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Posts posted by xian

  1. Correct. Actually, there are no HEAT rounds in the ammo panel. "66mm HE" = Fragmentation (ie., anti-personnel) rifle grenades. I think your confusion comes from assuming the "HE" is a truncation for "HEAT". It's not. "HE" stands for "High-Explosive", and is a term for general purpose explosive rounds. You never truncate HEAT as HE for this reason; people will think you mean something entirely different. One shorter acronym for HEAT rounds that seems to have fallen out of favor in the last few decades is "HC", standing for "Hollow Charge".

    The M9 bazooka rocket is actually a 60mm rocket, if you're curious.

    Admittedly, I think "66mm HE" was a poor choice of label for the fragmentation rifle grenades; it's ambiguous and confusing, especially since rifle grenades are usually not cataloged by caliber. "Frag RG" (for "Fragmentation Rifle Grenade", or something like that, would have been a much better, and more accurately descriptive choice, IMHO.

    Edit to add: Also, to confuse things even further, I note that this particular team actually has only 3 bazooka rockets, and one M9A1 HEAT Rifle Grenade -- note how one of the rocket icons is slightly different than the other three.

    Thanks for the reply. Just to clarify: What are the 60mm HEAT rounds in the 'zook' team's ammo panel? It looks like a duplication to me. Every time an AT Rocket is fired the 60mm HEAT in ammo panel (on the right of GUI) also drops by one. And it says HEAT (HC) - not HE (see image on my previous reply). I'm not referring to the 66mm ammo. Also, sorry to correct you , but that team has 4 AT rockets and 1 AT grenade.


    Yes Mikey, you are correct, they are borrowing from a knocked out Mortar. It's right next to them (2 meters away). But they still refuse to fire.

  2. Thanks for your answer.

    So, let me get this right. The ammo on the side panel is NOT the same as the AT rocket icons?

    If so - what is the ammo on the ammo panel? They seem to get used up by the zooks.

    Yes - the mortar - very strange. I even brought up a second mortar team. They are now sharing the ammo, but also refuse to fire and are shown as empty in indirect fire panel.

  3. The two images refer to the same game and the same 60mm mortar.

    Although the team has 25 rounds available the indirect fire panel displays them as empty???

    The team also refuse to fire mortars directly.

    Note - the ammo was collected from a knocked out mortar team belonging to the same platoon.

    Surely this is a bug - if not, then can anyone enlighten me as to the cause?



  4. If its already in forgive me.I dont see it.I always split my squads immediatley and spread out more.So 1 squad turns into 3 teams. 1 platoon turns into 9 teams.1 company turns into 27 teams.So my request is that the first double click could just show my squad so I dont have to go around looking for them,they tend to wander on long moves,double click again shows your platoon.Maybe it could be a toggle option in the hotkeys.Because I'm sure there are plenty of players who do not split their squads at all.

    I think he means a quick overhead way of determining which teams belong to the same squad.

  5. I had a mortar team wiped out leaving 25 rounds scattered about their dead bodies. Another mortar team took their position and the GUI shows they have access to the 25 rounds.

    So - why wont they fire them? I keep using direct targeting and the mortar man just fires his rifle!

    Also - had a 'zook' team 'Acquire' AT rockets from a jeep. Although there are 4 little rockets icons in the GUI, the ammo is not listed on their side panel.

    They also refuse to fire their AT capability.

    Please help!

  6. Surrender doesn't happen as often as it should, either. Troops running about in the open like headless chickens in front of a couple of tanks and a squad's worth of rifle teams. About 1 in 3 times, the last man surrenders after his team mates have been gunned down. In the same way, just because 'broken' troops often fail to Rout doesn't mean it ain't there.

    Still, you'll never see an enemy unit Rout if it's not spotted, and given its transitory nature, I reckon it'd be easy to miss in your own troops, even in WeGo.

    I tend to know what units I have on the map. If one suddenly disappeared I'm sure I'd know about it.

  7. At present the game discourages the player from putting troops in buildings - their survivability (for a number of reasons) is better in open ground or light trees.


    Did soldiers completely avoid fighting from buildings in the WWII setting?

    If not, then there is something slightly wrong with the current protection offered by buildings in CMBN.

  8. Finding Vierville great fun to play. My front line has almost circled around the entire map like some strange military waltz. I still have to ask my opponent what he thinks, but he did mention that: "this game is deeper than chess ".

    I notice that on the Blitz website both an Axis and an Allied total victory have been achieved, so I imagine it is quite well balanced for H2H.

  9. Thanks so much for also making this for the Mac as well as Windows. Nice not to be forgotten about.

    The chat is an issue as the app doesn't believe there is a dropbox for my H2H games. Does each dropbox folder need to have a specific name? Is there a way I can inform the app of the dropbox folders?

    Also - is the app meant to automatically copy files into the dropbox?

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