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Earl Grey

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Posts posted by Earl Grey

  1. I *think* that source you're citing got a few years on its back by now - I actually have it in my collection a, but would rather see a newer source checked. Sadly, I don't have one (yet), but we should check ALL avaibale sources - errors creep in very quickly and even newer stuff has got a lot of wrong stuff in it from time to time.

  2. Although I had expected a somewhat different poll, I'd say I'm a "Don't-Ddo": Winning is nice, but winning isn't everything. People who always want to win tend to take everthing too serious very soon and completely forget it's just a game.

    And that's the point when you end up having beheaded a good friend of yours with a real sword because he sold a non-existing digital one for real money... sad, but that actually really happened.

    Which is the reason why I don't take winning so serious. Besides, there'S ALWAYS someone better than me, so I'll loose anyway. :D

  3. Weiss jemand, ob man sich da beschweren kann (und obs was bringt)?

    Wissen tue ich's nicht, aber ich würde mich in jedem Fall mal beschweren. Bringen tut's insofern nix, weil der Zoll die Box nicht ersetzen kann, höächstens den monetären Gegenwert. Da aber alle ausverkauft sind, kannst du auch nicht bei BFC einfach nachbestellen/austauschen... Ich freu mich schon wieder auf meine örtlichen Zollbeamten. Die müssen sich sowieso langsam fragen, was ich für ein schräger Vogel bin, dass ich immer so komischen Kram bestelle! :D

  4. It's because our expert modders (from CMx1) are very much responsible for the stock textures to begin with, I'm thinking.

    That, too, yes. MikeyD's working for BFC now, Marco Bergman's been doing stock textures since CMSF, I do stock textures as well. No idea where all the other modders vanished to, but somehow I have a feeling they're all waiting for the Eastern Front...

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