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Everything posted by noob

  1. Yes, similar to Han Solos face in TESB, but i would say more Max Headroom than Monty.
  2. While we are on the subject of Aphophenia check out my artwork, this is what i saw in my mind when i went into my local DIY shop and saw these rolls of plain white embossed patterened wallpaper .....................i just had give them depth and colour them in http://morrisminor65.deviantart.com/
  3. I can even make out a top set of teeth and a bottom lip
  4. Wow, that was a good read, it's comforting to find it has a name, im going to get a T-shirt printed saying "I'm a Pareidoliac"
  5. It just jumped out at me one day when i was playing CMAK, but i never bothered making a big deal out of it, but ive revisited CMAK recently and when i saw it again i decided to post it
  6. Well i am an artist so i guess thats why Just tell me whether you too see a face or not.
  7. I have posted a new image pointing out the features.
  8. There seems to be some doubt about my sanity regarding the face i can see on the side of the Lee Grant tank on the menu screen of CMAK, so in this picture i have pointed out the features, i can do no more
  9. This is interesting, it must be like one of those Jungian visual tests, you can only see it if a particular brain function is more differentiated than another.
  10. Anyone else notice the screaming face on the side of the Lee / Grant tank menu screen picture from CMAK.
  11. This was the first computer game i ever played that had a two player hot seat with fog of war capability, a unit parameter info screen, booby traps, opportunity fire and an active enviroment that could suffer and inflict collateral damage (see 3:45 where a missed laser bolt ignites oxygen bottles destroying everything in one big chain reaction) Then for 3D battle chess it was Hogs of War, even though it looked and sounded silly the tactics were complex forcing you to think many moves ahead and get your opening moves right, for example one scenario gave the advantage to the first player to get and use a jet pack to gain the high ground and access to a howitzer
  12. Yes, and the proof is that there is a real man in it.
  13. I think this picture will fianlly put this thread to rest !
  14. I've gone beyond indicating and i am now desperately waving so count me in !!!
  15. How dare you come on this forum being polite and friendly, are you one of those trolls i hear about !!!
  16. LOL !!! .......and might i add, the adrenalin rush one gets when receiving the video file of that pivotal turn should be illegal !!!
  17. So if you admit there are unbalanced scenarios how do you know who is the more experienced player ? What if these great gurus of CM dont play in it, there were only 8 players in the SF first round, where any of them CM gurus ? It's a bad way of doing it in my opinion, dont skew the tournament so bad players can beat good players, just create a level playing field and let the best player win.
  18. I see my name is on the list, i'm touched......on a regular basis. I'd be honoured to participate in a tournament that i am involved in.
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