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Posts posted by stoat

  1. Originally posted by Boo Radley:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrPeng:

    ... when I hurled over 500 points worth of rockets to start things off and he broke FOW and radio silence to let me know I had successfully inflicted 5 casualties. Yeah. Great. Love & Rockets.

    HAHAHAHAHA... HA... Heh, heh, heh, heh...snicker... Hee hee hee... snort... Oh, deary-dear-dear. I just did the same thing to Bloat. Fired off about a hunnert & farty 114mm rickets at him right from the get-go.

    Looking at the spread and size of the hits, I figger he used the subsequent flames to melt his S'mores, the knock-kneed gerbil jammer!

    Oh, and Peng? 'Splain me something, Lucy... How would having MORE turns keep you from firing all your big, scary ammo at me before you had LOS to all my positions which were in LOS right from turn one?

    Would having more turns somehow make you smarter? </font>

  2. Originally posted by NG cavscout:

    Stoat, clear out your inbox so my turns don't come wisping back to me through the ether of the Internet like some flouncy goth wanna-be 16 year old spotty faced dweeb going to prom wearing a lavender smoking jacket with ruffles and lace coming out everywhere to compensate for the fact that he has no date...

    High school must have been terrible for you. Then again, with memories like that, you'd have to go to another continent to escape them.

    There are 4 messages in my inbox. Didn't I tell you there was a 38% chance I wouldn't get your mail if you sent it to that address?

  3. In reality they perform specialized functions such as construction or destruction of obstacles, bridges, the like. In the game they serve only as a form of infantry. A platoon of engineers is much like a rifle platoon, but the engineers have flamethrowers in lieu of mortars and antitank weapons. Also, engineers carry demo charges. These charges are very effective against vehicles, buildings, or any other target except planes. The one specialized task engineers CAN do in the game is clear mines. Move an engineer squad within 10-20m of a minefield, making sure there are no friendly units around, and the engineers will in the span of a turn or two destroy the mines using their demo charges.

  4. Originally posted by Shmavis:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by SteveP:

    A particularly "interesting" example of this that I detected after discovering that crewed weapons did this:

    A light mortar (German 50mm, I think) was in cover about 100m or so from a previously undetected enemy unit. The enemy uncovered near the end of the turn and began firing (not at the mortar). The mortar crew's first reaction was to fire their pistols at the enemy unit rather than immediately start firing mortars! One can only speculate on the reasons for this. It's worth noting that since I've observed this, I have never seen a unit become spotted as a result of doing this. Perhaps that explains the mortar crew's behavior??

    If the enemy unit was within your mortar's minimum range(which I believe is 100m), they would not have been able to fire the mortar at the enemy. So, they use their small arms. At least, that's my understanding. </font>
  5. Originally posted by Kingfish:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by stoat:

    If it is a vehicle there is a chance it will return in a subsequent battle, depending on how good the vehicle repair and recovery is for that op.

    You also need an Op that last longer than a day. </font>
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