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Everything posted by The_Enigma

  1. hi, all my pc is ok now so ill start sending out my turns again today edit all my turns have been sent and play has recommenced [ February 27, 2005, 09:23 AM: Message edited by: the_enigma ]
  2. i actully forgot what i wanted to type if the answer was yes, i think it was something like this thou? If the germans managed it in 41 without a hell load of trucks, isnt it then possible to say the russian advance in 44 wasnt entirly down to trucks.
  3. just a question here, wasnt the german army in 41 not fully motorised, as in most divisons walked everywhere?
  4. rommels papers seem rather trustworth, esp with Liddell-Hart also proveding info which rommel may have not or skipped over etc. ive also read von lucks memoirs, they feel also legit. so it seems there all not untrustowrthy. btw if you dont trust russian or german accounts how do you know the war in the east happened lol! [ February 23, 2005, 10:12 AM: Message edited by: the_enigma ]
  5. just a quick question here, the americans supplied the russians with something like 100 000 trucks? ( i tihnk it was that, i remember reading that figure somewhere) Is that enough to actully motorise (sp?) the majoirty of there army?
  6. hi all, esp. group 6 guys, the lil bugger of a gfx card i have atm has started playing up again so i have had to stop playing for the momment. The new card has been ordered and will be on teh way morrow, so i should be returning pbem files and starting off highlanders in hell hopefully this weekend when my gfx card arrives ps ill send this message to the group 6 guys later just in case you havnt seen it here.
  7. the 2nd ss panzer korp (9th and 10th panzer division) where in the area, along with several more armoured units (battalions etc) a total it has been stated at 100 tanks and 50+ armoured cars. link At the bridge itself, frosts troops where up agaisnt a panzer company (with tiger tanks), a panzergrenader regiment, SS-Panzer-Aufklärungs-Abteilung 9 (recon something, i dont know what it translates as) as well as several battle groups one of them - Kampfgruppe 'Knaust'was made up of a panzer greandier training battalion and the 6th Panzer Replacement Regiment (8 tanks) Knaust later had tigers attached to it. in the Oosterbeek Sector, sure there was alot of traning units but there was also armour and arty. didnt Fallschirmjäger troops also take part? [ February 22, 2005, 05:42 AM: Message edited by: the_enigma ]
  8. You know, there must be a big market right now for a good WW2 tank sim. I personally wouldn't buy T72, but something with T34's and Panthers would be something else entirely. I hope you're considering it. </font>
  9. n/m [ February 21, 2005, 10:49 AM: Message edited by: the_enigma ]
  10. ok hope this is the right place to post ideas, it seems it and also hope noone else has said this already. so ... heres an idea, pontoon bridges for operations. picture this, axis side has to hold a bridgehead over a a river and hold a bridge. the allied side (assuming this is set in ww2 stil )has to push the axis back over the bridge and cont advaning. The axis will get more troops, enough to mount a credable counterattack in a few battles time with the obj of push the allie's back if they cross the bridge etc. So the axis player can if he wishes to retreat from his bridgehead onto his side of the river if he think he cannot hold it and destoy the bridge with enginners/arty now atm that would probably screw the game over ... stalemate. So in the next battle setup both sides or just one, get the opporunity to create a pontoon bridge, thus for example the allied attack could cont or the axis counterattack could start. etc etc Something like in the setup you cna click somewhere and the bridge would automatically be there for when the battle or the next battle starts? How this would be managed to do and what determine which side or both can be allowed to put one in i havnt got the fogess on, but so far what you think? Anyway i say this because i remember playing some op in cmbo, a canal crossing. My force got massacred in there boats and i wasnt able to sucure a bridgehead by the end of the battle so i was stuck on my side of the canal for a few turns until i dont know or remember why i was able to setup on there side of the canal.
  11. ok hope this is the right place to post ideas, it seems it and also hope noone else has said this already. so ... heres an idea, pontoon bridges for operations. picture this, axis side has to hold a bridgehead over a a river and hold a bridge. the allied side (assuming this is set in ww2 stil )has to push the axis back over the bridge and cont advaning. The axis will get more troops, enough to mount a credable counterattack in a few battles time with the obj of push the allie's back if they cross the bridge etc. So the axis player can if he wishes to retreat from his bridgehead onto his side of the river if he think he cannot hold it and destoy the bridge with enginners/arty now atm that would probably screw the game over ... stalemate. So in the next battle setup both sides or just one, get the opporunity to create a pontoon bridge, thus for example the allied attack could cont or the axis counterattack could start. etc etc Something like in the setup you cna click somewhere and the bridge would automatically be there for when the battle or the next battle starts? How this would be managed to do and what determine which side or both can be allowed to put one in i havnt got the fogess on, but so far what you think? Anyway i say this because i remember playing some op in cmbo, a canal crossing. My force got massacred in there boats and i wasnt able to sucure a bridgehead by the end of the battle so i was stuck on my side of the canal for a few turns until i dont know or remember why i was able to setup on there side of the canal.
  12. lmfao! is the postwhores point above, we should not all be complain/bickering etc etc etc over stuff which as not yet been released? and just for that guy and?
  13. me? well thats because i thought this was my personal gay AOL Instant messenger service
  14. This is the worst post I have ever seen! This forum is not your personal gay AOL Instant messenger service! Just shut up! </font>
  15. I can do anything better. Im going to send you an email to your adress with several maps of Cassino Area and battles. I hope you find them useful. (Aproximately 5Mb attached in 2 emails). On Lycos.com you can get email with up to 5 mb of attachment capacity. Free. Notice me if you have problems with the attachment size. Willy. </font>
  16. from Tarkus mod, we have a picture called 'night air attack before the hitler line' Now am sure ive heard the name of that line before but my memoray fails me. Can anyone tell me where about is it?
  17. thanks for that link Other Means ive went with your one tarkus its well cool.
  18. yes i know, stupid. allways back your bmps etc blah blah well anyway, i replced the splash screen a few weeks back got bored with it now id like the orginal one back ... thinking i had put the orginal files in a folder somewhere which it seems i didnt so ... is there anyway of getting back the following? 11002.bmp 11200.bmp 11201.bmp 11203.bmp 11204.bmp 11212.bmp is it possible to get them off the disk or any where else? or would i have to basically reinstal?
  19. everyone keeps saying that the uk left all there AT weapons in france, am sure we kept producing them didnt we? Also there was alot of flak and arty available could have been used in an AT role couldnt have they?
  20. the reserves are already being sent into action? :eek:
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