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Everything posted by Retributar

  1. Build more Axis-Allied Unit's to assist you in preventing/Controlling Partisan agression action. You have Bulgarian, Romanian & Hungarian Allies in that Localized Region..."USE THEM"!. Monitor where the Partisan's Pop-Up...then place an allied unit on that square to prevent future appearance's!.
  2. shawnt63 ...Can you give me an inventory of what you have recieved!, particularily the packages of the unit images,...so list the various sends that you have & if you do not have all of them that i sent you, i will re-send again until you have them all!. Just send me an E-Mail at retributar@hotmail.com
  3. shawnt63!... I have sent another E-Mail to you Entitled...'Improved MAP Pictures & 2 .pdf files where you can blow up the MAP-Size!. In the 'Attachements' box, the 1st 2-files listed are those 2 .pdf MAP files. Save them in a more convenient location for your own need's. Dbl-Clk the .pdf file to activate it, then save a copy of it wherever you want!. NOW!...there's no excuse for not having a good map with which to work with to create a MOD!. You may very-likely need to recruit some professional help from this discussion forum to help you out!. Normal Dude come's to mind at first!,...as he has proven that he is a gifted...very-knowlegeable rising star here. There are Many other's who are excellent as well,...seek their help..."As i really, really...want this MOD to become a Reality!". It would be a shame if it is not created, however to do it, Tolkien Fan's will be of prime importance so as to get the story right in this game so that it reflect's Tolkien's... 'War in Middle Earth'.
  4. A considerable effort 'all-in-all'...no less!. It's mindboggling to think of what work was involved to get as far as you have with this!. We keep watching your progress with continued interest!.
  5. WoW!!!...you seem to have 'Out-Done' yourself on this MOD Kuniworth!. I can't help, but be impressed!. I will presently download and give your MOD a try-out!.
  6. shawnt63... This morning i managed to send you the rest!. Let me know what you need and i'll try to do what i can to get it to you!. Let me know if the SENDS made it through to you allright...in GOOD-CONDITION!.
  7. shawnt63 ... im having tremendous difficulty with MSN live Mail!, so it will take a day or two to try to send you all the pictures and information i have. For example i tried to Re-Do send #3 around 15X and it just F**** up one way or another every time!. So until later, i have had enough!. I will do all i can to send you what i have however i can!. Just please do something with it if you can!.
  8. Were tuned & turned,...'ready to burn' to take those Warsaw Pact forces out...when they 'Full-Scale'_'Accelerated-Assault'...Attack Germany!.
  9. If anyone is interested in making a "War in Middle Earth" MOD, just let me know that you are intersted in this project...and leave an E-Mail Address so that i can then send you what Websites i have, as well as the image's i have for unit's!. http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=59;t=000144;p=1 http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=59;t=000144;p=2 [ March 14, 2007, 11:29 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  10. Your making a good start it seem's n0kn0k ,...however i am interested also in how your going to implement the glider unit's that showed up after the airfield's were taken so as to bring in reinforcement's!. I cannot remember, but were naval amphibious also involved???,...they were in Panzer General!.
  11. A point i missed in my last post was concerning aircraft, for spotting purposes. Fighter's are very good for seeing the positions of enemy units where your ground unit's would normally be unable to visually see them, & Bomber's have even better spotting capability. Using Aircraft for spotting will save you needless losses & as well,...try to eliminate any enemy aircraft that are within your capacity or where-with-all to do so,...as they can see your unit's at least 6 Square's into your lines.
  12. tunatamaker ...1st Bromley's ...point's should be well-taken. Next...if you have the chance/or are able too!, try to use your forces to cut-off [iE: "Supply-Isolate"] Enemy unit's before destroying them as this will permanently remove them from the game board!. You should try to recruit at least 2-3 more Armies, 4 more Corp's [For Occupying Captured Cities] and 1 to 2 extra Armor unit's to start with to add more 'Accelerated Assault Punch' for your Eastern-Front Campaign. Damaged unit's will need to be removed for at least one turn so that they can be repaired!. It look's like most of your unit's have taken near serious damage!,...and so this is where the additional unit's would come into play, those Unit's that i previously mentioned just above,...that if you now had them, they could then be used to help keep the 'Attack-Momentum' going on in the battle, thereby helping to deprive the enemy of the opportunity to Repair-His-Units ,... so that he would now not have much of an opportunity to 'Lick his wound's/repair his unit's' or reconsolidate his position's,... . Disorder, Chaos & Panic will assist in defeating him and inturn allow you a much greater chance to achieve 'Victory'!. Another way to think of this is...to Keep him Off-Balance...and attempt to not let him Regain his Balance!.
