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Everything posted by scottie

  1. CMx1 when you select a unit it the control panel indicates the cover they are under / terrain there are on. This is useful for finely tuning placement to maximise cover versus viability for example. CMx2 there is no such terrain cover indication that i can see on the control panel other than actually looking at the unit on the map. This is difficult as a SQUARE in not exactly made of one single terrain object. How do CMx2 players deal with knowing if a unit is in cover or not ? , how do you know what terrain there are on ? Thanks Scott
  2. you are right sorry everyone, just read this in the manual. I was using basic training setting, will kickup to VET.
  3. wow this is like watching a fight during school days , seriously though we are all adults here, no need for handbags. Most people on this forum are educated and have an open mind , im sure if your complaints are structured you will get some good responses to your issues.
  4. its a can of worms, as other people have said above , its been discussed before. Would be nice to have the sound contact feature + mis identified unit in CM:N though , nothing like a Tiger popping up out of nowhere to put the fear into opposition troops.
  5. Was thinking of the QUESTION MARK in CMAK. Maybe getting confused actually. In CMAK the ? stays on the map even if the unit has moved off. It will then disappear or be updated to a new location .... CMSF has the DULLED icons , i took this to mean the unit was in this location. Put it this way, was playing TIRDENT VALLEY and when a unit was hidding the ICON appeared to disappear altogether. But i have seen units with DULLED OUT icons too that stay on the map but nobody can appear to target them. (maybe someone could but i just didnt find the correct unit that could see it). So is the logic this: 1) if no unit has eyes on an enemy unit the icon disapears from the map 2) if one unit has eyes on the enemy unit the icon stays on the map but it dulled for all units bar the one unit that has eyes on 3) if a unit has eyes on then the icon is highlighted / bright. So what im saying is that under option 1 the icon appears to disapear. So if the unit crawls away outwith teh visability of the oppnent why not leave the icon on screen with a ? and update it once a fixed location is known. Thinking about this , its more than a state change i guess, if it was easy it would be done.
  6. CMSF is slowly winning me over , its obviously a quality product .... just need to know the rules to play it well. Starting very small is the key.
  7. regarding the marker when a units is was visable and now isnt. How difficult can it be ? CMSF manages changing the colour of the icon if one unit can see it and another cant , isnt no eyes on target just another STATE , i.e nobody can see it , make marker a (?) question mark + remove unit from the map. Ps , granted i dont know your code and im sure BF can explain but from a user perspective it appears much of the work is done.
  8. 1) In CMx1 when an enemy unit disappears from view an ICON is left on screen. This is great , in large scale battles it reminds the user that a threat may exist in this area. Why doesn't CMx2 do this ? Really feel this is missing from game play. 2) Think i saw another post about this but cant find it sorry , its the old SOUND CONTACT icon. Can we expect this in CM:N ? Thanks Scott
  9. Q1 2011 could be March ... oh well. Should probably stop thinking about it / posting for now. Few screen shots would still be nice
  10. thanks, had a look. Shoot n Scoot i understand from CMAK. Blast and Pop n Dismount stickys are good though.
  11. Hmm , ive not been following the history of releases very closely over the last few years so really dont have much of an idea based on previous. Getting to grips with BRITS/MARINES/NATO at the moment , enough to keep me going but finding modern weaponry difficult to deal with in many cases ... the effect being im wishing i was playing Normany in the CMx2 framework instead ... i understand the rules in WW2 .... Tiger V Sherman is a no no , that bazooka wont work atthat range etc ... Im finding BRITS/MARINES/NATO campaigns are too difficult to be enjoyable , campaign start maps as really boring to me, wide open desert spaces. CM:N cannot come soon enough for me unfortuenlty. Will persist with QUICK battle in BRITS/MARINES/NATO with large odds in my favor. I get enjoyment from this and/or BATTLE amendments/editing.
  12. just a quick one, I use ESET NOD32 AV software, when in installing NATO it reported a false positive claiming a BMP file was win32 statik. Sorry didnt take more details BF , download a demo copy of ESET NOD32 and should be easy to test.
  13. that would certainly help. ADSL here, its not great. Not in a cable/fibre area unfortunately. choice is somewhat limited. There is always a leased line at £4000 per year
  14. any bone would be awesome , run out of stuff to read , struggling here BF gives us some news pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese ! ps just purchased the marine/brits/nato bundle to keep me going ...
  15. NATO CM:AFGAN 1.20 patch NATO/BRITS/MARINE bundle has been released : 1) Does this mean CM:SF 1.3.0 patch the main focus of your team ? 2) Once this released is Normandy the main focus ? 3) What is the liklyhood that we will see Normandy released prior to Christmas on a scale of 1 to 10 ? ("1" being impossible , "10" being 100% sure) Understand if you are unable to answer BF .... just thought i would try ... always prefer a quality product of course , its just CM:N is so close now , excitement is building. Thanks Scott
  16. awesome , just spotted this thanks ... thought you would have had it in the news section
  17. Yeah but even vets wouldn't needlessly throw away the lives of his troops. I guess the CMSF new casualty win parameter helps a bit. Not tired a CMSF campaign yet , not sure of the time frame of the battle after battle games. But say battle 1 loses a company commander ... should you going in to the next battle be able to pick a replacement ? in this circumstance surely an in company of battalion replacement would be put i place i.e in the confines of an operation. All im saying is let me pick the guy , would add to the game IMO.
  18. This is why i feel being able to obtain as much information about your troops as possible is important , having the ability to name each squad member , showing kill stats. I helps build a relationship (for want of a better word) between that troop object and the user. Completely understand the argument against in game experience and promotions etc and im not suggesting that. But a half way house would help build that relationship , IMO this really adds to the whole game experience. Makes you care if they get shot !
  19. Excellent, im on Paradox 1.20 so purchasing the MAR/BRIT/NATO bundle means i dont have to purchase and fiddle with the 1.2.1 patch. Thats helpful thank you.
  20. Ah of course you chaps do have a complicated time of it. Thanks for the reply Moon.
  21. thanks for the update. QQ , whats to test out of interest ? why is it any different than installing 3 modules individually ?
  22. your mate has the patience of a saint
  23. excellent , NATO/BRITS/MARINE demo now available ... does this mean the store NATO/BRITS/MARINE bundle is imminent?
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