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Posts posted by Yskonyn

  1. Although mods are indeed a matter of taste I also find that there are certain 'commonly used' mods which about everyone uses (Juju's trenches and small arms; to name a few).

    It might be a good idea to make such a pack available somewhere, though I am a little concerned about the bandwidth needed for such a hosting action. If I look at my CMBB mod essentials I already have one CD-R filled to the top!

    I use cable, so downloading these monster packs won't be a problem, though I can imagine that someone with dial-up will pull his hair out, not to mention the investment in a server that will host them.

  2. It is a real life conflict sim.

    It's ...uh...just not exactly set in history or presence.

    It is the reality of the future.

    Or sumfink.

    ...stop whining...just wait a couple hundred years and see fer yerself.

    Man oh man, do you really think Space Lobsters are the future of warfare?

    Idiot! Every sensible human being -or martian for that matter- knows that the pink-7-legged-giant-schwubaschil is going to roam the battlefields of the future. *shakes his head in disbelief*

    Just where do you get the nerves to claim DropTeam will be a real-life conflict sim. It's a plain lack of respect to the schwubaschil - ruler of the universe!

    P.S. Now that I think of it... it might even be related to Dschugaschwili. We should keep a close eye on him, my friends! :D

  3. dieseltaylor - In a tournament I would never use the trusted mode smile.gif Actually, I would never use trusted mode with PBEM Helper with someone I don't know, meaning about everyone on the opponent finder lists ;)

    LT - Nice to see the author of the map I am playing scavenging about! ;)

    Indeed you made it quite clear one should get a move on and focus on getting there fast.. early.

    However, Tar has put it in the best possible way: Nobody trusts the briefing and always think some sort of trap has been set! tongue.gif It's really true. So then you always get pressured by a time limit because you continue cautiously...

  4. smile.gif Well, welcome back then smile.gif

    I image that if I were the tank hunter team in real life I wouldn't dare to show myself if 2(!) tanks and a stuart showed up within less than 50 meters from my position, without them being pre-occupied with incoming fire from other units.

    It's a sure way to kill myself and my team.

    Like Loeffe said, create a more comprehensive diversion before letting the tank hunter team go in for the kill(s).

  5. Thank you for your responses, gentlemen.

    I never liked games with timelimits, especially platform games... ;) Luckily CMBB has chance to survive then. LOL

    Seriously though, I do understand the need for agressive recon in many maps in relation to the time limit, but its no use sending your recon troops into the grinder just to find out in time where the enemy is, but I guess that's in close relation to my (absent) (detailed) technical knowledge about the units themselves.

    Dandelion, isn't declining a scenario cosidered gamey or lame if the reason is you think you cannot cope with the time limit?

    Most scenario's are thoroughly tested, right?

    Your statement about choosing scenario's versus QB is a valid one for sure, however in the KOTH tournament we only play scenarios.

  6. I am participating in my very first CMBB tournament (KOTH Prov. Grnds). Made it to Round 2, but in every match I seem to run out of time.

    My advance is slow because I want to cautiously recon the battlefield minimizing casualties is a top priority, especially early in game.

    This, however, results often in having just a few turns left for the final push that will hopefully save the day and capture the points...

    When I have only a few turns left I get the urge to advance and doing dumb things is in close relation to that.

    How do you guys generally cope with the time limit?

    I guess my 'weak knowledge', so to speak, about what units can do what on the battlefield contribute to the problem I've been having.

    I mean I do know the general roles of infantry, AFV and support weapons, but translating that into the game environment (like how far can a unit actually see on the game map, how far can it shoot (be it to supress) across the map) is something I still find quite hard.

  7. I've ordered the complete bundle (CMBB, CMAK, CMBB Strat. Guide and CMAK Comp.) in november, but I've been so busy finding out stuff in CMBB that I haven't had any chance to try CMAK, let alone the scenarios for the Companion. However, I have read parts of the book and every time I started to read it grabbed me so well, time just flew by!

    Great job, will certainly read the whole of it in a short while!

  8. COG I am quite amazed how fast things can go. I've been away from monitoring these forums for like 2 months -in the mean time busy with the KOTH tournament-; done an upgrade to my pc, ready to mod again, but find cmmods.com being down.

    It took only a short while to find out why and I was shocked.

    It's great to see that things are on the better side again and I wish your wife all the best and hope for a quick and sound recovery.

    Take your time, don't rush things to get cmmods.com up and running again. We fully understand your situation. Modding can wait.

    Cheers and keep us posted!

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