  13. The blue line is not player placed, it comes with the game/in the game,...it indicate's shipping routes to supply Germany, Britain, U.S.S.R. or the U.S.!.
  14. The Russians call the Military-Skill to conduct war effectively & efficiently as... "The Operational Art Of War!". Do a web-Search on that topic and see what it tell's you!. You are still a Grass-Hopper at this stage!, it will take you time to hone your skill's at managing all aspect's of your Military-Machine!. Once your expertise improve's, you will find that there is alway's something that you wern't aware of that someone else has brought to your attention!. Yes!, it look's simple to move Chess Piece's/formation's and attack this or that, but the ability to manage what you do have with maximum efficiency is quite another matter!. You will get there quickly with the assistance of all the Arm-Chair-General's here!. Pay attention, and put into practice what these battle-hardened veteran's convey to you, and you will then become an 'Atilla The Hun' in your own right!.
  15. A La' Marche!,...'Tromp!'...'Tromp!'...'Tromp!. Remember Napoleon's old Adage!,...'Morale' is as to 'Numbers',...as 3 is to 1...or so it is supposed to be!. A La' Marche!,...'Tromp!'...'Tromp!'...'Tromp!.
  16. Come out to Plaaayyyy!!!... I want to hurt you 'Mentally' !. I'll take you out at the Knee's and bring you down to my size !. He who laugh's loudest ,...has not yet heard the 'Bad-News'!.
  17. tunatamaker In order to maintain Good Supply Lines, you should not bypass cities for cities deeper in enemy territory. As mentioned, any bypassed cities will always be a threat to you, so you really need to take every city in your path where it is practical to do so!. I usually leave a corps unit to hold a city, however the freshly captured frontline cities should temporarily have more backup support than a single corps unit in a city!. Try to have one or two armies/tank armies within strike range of your most recent aquistions...just in case!. You will have to wait till the supply-efficiency of a city moves up to 40%, usually 10%/turn!. So don't expect your newly aquired city to supply your troop's until 4-turns have passed!. When massing your forces to take a city...stay at least 3 squares, perhap's better to stay away at least 4 squares away from that city, as any closer proximity tends to [in the case of the AI at least] cause that particular city to load-up on massive amounts of troops,...making it difficult to take that city!. Then when all of your units are in position, move in all at once with everything you have so as to not give that city any real chance to repel your attack!.
  18. tunatamaker Did you have a chance to read my previous posting on page 2?,...as i have already covered these topic aspects plus other's that are again being covered here?.
  19. n0kn0k!: A well designed 'Battle for Krete' MOD would be feather in the cap for anyone who would dare to try to really take it on and make it deliver!. Request bitmaps from 'Normal Dude' and other's to fill out your unit requirement's!. Also, put in a request at this discussion topic for what you need!.
  20. Holy Freaking Lightning noknok!!! ...what are you using for a MONITOR?..."I want one too"!!!.
  21. Blashy!,... you are correct about 'Hubert'!,...of course he should use the Anthem that was in use during WW2!.
  22. xwormwood!!!... YOU have a 'Most-Excellent-Idea' there!. It is a shame that SSI is GONE!!!...and that "Hubert" should think about buying the right's!. 'PanzerGeneral' ...still has legions of followers, including myself, and it has many websites catering to the PG2 crowd!. With all the experience and know-how that "Hubert" has with SC & SC2...He would be the 'Perfect' candidate to take over the Legendary PG & PG2 Game-Right's!. Think of how many PG4 Games that he could sell???. YES!, 'Fantasy General' was terrific too!, that game could be updated and improved along with Panzer General !. P.S._ I'd be willing to 'Pay-In-Advance' as-well!. [ March 11, 2007, 11:14 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  23. You Guy's should report your finding's to Microsoft so that this new product of theirs will benefit us Gamer's instead of cheating our need's!.
  24. Great Leaping Lizard's!!!... 'Subterfuge & Sabotage Me!!!'.
  25. Music is just for the intro when the Game loads up!. It's not meant for Music to be played all the time that the Game is running!. In any case, if Music were incorporated into the Game, i would need an option to turn it off, as there are times when i would not want to listen to it or that i need silence...so as not to disrupt anyone else in my vicinity!.
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