romanians could handle it. So i decided to unprepare it and found i could move it again. So i moved it repeated process and found it could keep moving. So as long as their are no enemies next to it it coul walk from moscow to Paris in 1 turn if i wanted to. Also in a test dropped it next to enemy troop and it cant prepare. Kill the troop then it can prepare.
  22. I was playing a game were i moved my para over land and decided that next turn i was going to prepare it to drop into romania and land in odessa, but decided that the romanians could handle it. So i decided to unprepare it and found i could move it again. So i moved it repeated process and found it could keep moving. So as long as their are no enemies next to it it coul walk from moscow to Paris in 1 turn if i wanted to. Also in a test dropped it next to enemy troop and it cant prepare. Kill the troop then it can prepare.
  23. well i understand the elite enforcement taking longer but weapons and new guys i would assume being the same.
  24. i was saying this because i would assume could be wrong if your a trained soldier in weapons using an updated version should not be to different. Also the new forces coming in wouldnt they have been trained in the new weapon before going to the new army. Of course it would take time but its a week for germans turn then a week for russians. Also was just throwing it out there.
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