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Posts posted by stoat

  1. Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by stoat:

    It's astounding the number of kids that use Wikipedia as a primary source of research for any school paper they have to write. It's situations like this that prove the error in that method and keep me from using or liking Wikipedia.

    It's not largely for thinking people (though I bet you got your naval shell info there :D ) but for rules Nazis and frustrated lawyers to do battle in a bureaucratic atmosphere arguing about which task force should handle which to dos, and allowing for the unimaginative to shriek at others for 30 pixel wide trademark infringements in their user boxes. </font>
  2. Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by stoat:

    One thing about using shallow running gear on your torpedoes, like at Taranto and Pearl Harbor, is that you're likely to hit thicker armor near the waterline and need more torpedoes to flood the ship adequately. And the Arizona was certainly a bomb hit.

    Since Mr. Picky isn't here, I'll jump in and say that ISTR some of the aerial bombs the Japanese used were actually modified naval shells fitted with fins. But either way....

    EDIT or I could just read Kettles' post...doh.... </font>

  3. Originally posted by Uberpickle:

    I'm 17 going on 18. It seems whenever I get into a game community, many people are soo much older than me (I play a lot of sims and stuff).

    Lad, just about anywhere you go people are going to be much older than you. Whereabouts in Chicago do you live?
  4. Originally posted by Uberpickle:

    Thanks guys. But for certain quick battles I've been generating, I don't have the big guns but I am refining my man-to-track coverage strategies and my timing(it's super important I've realized, like I'd wait 3 turns for my ground pounders to get up to my armor or vice versa just to get a job done).

    You can read as many opinions here as you like, but the best way to learn is to test things out yourself. smile.gif
  5. For dug in positions, having heavy weapons support is almost a must. Make sure your MGs and mortars are in a position to cover your advance. They will keep your enemy's head down while your riflemen get in close. To cross that last stretch of open ground before engaging your enemy, some smoke from arty or vehicles may be in order. If you are having a rough time, try to bring up some armor to provide close support. Make sure you keep it screened with your infantry so it won't take a panzerschreck to the snot locker.

    You more than likely won't be able to advance all across the map at the same time. Try to achieve fire superiority over one portion of the battle, and attack there. Then you can shift your fire to other areas and use your infantry to roll up the enemy flanks.

  6. The problem with the Royal Navy was that despite its large number of capital ships, many were very old and all required large amounts of maintenance. The RN could only field a fraction of its BBs at a time because dockyard space and labor was devoted to smaller ships needed to hunt U-boats, rather than units used to deal with German surface ships. Even the ships that did get to sea were often plagued by maintenance issues. Given the scope of SC2, I don't think that representing every British BB afloat between 1939 and 1947 would be true to accurately representing naval combat in the second world war.

  7. Originally posted by wunwinglow:


    Write out 100 times,

    'I must not uspet a bunch of very powerful soldiers by mis-spelling their name.'

    Minus 2 House Points.....


    He's eleven years old. Cut him some slack on the spelling of multi-syllabic words.
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