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Dan Verssen

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Everything posted by Dan Verssen

  1. The new site looks great! I poked around a bit, the only links that didn't work were the ones in "Official Sites".
  2. Yes, the Spoil Aim reduces their Bursts by one, but not their Gunner Bursts.
  3. Ron, Thank you! I look forward to seeing you in the virtual skies.
  4. I went out and bought the magazine today. They did a great job of covering the game! A very nice review and a page and a half of Solomons after action report. They did make the point of wanting to see more of the game's 'guts' revealed, like the exact calculations for Fatigue and such. That might be a good point.
  5. My guess is the datafile for your campaign got messed up during those errors. Brian might be able to fix it.
  6. I emailed with one person who was using a Window's emulator on his Mac. He said DIF ran without problem.
  7. Dan Verssen


    In case you're wondering why your F-14s keeping getting shot-down... we just added the F-22s.
  8. Dan Verssen


    There are good points and bad points to the title change of "Lead Programmer". The good point is a cooler title. The bad point is, it isnt really some much of a pay 'raise', as a pay 'adjustment'.
  9. The updated Bf-109B is ready and should be seen flying around soon. The Spitfire has just started the animation process and while it was going through that, I wanted to get feedback on the Randy, that way it would be ready to go. For the Spitfire, I'll add the white into the wing roundels and that should do it.
  10. Here's a preview of the Ki.102 Randy... http://talk.consimworld.com/WebX?13@181.JduFbBvmwlo.146761@.1dd08621/327
  11. Are you sure about the yellow on the wing roundels? From what I can see it looks like they used the yellow on the fuselage but not on the wings. It looks like the early wing roundels were just red and blue. Any ideas? I see what you mean about the spinner needing to be more blunt. I'll what I can do with the canopy.
  12. The next plane to be updated is the Spitfire I. Here is the preview link... http://talk.consimworld.com/WebX?13@181.zZofbU9bvO5.981048@.1dd0c5ab/66
  13. Apologies for editing your post. I removed the emails. I would say that listing the match-ups is great, but keep all the email addresses contained to private emails between participating players.
  14. At present, it is meant to keep players on their toes when someone enters a battle with this skill. As time goes by, we will introduce new game rewards and affects that tie into this skill.
  15. Okay then, I think we're about ready to begin making new animations for the 109B.
  16. Wingtips flattened... http://talk.consimworld.com/WebX?13@181.Itm4bTPMv2o.343627@.1dd0c5ab/61
  17. I've enlarged the intake a bit. The smoothing of the polys gets taken care of when the images get reduced. I am posting them at 600x600. In the game they are 200x200. I'll take a look at the wingtips.
  18. Revised spinner and side air scoop removed... http://talk.consimworld.com/WebX?13@181.KqQPbAzsvGc.283272@.1dd08621/308
  19. I'm thinking the spinner should be more cone-shaped and less rounded?
  20. I've posted some updated shots of the Bf-109B... http://talk.consimworld.com/WebX?13@181.TlEEbACkvcd.189648@.1dd08621/307
  21. We'll need to get input from people who might have more information on this. From what I have researched about the battle, the only place that was mentioned as being out of 109 range was the southwestern part of Great Britain.
  22. As time goes by we'll not only be adding new planes, but also going back and revising the existing planes. Here is a preview of the Bf109B that I am working on. Changes: - Spinner - Air Intake - Wing Tips - Paint Job - Tail Struts http://talk.consimworld.com/WebX?13@181.rZOcbMXjuOQ.807942@.1dd08621/305
  23. I've looked at the animations, and I haven't seen the mystery hole. Anyone else?
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