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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by dan/california

  1. The signals/ecm/sensor complexity of the modern battlefield is staggers the limits of human comprehension. There are COMPLICATED back and forth games going on from the near ultraviolet end of the visible spectrum to the Furthest low frequency radio waves. The is at a minimum sensing, jamming, communication, and direction finding happening right across the entire spectrum. The military is going to need E5s with the equivalent of bachelors degree in electrical engineering, and O3s that might as well be Phds in computer science. They will not only have to train these people but then RETAIN them when they get a civilian salary well into six figures. It is not going to be easy.
  2. Ukraine will be able to order from Lockheed like everybody else in NATO when this is over...
  3. There is a BIG difference between "blooding", and shattering utterly. Most of these Russian units are being used up to the shattered point or worse. A U.S. infantry brigade that did a couple of reasonably hot tours in Afghanistan could be considered blooded, casualties of 2 or 3 percent total over the two tours, everybody has heard enough hostile fire to react instead of panic . There is a confirmed post a few pages back of regiment that lost it ENTIRE senior leadership. The commanding Colonel, XO, several other senior people were all wiped. This was confirmed by their funeral announcements at their home base in Russia. I am going to make the entirely reasonable assumption that the brigade suffered 25 to 40% casualties for that to happen. There isn't anybody left to learn anything. The Russians just don't have the long serving NCO corps to learn anything and pass it on. Everybody in that unit who gets out of Ukraine alive is going to get out of the army as fast as they can, and get as far away from it as the can, preferably with a vodka bottle. It might as well be 100% casualties, that unit and virtually all of it personnel are militarily useless, forever.
  4. Well he had to become Putin's new pet a year or two ago to get the help to put down a massive civil uprising. Putting it down with clubs, bullets, and torturing people didn't exactly make him better liked.
  5. If Belarus gets even mildly rebellious the Russians around Kiev would just be DONE. This needs to be encouraged in every possible way. Could the EU do something to help the exiled Belorussian opposition leader look more significant? Some sort of guarantee of support if Lukashenko got the boot and she was installed in the government? To reiterate this is THE fastest way to end the war with a total defeat for Putin, and should be pursued in every possible way.
  6. I am actually hoping Belarus just has a nice little rebellion instead. But if they are getting more involved wouldn't it make more sense to use their logistics to reinforce on of the current attacks? Putting more troops in the field just seems idiotic when you can't supply the ones that are already committed. Of course that would be in keeping with the rest of the planning of this war. If the troops being ordered to attack don't rebel, though, right after they are committed would be a great time for the very large opposition in Belarus to kick one off.
  7. Still to be determined if it is attack on Ukraine, or rebellion in Belarus.
  8. With multiple distant regions trying to leave, and then we will see how much the Chinese decide to take...
  9. It is also referred too as the first mortar target...
  10. No dispersion, and no attempt at overhead cover. Is the russian army out of plywood and sand bags, too.
  11. The entire bleeping command group eliminated. How long for what is left of that unit to do ANYTHING!?
  12. Could have been a high level officer, or real bleep of a FSB guy, or it could have been they were on the pointy end with a missile and saw a target? I just hope they live thru the war to tell us, and on that note I would be displacing from that spot like I meant it. You never know when you are going to trip over a couple of competent Russians.
  13. The Russians DESERVE to die in melting AFVs...
  14. Belorussian military brass needs to be offered solid gold retirement packages in south America, different passports, immunity for no doubt numerous past misdeeds, the whole bit.
  15. A rebellion against Lukashenko is THE way to end this quickly. The whole Russian position becomes untenable instantly if Lukashenko gets introduced to lamp post.
  16. If Putin gets his entire empire wide emergency reserve bogged down in the Ukrainian mud, while his economy burns down to slag, there ARE going to be rebellions other places.
  17. I am fairly sure the Russian guy in question is well around the fascist bend, but his view of the military situations seems very close to board consensus that the Russians best scenario now is losing slow and ugly.
  18. NATO just needs to start sellingUkraine cruise missiles for a dollar each. In the air, when they cross the Ukrainian border.
  19. Can you imagine the inspections Xi has ordered? The entire Chinese military is going to spend the next six months losing their minds from audit, after inspection, after readiness review. I wonder if we will ever know how many senior people come to bad ends when whole warehouses of stuff turn out not to exist.
  20. IF Zelensky makes it thru the war I am reasonably hopeful that he will direct the vast amount of residual anger at Russia, as opposed to ethnic Russians. He just seems to be an extraordinarily sane and well adjusted guy, and he will effectively have near absolute power in post war Ukraine. Not in a bad way, but he effectively becomes the Ukrainian George Washington if he pulls this out. It is my great hope that he will follow Washington's example and retire after a reasonable period of time. I would assume he could have any senior EU job he wanted by that point. We need to make very clear to the Russians that if they try to kill him after the end of hostilities we are going to find a way to deprive them of ANOTHER trillion dollars.
  21. I have no clue how many they were making before, but at best you can triple it by adding shifts. You would be looking at several months even in a panic program though to do more than that. You just don't set up a new aerospace production line on a whim. That is before we discuss whatever little special bits just got sanctioned. The Chinese might be willing to help, but that is just more time to reverse engineer whatever little odd bits they were buying from Germany. Not just the odd bits that go in the missile, but the tooling to make the missile. The sporting goods companies that sold out in a week at the beginning of the pandemic are only NOW getting new production lines up. If you want a nice new mountain bike at the moment most companies are quoting a six month delay, full price, take it or leave it.
  22. They are obviously willing to do this sort of awfulness. But it also amounts giving up on ever advancing again, you would have to cross your own minefields. Might want to start breeding those special rats in quantity though.
  23. https://www.newsweek.com/china-planned-taiwan-invasion-fall-alleged-russian-intel-leak-claims-1688449 Apparently Xi and Putin were thinking about a one two punch to put the West out of business. The minute the Ukrainians run out of Russian vehicles to kill we need to start pumping them into Taiwan at at least same rate. Actually we need to help the Taiwanese set up their own production lines. Twenty thousand Javelins, and ten thousand stingers and the island is just not getting conqured . A bunch of the bigger vehicle mounted stuff too obviously.
  24. Putin is clearly demanding his entire army die in Ukraine.
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