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Everything posted by bartbert

  1. Dan will have to answer for the logic, but all I can tell you is that's the way it worked in the original card game, and so it got carried forward into the computer game.
  2. Nope. No changes to the card drawing logic. We give the bot pilots some extra skills to compensate for their less than intelligent play, and we're always trying to figure out ways of making them player smarter, but we have never put in code that allows them to cheat by drawing specific cards or looking at player's hands.
  3. That used to be the case several months back, but we made it a little bit easier. Right now, there is a base 20% chance of getting an ED. If you shoot at least one opponent down during the mission, your chances improve to 33%.
  4. Not much I can do to fix your campaign, but I looked into it and found that there was a problem with the way one of the targets in the Malta campaign was configured. I have resolved that problem so it shouldn't happen in the future. Sorry about that.
  5. The chance of an unsafe bailout is set at 30%, so even without an ED, you should be safe 70% of the time. Either something has gone wrong with the randomizer or you have been incredibly unlucky. There have been no changes in that part of the game in the recent updates, and the randomizer is the same one that has always been used (and isn't something I have much control over since it is built into .NET). I can try running some tests on the part of the code to see if it is producing skewed results.
  6. The fatigue got reset back to zero because of the changes in the way fatigue works. You guys with high level pilots are well aware that in the previous fatigue system, just flying a mission resulted in acquiring 100 to 200 points of fatigue. If I didn't reset fatigue back to zero, you would only regain those fatigue points back at the rate of 9 points per mission. Somehow, I didn't think you would be happy about that. So, for this particular update, everyone got their fatigue points reset.
  7. We were just trying to see if anyone was paying attention. You passed the test! The spelling has been fixed.
  8. I just played two games (1 local and 1 online) with all the sound turned off. For me, the sound stayed off the entire time, except once when a plane got shot down I heard the explosion. Then at the end of each game I heard the radio play. Not an exhaustive test, but that's what I got.
  9. The X-mas bundle is ready for download. Have fun!
  10. When you say "about the 2nd or 3rd round...", do you mean by the 2nd or 3rd turn within one game, or do you mean that after the 2nd or 3rd game that you play? Also, do all the sounds kick back in? Just pilot voices? Just aircraft sound effects? Just background sound? Some combination?
  11. I was going to remove it from the list of skills that can be purchased, and make it one of the skills that gets "awarded" at the end of a mission for use the next time that pilot flies. That enhancement is still a few weeks away, but I don't have a problem with removing it from the list for now, since it's going away eventually anyway.
  12. Sounds like a bug in the "Eagle Eye" skill. The AI interceptor must have gotten "advantaged" on the bomber using the skill. That would explain why you couldn't target him. That will be fixed in the upcoming release as well.
  13. I think that it could be put out as an update, but Martin would know for sure.
  14. You're welcome. And thanks for the words of encouragement. Down in Flames was really designed to be a perpetual work-in-progress (at least, as long as the player support is there). In order for us to set our priorities for that work, we have to stay involved and listen to the players. We obviously can't implement every suggestion, but when we hear something repeated by multiple players, we try to figure out a way to fold that into our plans.
  15. It's kind of related. The issue you brought up was that you couldn't even see certain games that players created, so you couldn't even try to join the game. I got that problem fixed on the server, but now that you can see the games and try to join, the pilots that you have to choose from are very restricted when the point value of the game is low. Fixing the problem will require a new download, which will be available later this week.
  16. Good point, I'll have a fix for that in the "x-mas bundle" update.
  17. That sounds pretty high alright. I'm not sure what might have happened there, but I see that Snoopy is down to only 26 fatigue points already, so he seems to have recovered quickly. One other change that will be in the "x-mas bundle" is a reworked fatigue system. It will work as follows: When your pilots fly a mission, your pilots (both leader and wingman) will receive 9 fatigue points (Level 1). If a pilot was damaged during the mission, he will receive an additional 9 fatigue points (Level 2). If a pilot was shot down during the mission, he will receive an additional 18 fatigue points (Level 4). All the other pilots of the same nationality will recover 9 fatigue points at the end of the mission. If you have the "Iron Nerves" skill, you receive 9 fewer fatigue points per mission than would otherwise be the case. So if you got shot down, you would receive only 27 fatigue points instead of 36.
  18. Somebody posted this cheat sheet awhile ago. http://home.comcast.net/~jaguarusf/dif_card_matrix.xls [ December 17, 2005, 12:25 PM: Message edited by: bartbert ]
  19. By the way, a special "Thank you" to Ray Ardry (a.k.a. "Sixxkiller") for researching, loading the data and heading up the play testing on all of the campaigns being released in this x-mas bundle. Ray was ably assisted in testing the new campaigns by Ron Alderdice (a.k.a. "Zonso") and John Mistura (a.k.a. "Mistura"). Thanks guys, for helping to make this possible.
  20. I can't log in either, so something is up with the server. I have alerted the system administrator to take a look.
  21. Must be something that got introduced with the last set of changes regarding how pilots are matched up on skills. I'll look into it.
  22. bartbert

    Game hangs

    Yes, that will definitely be the case.
  23. The current program logic tries to match teams up based on nationality. So if the person who created the game used British pilots, then it would try to team him up with another British pilot. Failing that, it would try to match him up with an Allied pilot, and if all else fails, it just does an odd-even matchup. I can adjust how close the point values have to be in order to join a game, but it can be tough to find the right balance. If I make it too loose, then you can end up with some really mismatched games. If I make it too tight, then it becomes almost impossible to find an opponent.
  24. bartbert

    Game hangs

    We've actually been thinking about changing the way fatigue works so that it's more like in campaign games. It would work something like this: Every 9 points of fatigue is equivalent to another fatigue level, which has some additional negative effect associated with it. We could do something like the following: 1. Everytime a pilot flies a mission, he gets 9 points of fatigue (level 1) 2. If he is damaged during the mission, he gets an additional 9 points (which puts him at level 2) 3. If he is shot down during the mission, he gets an additional 18 points (which puts him at level 4) 4. At the end of the mission, every other pilot of the same nationality recovers 9 points of fatigue.
  25. Just to make sure it's not something simple, did you click the "Refresh" button a couple of times to see if the game showed up?
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