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Posts posted by xian

  1. Thanks for the advice siffo, I'll check out the opponent finder sites. Would you recommend one in particular?

    I also have a few other questions if anyone can help. I noted in the instructions that MACs can't use mods, is this still the case? if so, is the H2H Helper compatible with a MAC? Do you use Dropbox in conjunction with H2H Helper or independently?

    Finally, do most people play 'live' via an IP address or are most playing H2Hs via PBEM?

    Apologies for the long list of noob questions, and thanks once again your help is much appreciated.

    Hi, I'm a Mac user too.

    Firstly, isn't it great that CM is back on the Mac!

    Secondly, you can use mods with the Mac version. I have about 30 mods in my 'Z' folder and they all work great. The only downside is that BFC haven't given Mac users a version of 'RezExplode'. This means that Mac users cannot create and package their own mods or un-package third party mods.

    Lastly, I have found some good opponents on the Blitz website. If you ever fancy a PBEM game please get in touch via Blitz. Make sure you use H2HH and Dropbox- so much easier.

  2. Wow - good memory Phil!

    Great Work so far - by far the best game for many years. Actually when I think about it, best game since CMAK.

    FYI my top three game elements that I really miss (not mentioning armour arc):

    1. Flammable terrain and buildings.

    2. Anti-Aircraft Capability

    3. Troops on Tanks

    Is there a chance that any of these will make it into CMBN?

  3. Despite playing with the latest Mac version of CMBN I am still getting some graphical weirdness.

    I've had a tank commander sit on the barrel of his tank's gun, I've also experienced an AT gun crew set up in front of their gun! And here I include an HMG team firing from an odd angle (see image).

    Are PC users also experiencing these glitches?


  4. After playing the game for a few months I have discovered just a few things that I noticeably miss (in order of importance):

    1. Fire. To be able to set fire to buildings and the terrain. I hope that this will be the first major improvement to CMBN.

    2. A hot key to toggle all targets. Sometimes I forget which units I have left with an area fire command, and only discover them after I scroll through every single unit.

    3. To voluntarily abandon an AT gun, and to re-crew it at a later date. Very useful when the sky falls in on your crews.

  5. QB-50 Map is designed as an Axis attk Map. The Red attacker is on the West. All Map setup data conforms to this. So the map is correct and plays properly. That it does not for you and your PBEM Partner is most likely due to one or the others rig. At this time I suspect a small number of PC player are having trouble due to their PC configuration. If the game was started by the PC player then that's where you want to look. BFC is aware of this "side flipping" problem but testers have NOT been able to reproduce it as a bug. There obviously is something going on but it happens only to some machines, sometimes.

    Thanks for your response.

    Okay I get that it is designed as an Axis attk map, and I think I might be being dumb but.... how do I know when I choose a QB PBEM map if it has been purely designed for Axis Attacker? I thought that either the US or the Axis would be placed in the setup zone corresponding to the chosen QB parameters? If not, I'll be more careful with map selection in future.

  6. I don't think you need to follow the tutorial exactly as it is printed. Just have a quick read through and then try out a few of the things in the tutorial missions.

    Once you get the basics of movement you can try out some of the different commands to see how they work out for you.

    CMBN is a game that gets better the more you play.

  7. As the defender I find myself setting up at the edge of the map. My objective is in the middle of the map. I feel silly putting foxholes miles away from the village I should be defending.

    I'm using the latest Mac version of CMBN. My opponent is using a PC.

    I created the QB game. Both the preview and the setup showed my setup zone at the edge of the map. Has this map got it's defence vs attack mixed up or is it every map?


  8. One of the delightful things about Battlefront's Combat Mission games is they are designed with a sense of real enthusiasm, giving them depth and longevity. In the modern video game era these are rare qualities indeed.

    Yes - there are a few little issues (they'll be ironed out I'm sure over then next year or so) - but it truly is a great game and a joy to play.

    Well done BF.

    Mostly playing PBEM at the moment so I must also pay tribute to all my opponents - gentlemen all.

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