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Everything posted by bartbert

  1. I assume that when you say, "auto-resolve", you mean the AI should play both sides and figure out who won the mission? I suppose that is possible, but I'm just curious as to why you would want to do that. I don't mean that in any negative kind of way. I'm truly curious because it's not something that ever ocurred to me. After all, campaigns don't have to be completed all in one sitting, so you can play a mission here and there over the course of a few days. Is it that you enjoy making the higher level strategic decisions, and would just as soon let the AI game the lower level details, or is this just a case of the "microwave syndrome" (i.e., people want everything done faster)?
  2. Actually, mission duration is not always 6 turns. Missions involving Light Bombers will vary between 4 to 6 turns. Missions involving Medium Bombers will vary between 5 to 6 turns, and missions involving Heavy Bombers will always be 6 turns. We will undoubtedly being doing more with campaigns as time goes on. We see a lot of potential for large campaigns.
  3. The most concise definition of the conditions for awarding medals is a spreadsheet that we put together, but I don't know how we would make that available. Dan, do you have any ideas?
  4. It's hard to say precisely how many missions will make up a campaign. The Daylight 1944 campaign has 8 turns and 7 regions that can be fought over each turn. Theoretically, the campaign could require 56 missions if both sides contested every area on every turn. Realistically, you might see 3 or 4 areas contested each turn, so you might be looking at 24 to 32 missions for the entire campaign. Fortunately, you don't have to finish them all in one sitting. That Battle of Britain has 5 turns and 5 regions. The Solomons has 4 turns and 5 regions. Singapore and Dunkirk both have 3 turns and 2 regions.
  5. bartbert


    Well, since he didn't even seem to know about the Me-262 aircraft that everyone else has been having so much fun with, I thought it best not to taunt him about the Midway campaign. Woohoo! I get promoted to Lead Programmer!? Dan, does this mean I get a raise?
  6. bartbert


    We haven't set a date for release yet. I can tell you that SOMETHING will be released around November 7. If the Midway campaign has been tested to our satisfaction by November 7, then we will release it then. If not, we'll release the Ki-102 Randy aircraft on November 7, and the Midway campaign will come out a couple weeks after that.
  7. I'm impressed with how close the tournament points are right now. Looks like it could be a real nail-biter.
  8. Glad to hear that you are both enjoying the game. I don't think I even have a chance of getting my son to look at the game unless I can get it to run on the XBox. Your son can certainly create his own account on the web site, and if he logs into the Lobby using that account, then he will have his own set of pilots, etc.
  9. Ok. I found the problem for why Turbocharger wasn't showing up in the preview screen. It will be fixed in the next update. Thanks for catching that.
  10. I implemented a change on the server this morning which should provide more variety in the types of AI opponents you face. Hopefully, it's an improvement, but I'm sure you guys will let me know one way or the other.
  11. Glad to hear you're enjoying the game. Any positive word of mouth is also much appreciated. I'm sure there are guys here and online who can give you a few tips on how to deal with the "bots from hell". Good luck!
  12. 1. In determining who won a Patrol mission, each destroyed aircraft is worth 2 points, and each damaged aircraft is worth 1 point. Whichever side has the higher point total wins the Patrol. If it is tied, neither side should get the points. It may be that you each shot down 1 aircraft, but maybe you also damaged one of his as well, and that's why you were awarded the VP's. 2. Every target has two values on it. The higher number is the number of bomb points required to destroy the target. It is also the number of VP's awarded to the ATTACKER if he succeeds in destroying the target. The lower number is number of bomb points required to damage the target. It is also the number of VP's awarded to the DEFENDER if the target is undamaged (ie, the number of bomb points is less than the damage level). If the number of bomb points is greater than or equal to the damage level, but less than the destroy level, then nobody gets any VP's. In your case, the target was undamged, so you got the lower value of 2, which was then doubled to 4 because your were the British.
  13. If you go to the "Help" menu, and select the "Check for updates" option, it should check to see whether the files on your computer match the files available for download.
  14. bartbert


    Hold the "Alt" key down and then press the "Print Screen" key. The will copy a screen shot of the active window to the clip board. Open up Paint, or Word and do a "Paste". You should see the image appear, and then you can save it.
  15. Send an e-mail to difadmin@battlefront.com with your player ID and pilot name, and I'll fix it.
  16. The new Bf-109B animations were put out for download earlier this morning, so you can pull them down anytime.
  17. And as MantaRay mentioned, we are also working on new campaigns. The next one out of the chute will be Midway. This one will introduce a couple of new features as well. To simulate the uncertainty of carrier warfare, there will be "Unknown" targets. Basically, when you allocate your pilots, some regions on the map may have a question mark. After both players have allocated their pilots, the "Unknown" target is replaced by the actual target.
  18. Well, I keep a bottle of Visine handy, so my eyes aren't bleeding yet. But there's also a bunch of spreadsheet data and code to look over, so I have to keep a bottle of Advil handy as well. I'll try running a few 14-point pilots and see what kind of bots get generated.
  19. We are actively working on improving the AI so that we don't have to rely quite so much on "brute force". As you might imagine, this is a non-trivial task. Good human players evaluate all kinds of factors and are planning things out a couple of turns in advance much like good chess players. Coming up with good AI routines to approximate this kind of play is not easy, but we have a very sharp guy (who you know) working on it. Just out of curiosity, what level of pilots are you flying right now?
  20. Basically, the gunner on the 110 has a 1-burst capability, so it can use any card that is a single burst, regardless of whether it is an IMS or an OTS. There is a lot of abstraction in the game, so not everything can be taken literally. "Out of the Sun" could just mean any unexpected fire, coming out of a cloud bank, lucky shot, etc.
  21. We can also setup discussion forums on the DiF-website that is available ONLY to the tournament participants. We could even setup a discussion forum for just the British and one for just the Japanese participants.
  22. I'm sure MantaRay means that in the friendliest sort of way.
  23. That's the way it works in local games, but in online games, we would have to keep track of when everybody in the game has clicked the preview screen. Then we would probaby have players asking why the game doesn't start when they click the preview screen.
  24. I assume you're referring to the case when the "Target Pilot" skill kicks in?
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