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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by xian

  1. I know that AT teams were designed to use their small arms to fire at tanks in an attempt to kill exposed personnel.

    Yet, if there was a choice, I would prefer that AT teams completely lost the ability to fire small arms at armour (whilst they still have AT ammo) and only use their AT weapons instead.

    It would be far more preferable than the current situation where AT teams give their position away whilst out of range of their zooks or schrecks.

  2. Might it be reasonable to give a wounded soldier who is currently being treated by a medic a very slim chance of returning to the 'lightly wounded' state? This might represent those wounded that were perhaps only in shock or whose wounds were not as bad as first thought.

    It would also provide a greater reward for those prepared to risk their troops by sending in medics.

    Too gamey? or reasonable? Thoughts?

  3. I seem to be plagued by tanks that use the 'green text' to show that the gunner is 'aiming' and then 'firing' only to discover that nothing has come out of the barrel and that no ammo has been used.

    I've seen a few tanks (with a blue target line to an enemy vehicle) go through a series of 4 or 5 'aiming' and 'firing' messages per turn and yet just sit there like lemons.

    Do other players experience this? Am I doing something wrong?

  4. I've been pretty much exclusively playing in We-Go format since CMBNs release, but just recently I thought I'd have a bash at RT.

    Wow - it's hard. I can't move my mouse fast enough to keep up with all the action. I don't have a clue as to the status or condition of any of my units and miss a large proportion of important events.

    So. This brings me to two points:

    1) Does anyone have any advice?

    2) Shouldn't there be more overhead (floating) information in RT mode? I remember that CM1 had a lot of options for overhead info - and it wasn't even a RT game.

  5. I downloaded the scenario 'APPLE JAM' by Michael Gonzalez to try out the Real-Time feature of CMBN.

    After spending 10 minutes organising the setup of my Axis forces I apprehensively pressed 'GO'.

    By the time I managed to scan the battlefield to take in the situation the battle had ended and the AAR screen had appeared.

    3 mins and 2 seconds - Total Axis victory. That's got to be a record.

    Very amusing. But, I think I'd better try another scenario.

  6. Do you mean that none of the mods show up? Remember that they load up in alphabetical order. So some mods may overwrite others.

    If no mods are showing it is likely that it is something to do with their file paths or file names. On the Mac version the correct path is (and you need to 'show package contents' on the app to access the correct folders): Contents>Resources>Data>Z

    Best to double-check.

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