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Posts posted by Yskonyn

  1. Eichenbaum, I understand your scepticism towards the new title, but I would refrain from putting these kind of statements on this forum, or any other for that matter until we have solid proof of what CM2x is going to be like.

    You're risking a flame-war here, not with me obviously, but there are enough (mostly younger) people who will cling on to you like a tiger...

    Just wait and see and give Battlefront some credit. They have performed quite well if you look at a lot of other game companies these days.

  2. The thing being mentioned about PBEM-ing really stands for me; I loose the 'swing' if either I or my opponent is only able to send one turn a day.

    I tend to take quite some time to setup my next move, but I loose the general overview of my tactics if I need to wait a day to continue. The one minute action time does very little in most cases and you need at least a few turns to actually take your tactics into action.

    Problem is that many people are outside my timezone by far and TCP/IP mostly isn't an option. It would be nice to have an updated list of people actively playing in Europe, US, Asia, etc. Some actions have been tried to get people to enlist in such a project, but there's not much support. It would be cool if there's some sort of program like Hyperlobby where we could all meet, but I am sorry.. I guess I am straying a bit off topic.

  3. smile.gif Still, I don't like it when you're made quite impossible to fiddle with hardware.

    It's my rig and I tell what goes in at what setting. Not the manufacturer.

    At work we have some Dell computers. Almost all have a very awkward on/off switch setup which result in jammed buttons quite often.

    I decided to open the case and see what's inside, but I was quite surprised to see some kind of large plastic scoop inside. It looked like an air intake under the hood of your car, only this one reached from the CPU to the center of the case.

    I do think it has a similar function; cooling.

    Never saw such a thing before.

    Just to illustrate. smile.gif

  4. Like I said, in my situation everything else seemed to work just fine.

    I could play games, listen to music, download, upload, etc. etc. Only when I tried to do specific file operations like RTPatch powered patches for games, or installation of applications or games I got CRC errors.

    It got me completely baffled at the time, but it turned out to be the RAM chip.

    No harm in checking if its the copy protection, though ;) Any cheap solution is better than having to get a new RAM chip!

  5. Jason - smile.gif yeah you can read from your instructions that they are concise, focused on result, like you give orders in the army, that's why I asked.

    I am a commercial airline pilot and I sometimes get the same question. I never served ('forced serve' for every young guy who became 18 y/o has been scrapped when I was around the age of 16 or so here in Holland), but in our job we give orders as well and this finds its way into social life one way or the other as well! ;)

    *note: not necessarily a bad thing! :D

  6. Maybe another department of cmmods.com ;)

    Maybe Zimrodok should be blackmailed to force him into hosting these monsterpacks.

    He's jumping in for us at the moment anyway, so maybe we should pull the profit out of him! ;)

    But on a more serious note: it might be interesting to ask if BF would be interested in providing Monster Mod Pack CD's for CMBB and CMAK for a decent price, however we might get a better price if we set it up via the community itself.

  7. Indeed. Too bad though that its Dell!

    ;) *ducks*

    No seriously, I'd rather build my own rig than let mister Dell decide what I get for a substantially higher price just because I am reading 'Dell' on the side of it (in Holland anyway). Besides fiddling with it is made quite impossible. Which I agree, is for most a good thing! :D

    Great you are happy with it, man! Ian told you if you would drop in a second 6800 you were ready for 6-12 months.. With this spec without the SLI config I assure you that you are ready for action for the coming two years.

  8. No scratches are not the problem.

    I had the same issue once. RTPatch updaters wouldn't work (CRC errors), Install Shield application wouldn't work (CRC errors), all at random points.

    Everything else seemed to work ok.

    It turned out to be a defective RAM module, so your best guess is to find a replacement module and swap it for either module you have installed until the problem stops, then you know which one it is.

    I can imagine you have damaged the chip while rebuilding your computer. Static electricity is a b|tch.

  9. If software doesn't do the trick, check your memory settings in the BIOS or maybe in the worst case you have a defective DIMM.

    I have almost the same system (P4 2.4Ghz, 1GB RAM, Asus P4P800 mobo and Asus N6600GT vidcard) and don't experience any lockups.

    Are you using the latest v1.008 BIOS from Asus? The current mobo's out of the box are v1.007 and if you already have yours a while chances are its even lower on version numbers.

    What brand is your vidcard?

    Before re-formatting and all that other time consuming crap, try to revert back to your BIOS defaults and see what happens.

    What's your directx version?

    Enough harddisk space available?

    What's the setting of your windows swap file?

    (though these last things are just 'make sure you check them' tips, probably not the reason for your lockups).

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